Glasses optional
Name ↑ Class Rarity Useful? Notes

Mauser C96 Mod

Mauser C96 Mod
Handgun ★★★★ Good with MGs at night

With the changes to flare skill she's actually usable with MGs at night. Flares work like PEQs now, which actually allows MGs to function at night. With MICA being the way they are, this could prove pretty helpful if they ever decided to release new content.


Handgun Special Trophy Raifu

Imagine how bad Noel was at her lowest point in her own series. ...Now imagine its worse.

Somehow arguably less useful than P7 who has similar tiles, and her skill is kind of awful. She's a perfect storm of not being particularly good at any 1 thing while also not being really acceptable at any of them. Also she jumps forward during her skill.

This can have unexpectedly bad effects on enemy positioning sometimes, including units... uh.. simply walking past her, to the map edge, which makes you lose. There are arguably some scenarios where she's useful, but those are... niche to the extreme and honestly if you're one of the people who CAN pull those off, you dont need me to explain anything to you.

Norinco NZ75

Norinco NZ75
Handgun ★★★★★ Core fodder

Another fucking CZ-75 clone, this time from China. Unfortunately for her, her buffs and skill are all over the place, and most of the time you're better off with a more focused HG – Type-92 gives you a lot more dodge and not significantly lower DPS, Grizzly gives you a whole fucking lot more DPS, Welrod is a better debuffer, etc.

Norinco QSZ-92

Norinco QSZ-92
Handgun ★★★ Niche uses

AKA Type-92.

High coverage (basically every tile around her) and has a really high evade buff. I'm not sure what you'd use her for these days, but that's really the only thing she has going for her anymore, even if it's no longer used


Handgun ★★★★★ Weirdo but useful if you need stuns

Calico and Thunder's lovechild. Also kinda slutty because French. Boasts a weird AoE attack that, amazingly, stuns stuff. The stun is better if there's multiple targets in the AoE, but worse vs. a single target. The damage isn't great (6x multiplier + not super high FP) but you mostly want the stun and the damage is a bonus.

Note that the stun's effective area is actually not as wide as a normal stun grenade because it's a narrow vertical strip rather than a normal radius. Also, it won't stun anything a regular flashbang won't already stun.


Handgun ★★★ Trophy Raifu

....She has tank stats on a handgun with buff tiles that want her in the back. I'm not entirely sure why anyone thought this was a good idea.


Handgun ★★★ A knife you tried to bring to a gun fight

The damage from her skill isn't horrible, but let's be frank, 99% of you won't have reason to use her, and she's more of a meme than a real combatant.

Rex Zero 1

Rex Zero 1
Handgun ★★★★ P22 but 4 star and with opposite side tiles.

Another of those HGs that buff based on leadership position, with the Squad Lead getting an alright shield and everyone else getting an FP boost (as opposed to P22 which is positional based). Sometimes you might need that mix. If you do, there you go. Else, she's basically a slightly off-brand P22.


Handgun ★★★★ Niche uses

+90% Acc Buff aura at 5-links. Also has a +damage up but that's just icing on the weird, underwater-themed cake. With NV equipment, allows you to completely destroy scouts in night battles if you're actually desperate for that. Normally not a buff I recommend, but she actually gives a lot of it so if you're wanting an actual acc buffer, she'll be 1 of the ones you want. Not as important anymore since there will be other sources of acc boost, but... sometimes you might want something?

Sei Asagiri

Sei Asagiri
Handgun Special Niche uses

Everyone's favourite White Knight! (Unless you like Tim better, you weirdo.) Same tiles as Grizzly (literally the same), but with a defensive skill instead of an offensive one. She only shields Shotgun, SMG and HG dolls so it isn't full coverage (unless you're an all HG team anyway), but the ability to shield something like KSG is nice. Her shield actually scales based on how damaged a unit she's shielding is, but the exact formula remains a mystery (less HP = more shield though).

Serdyukov SPS

Serdyukov SPS
Handgun ★★★ Usable

3* equivalent of Colt SAA. Useful if you're short on REAL AMERICAN GUNS, but given that SAA is easier to get, probably more a trophy raifu.

Sig Sauer P226

Sig Sauer P226
Handgun ★★★ Basically a Worse Spitfire

The doll is basically Spitfire with slightly different buff tile layout/focus (less FP, more Acc). Frankly, she's really boring statwise and enemy RoF reduction is usually worse than FP reduction (which is good for armor/shield tanking) or acc reduction (Which is good for Eva tanking) and the Spitfire entry has the rest of my thoughts on that.

She thinks of herself as an elite doll, due to the P226's previous adoption by the US Navy SEALs (hence the Seal she has with her) and has a bit of a rivalry with M9, claiming she should absolutely be the more popular one. More info on the notes.


Handgun ★★★ Nice for killing things you shouldn't kill

One of the best login dolls, although not one you'll regularly use. Her skill gives a massive 40% FP debuff to enemies, making her a choice pick for doing things you're really not supposed to be doing. Combine with another FP debuff for better uptime to make it extra spicy.

Keep in mind that her skill works best at night.

Thompson/Center Contender

Thompson/Center Contender
Handgun ★★★★★ Recommended

She has some of the highest damage and crit buffs in the game, with the best possible tiles ("All around her"), and her skill allows her to override the targeting logic of most other dolls¹, making them focus their fire some, very unlucky fucker (boss if present, otherwise furthest/highest HP/nearest enemy, depending on whether Contender is back/middle/front row). Oh and the skill doesn't wait until impact - the bonuses kicks in as soon as the shot leaves the muzzle. She also can equip AP ammo, which doesn't come up much, but there's a few fights later where this is immensely valuable and if you're using a HG vs armour at night, well... you know. Did I mention she has 40% base crit? She does.

Triple Action Thunder

Triple Action Thunder
Handgun ★★★★ Tragic, just like her life up to now

More famous for suicide memes and her ship with Calico than actually being used. I really want to like her, but she has a few glaring flaws that drag her down more than all her emotional baggage already does.

Her skill, while packing way more multiplier than any other skillshot (12x!) AND also boasting an impressive 46 Firepower on a handgun, suffers from being able to miss (uses standard acc formula). Now, 57 hit is enough for most applications most of the time and she can equip PEQs at night to deal with that, and she reloads extra fast if she misses, but it's simply not as good as many other skillshots that have ZERO chance to miss to begin with. It does at least, come online very fast at 4 seconds.

Next, while the tilebuff itself is impressive, the shape is... not suited for most applications, pretty much forcing her to be in the 5 position to get much real use out of it unless you're buffing something at 4. Having her in that position wouldn't be so bad if she didn't ALSO have the worst Eva stat of any HG, so know what you're getting into.

She isn't the worst HG in the game, but there's so many better choices for most roles that you would put her in that most simply don't have a real reason to resort to using her.

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