★★★ Architect-NVW Type
Tags: Base Rarity: 3*
Disappointingly, instead of running around in her shark costume, she instead brought a shark-themed rocket launcher to the battle for the beach, and apparently equipment to change every battle into a beachside locale. As part of her nonsense, her beach conversion also comes with a knockback wave that fires every few seconds and when stacked with staggered manticore knockback skills, can prevent some enemies from ever approaching your end of the screen as heavy gunfire picks them off.
Like her original, she has a grenade launcher, but this time she uses it on command instead of every few attacks. It does however have a weird quirk that while it has an AoE effect, it does NOT scale with enemy dummy links for some unfathomable reason, making it awkward to use for swarm combat. This is mitigated by how fucking HUGE her cut-in attack's AoE is, but it's something to keep in mind.
Her regular fire mode, a machine gun, gets stacking buffs as she attacks, which stacks up to 10 times.
She works fairly well and does great damage, but her survivability is lacking for a boss-class unit, which means you definitely want something tanky in front of her. Manticores will usually do.
Water Bomb Skirmish#
Her AoE cut-in attack with her Shark bazooka. Damage isn't as high as some other boss-class units but the range is very wide, making it excellent at wiping out tons of lesser mooks. It also looks utterly ridiculous. Also has a stun.
Barrage Heatwave#
Switch between her MG mode and Grenade mode. GL is AoE mode, MG mode is stacking self-buffs as she keeps firing. Note the quirk with the GL mode.
Into the Sea#
Knockback wave with a slow. Not much to say about it besides that it works well with Manticores.
Slightly more useful because she has a permanent GL mode, except it has the same issues the original has in that there's just not very much friendly explosive damage.