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Name Class Rarity ↑ Useful? Notes

Arsenal Shipka

Arsenal Shipka
Submachine Gun ★★★★ Core fodder

She's... not great. Basically a worse Suomi with slightly better base evade, a rather worse multiplier, and considerably worse HP. Her tiles aren't great either. Actually worse than MP5 once MP5's milk tin is taken into account. Buffs aren't anything to write home about either. Given you should be trying to get the UMP sisters early on anyway, you're better off with cheaper tanks until you get those.

Suomi KP-31

Suomi KP-31
Submachine Gun ★★★★★ Niche uses

A weird hybrid tank that... doesn't have a great base evade, but has a fairly powerful self-evade buff with very high uptime.

Her mod adds to that and adds more to her kit. Quite interesting, see her mod entry here

Colt RO635

Colt RO635
Submachine Gun ★★★★★ Recommended

A high class SMG that you get for free (and even better, starts at lvl90 with 5 links when you get her now) providing well balanced stats, and a very powerful tanking skill. -Enemy ATK power (nevermind her own +evade!) that goes off in the first 3 seconds, makes tanking the initial contact much easier, and is usable even from an off-tank position.

Can easily be a main or off-tank, while she combos well with UMP45 defensively, lol in current year you don't even need UMP45 anymore (isn't it sad?). Her main weakness is she has very bad uptime (5/12) compared to some other SMGs, but the quick startup and utility (and the fact most fights are short anyway) make up for it.

Did I mention you get her at lvl90 and 5x linked? That's REALLY helpful if you're starting out. And did I mention she has an insanely broken mod? DEFINITELY pick her up.

RO635 Mod

RO635 Mod
Submachine Gun ★★★★★★ Cant touch this Cue Music

The first 6 star SMG, and oh boy, she deserves it. As long as the damage isn't so overwhelming that it can kill her dummies outright, she has a chance to negate the damage. The chances increase if the enemy has more debuffs or has Marks of Vengeance on them, which immediately makes her a good pair with M4. Also the Sop doll is cute and comes with weird features. This is literally Sop's fault.

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