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Name Class Rarity ↑ Useful? Notes


Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Hark, an interesting AR for once

Status warfare doesn't come up too much in GFL too much given bosses are routinely immune to it and elites get shortened status effect durations, but if you actually need status effects from an AR, the stun is surprisingly far-reaching behind the initial target, and she prioritizes enemies suffering from debuffs.

G11 Mod

G11 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★★★ Red Bull gives you buffs.

Finally adjusted so she can stop being perpetually narcoleptic (sort of) through the power of energy drinks. She was already a decent AR whose weakness was that she couldn't hurt armor. Well, they solved the armor problem by doing percentage-based damage. Her damage is still affected by armor, but often she'll just do enough damage that you won't care anyway and can contribute to the fight regardless. She still has the issue of the poor uptime due to her long skill cooldown, but you should be smart enough to deal with that.

Agent 416

Agent 416
Assault Rifle Special KindamaybesortaIguess (Niche Use)

Proof that the universe contractually requires 416 to be a bitch, given trying to fix her shitty personality is what caused the problem in the first place. More hilarious is she's not even an HK416, but the Patriot Arms clone.

Instead of being a grenadier, she's basically a mine layer, planting mines that seem grenade-like, but the big thing is that THEY DO NOT IGNORE ARMOR. They do still do full damage to all units caught in the blast though.

She is however, pretty fast, taking only four seconds to use her skill for the first time, and having all three of her special gear means you start the battle with some mines in place already. This is potentially useful for something.

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