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Heckler & Koch G36 Mod

Heckler & Koch G36 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good

Modded version of G36

Distraught by the loss of her braid, she gets over it and discovers the TRUE maid was inside her all along. Or something like that.

Her stats are boosted a fair bit and the %s on her skill get a boost to 5 star levels. At mod 2, she gets a rider on her skill that boosts the Evade of stuff in her tiles, and also boosts her own RoF by 10% for every unit standing in her tiles (Max 2, yes it stacks multiplicatively). Yes, tile fuckery applies.

She does have the problem though that to fully make use of this skill, she needs units standing in the tiles, which weakens her flexibility a bit. Totally still fine for going gung ho and just blazing away in a static formation or if you can keep the formation such that stuff remains standing in the tiles though. Her performance is generally a bee's dick below that of AN94 (and makes a good match for AK12) in general use, but beats the Russians vs armored enemies.

Like any good HK product though, she's pretty expensive, so make sure you're sure about the investment and you have nothing else more important to work on (like AR team). Still, if you like the maid, definitely a thing to look at.

Technically has a combo thingy with Springfield, but it falls under "I guess it exists?" Yeah, I dunno what they were thinking.

M4A1 Mod

M4A1 Mod

After literally years, M4 demonstrates WHY SHE IS THE HEROINE and becomes METAL GEAR.

She keeps all her old benefits but has 5 star multipliers and better stats now. This gets even better when Mod3 when she gets a unique that ups her firepower and ALSO gives her armour, so she can kinda tank in a pinch. Her buff tiles are ALSO slightly improved. Her mod 2 skill also tags enemies and enhances the mod skills of other Anti-Rain units.

The big thing however is the desperation mode. At mod2 onward, when 3 or fewer allied dolls are in battle (you can retreat 2 units to force this, or simply deploy her with a partial strength echelon), she pulls out the portable cannon and proceeds to deal hilarious damage that makes grenadiers wet their pants, as huge AoE blasts firing from every dummy. The blasts are kinda 100% accurate (the main hit can never miss, even at night, but the splash damage can. Its weird), and can partly crit (its complicated), and is meant to be a last ditch thing to save a fight under dire circumstances (of course, we instead abuse it). This is however, a doubled edged sword, as her RoF also goes down, so its possible for some enemies to slip by if you havent taken this into account.

Basically, Mod her first. She's pretty much priority #1 for modding.

Spikes Tactical AR-15 Mod

Spikes Tactical AR-15 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ If you don't use her, you are wrong

The pinkhaired tryhard who is absolutely every bit as good as she says she is. 1 of the best sustained DPS ARs in the game, and can actually hit the RoF cap on her own. She can actually outDPS OTs-14 and 9A91 at night against up to moderately armoured opponents (moderate. Dont try to send her vs Hydras)

As a bonus, her mod skill ups her DPS some more by making her pull out ANOTHER gun and throwing extra attacks that do a % of her main damage, with more damage if paired with M4Mod.

Her mod skill however, does look absolutely retarded unless you're in her mod 3 form. Normally she's supposed to pull out another gun, but since her school skin and base sprite dont have that animation, she instead fires from her scope.


Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Pretty much the best straight Grenadier

If you're looking for an 8s Grenadier, well, she was always a very strong choice, and now she's pretty much almost the default one for most circumstances by sheer stats and having the 2 accessory slots. Improved Grenade performance (not that most enemies will notice) and bonus MIRVs on top of that. She does get bonuses with M4, but due to the fact M4's marks affect her targeting (and potentially are buggy with her MIRVs), using her with M4 is not always ideal.

Aside from that, it's the same old SOP, but with a unique equipment (thats pretty much just an improved Eotech) and bigger numbers.

Heckler & Koch G3 Mod

Heckler & Koch G3 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★ Technically better than HK416, but manages to be even MORE expensive.

Is it just me, or are her tits getting bigger with every new incarnation of her art?

There was a time when there was interest because her stun grenade was buggy as fuck and froze (not stunned, FROZE) bosses. This was a bug, and fixed. There was a time when there was interest because she had one of the strongest grenades between her new multipliers and equipment. SOPMOD3 came out on EN before she did, so this isn't relevant on the EN server.

Her stun is basically useless. Even at max level, it's shorter than the level 1 stun grenades of the flashbang smgs, but her grenade damage is fine. TOO BAD IT NEEDS THEM TO BE BELOW 50% HP, at which point you probably could have killed them with a different unit.

Basically she's a not-awful Grenadier if you need one for a specific task (like say, corpse dragging), but she's got that H&K price tag (too expensive for what she does) and SOPMOD3 exists as a much better choice to pour fragments into.

AS Val Mod

AS Val Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Proof that a good mod can save anything

The Night Royalty have been dethroned, and As Val Mod is the people's commissar of night battles. She's the new top night AR, dethroning Groza. So long as you keep the FP buffs rolling, she cant miss. This counts herself, fairies, and HG buffs; she will proc from most sources. Extremely good compatibility with Python and Nagant revolver, who provide basically constant FP buffs. For some setups (any that let her get a fairly steady stream of FP buffs), she can get basically constant uptime. This means like AR-15, she can run crit scopes at night, which adds even more to her damage.

Also like AR-15, she's a jerk whose last point of damage comes at lvl120, so you'll want to max her out. her special equipment being just a better HV round with no downside is merely icing on the People's Cake.

By the way, her skill works during the day too.

Her original page can be found here.

Heckler & Koch HK416 Mod

Heckler & Koch HK416 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★★★ She's still insufferable but she's actually good now

It's a shame she has voice lines now, since the best part about her mod was shutting up her annoying voice. But alas, you'll probably be hearing it, because unlike her basically not-worth-the-effort base form, this one is actually decent. The big change is the six second ICD, which lets her fire grenades within the lifetime of many fights in a meaningful way, unlike most other grenadiers.

This ironically makes her useless for Chapter 11 farming, but thankfully she's good for Chapter 12 farming.

The grenade itself is buffed somewhat, and the ICD also makes her a bit more stable than SOP for some fights (SOP retains the problem of "You need the enemy to still be worth hitting with grenades 8 seconds in"). Overall, decent grenadier that you'll likely use a fair bit for farming and events, helped by 416 playing a big role in a lot of event maps and thus getting stat buffed.

Oh, and get her equip when you can. it isn't stellar, but it beats the hell out of a frame that doesn't contribute to DPS.

i can't believe her fucking name is clukay

Her previous iteration can be found at this page

Galil Mod

Galil Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★ An answer in search of a question that nobody asked

All the accuracy ever. There's not very much practical use for it still, but she converts excess accuracy to crit now. This does not push her damage up beyond the really good ARs, but some of you might get creative with it.

G11 Mod

G11 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★★★ Red Bull gives you buffs.

Finally adjusted so she can stop being perpetually narcoleptic (sort of) through the power of energy drinks. She was already a decent AR whose weakness was that she couldn't hurt armor. Well, they solved the armor problem by doing percentage-based damage. Her damage is still affected by armor, but often she'll just do enough damage that you won't care anyway and can contribute to the fight regardless. She still has the issue of the poor uptime due to her long skill cooldown, but you should be smart enough to deal with that.

United States Pistol, Caliber .45, M1911 MOD

United States Pistol, Caliber .45, M1911 MOD
Handgun ★★★★ Early Trash Cleaner

Modded version of M1911

A really expensive trash cleaner.

Basically when she pops smoke, she then goes Alvin York and blasts away 7 times for extra damage, hitting the farthest enemy and working her way closer to the front with every shot. If there are no closer enemies, she just keeps shooting that one until someone else has gotten closer (either because its dead and thus a new thing is closer, or something ran ahead of it).

Note that while the skill has an ICD of 1 second, she doesn't actually start blasting away until 3 seconds in due to the throw animation.

Colt Single Action Army Mod

Colt Single Action Army Mod
Handgun ★★★★★ You're pretty good! *fingergun*

"Yay, we can all clear singularity now!" Oh wait... :V Fucking Ceia, I swear...

Yeah, she's a little over-hyped, but she's actually a fairly solid unit. A stacking buff every few seconds? Not bad at all. This allows her to buff firepower, accuracy and rate of fire all at once. Her main issue is it takes a few seconds for her skills to REALLY kick in, but she's great for the longer fights that start creeping up here and there, and for things like backing up M4 in her railgun mode. Not super necessary compared to before now that we have lots of buffing HGs, but she's handy for things like ranking maps.

Another fun thing about this mod you might not know is that the passive 2nd skill automatically activates on a cooldown that you can't see, so rifle tile buffs (which speed up handgun cooldowns) make this activate faster.

Her Mod 3 equipment is kinda pointless for her role, though, so unless you like the art or have bad OCD, she's fine at Mod 2.

M1895 Nagant Revolver Mod

M1895 Nagant Revolver Mod
Handgun ★★★★ Those who disagree with her get shot. (Funny specialist, but good)

Babushka says not one step backward. Every seventh shot, she gives a damage bonus! Also, the thing starts active, making her one of very few buffers with a start-of-battle skill activation. Her first skill is still defensive in nature, and the percentages got bigger. She's actually useful in a number of situations, either for reducing enemy firepower in specific fights (usually Gundam or tank related) or just the straight DPS boost from the get-go. You only really need her up to Mod 2, but the Mod 3 art is cute.

Her pre mod form is here

MP446 Mod

MP446 Mod
Handgun ★★★★ Another funny buffing handgun

Passively, she's Mk23 with better tiles. Regarding her active abilities, she isn't as nice as Mk23's straight damage upgrade for some, but better for others (such as fights with Grape that require her to shoot faster). They're similar but not interchangeable so you'll need to use the space between your ears.

Also she's kind of boring and has no easy jokes besides the Viking name, which doesn't suit her at all, so blah.

Calico M950A Mod

Calico M950A Mod
Handgun ★★★★★★ Manages to somehow be even better than the original

One important thing with her mod is that she has a backwards facing tile now. This means fun times for Python fans, Nagant users, or users of any doll who prefers to be in the middle of the back row and could benefit from an attack speed buff, which happens a lot of the time. She also debuffs the enemy if the node you're fighting on is controlled by you, and buffs your attack and move speed if it isn't, but those are kind of icing on the cake for an already useful doll.

Oh, and the move speed buff is hilarious when combined with other move speed buffs, turning Hanyang Mod into a a rocket. This makes some boss fights hilariously easy as you give no fucks about their mechanics, and 60s is long enough for most battles.

You can probably leave her at Mod2, but her Mod3 equip is a suppressor equivalent with +20 evade at max. It's up to you whether that's worth it or not.

Gsh-18 Mod

Gsh-18 Mod
Handgun ★★★★ Okay-ish, but expensive for what you get

Her Mod 3 unique equip is alright. It lets her punch through lighter armors, and otherwise is excellent at finishing off weakened enemies, rather than wasting full-power shots on them. This is usually a thing with rifles that don't quite instantly giblet their foes. Her tile buffs are pretty okay.

She's alright but not a priority.

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