Glasses optional
Name Class Rarity ↓ Useful? Notes


Shotgun ★★★★ In the dumpster with the rest of the DPS shotguns

Like every other DPS shotgun, she really doesn’t have a place in current content. A phrase commonly used around here is “a solution in search for a problem”, but the real problem with MAG-7 is that I’m not entirely sure she’s a solution either.

Her passive effect can be very nice when enemies start having 600 armor, but the times there are less than three targets are very rare. Her active skill can make her damage go sky high if it’s allowed to stack, but her being on the frontline gives her the same issues a lot of DPS SMGs have. She’ll lose links, cutting her damage by a ton. Not to mention that it takes a little while for it to ramp up. The DR afforded to her by the skill isn’t high enough to keep her healthy enough to do much.


Shotgun ★★★★ Good to have

Supernova is a shotgun pretending to be a handgun to go along with her shipmate GSh-18. She’s one of the most supportive shotguns available and she enables some real dumb stuff. You want to use MGs at night? Well, her skill allows for that. Do you need a little more defensive capability for your shotguns? She brings that too, all in a kancolle-flavoured package. Honestly, she’s not an automatic pick on every team. You’re likely going to have to drop a MG in your formation to make use of her fully, which can be an issue.

Her two main draws are her movement speed and her MG buffs. Her roller skates allow her to go almost as fast as a handgun, but not quite. Not much else to say about that, but main reason to take her is the MG buffs she provides.

While crit rate is nice, the accuracy buff she provides to MGs is fixed. This means that MGs are entirely usable at night. It bypasses the accuracy penalty that you would normally have with no PEQ. While not the most relevant thing currently, you definitely want to have Supernova in your back pocket for the future.


Shotgun ★★★ Usable has good mod.

A really shitty aura, average armor for a shotty. Prolly the worst shotgun currently available on EN except shotguns are wanted for their tanking ability or else you'd have picked literally anything else. With the release of SAT8 & company, she's even less useful, but hey, if you don't have anything else, she'll still do

Her mod, which makes her not dogshit, can be found in this article


Shotgun ★★★ Usable

AKA, SHARK-CHAN. Shitty aura shape, workable buff. Has surprisingly high HP for a 3 star shotty, and surprisingly ok damage, otherwise average tanking ability. With the release of better SGs, you'll want better if you can, but all shotguns are at least usable if you lack anything better.

Her unique makes her slightly better offensively, but still far away from being actually good at it, and 90% of the time you want your shotguns to tank.

Mossberg M500

Mossberg M500
Shotgun ★★★ Usable

MURRICAN SHOTGUN. The most usable aura of the 3 star shotguns currently on EN, though forcing her to be in an offtank position. 21 armor and a +armor skill. There's really not much to say about most of the shotguns besides "they'll do work if you really want them to."

Also a better catgun than IDW. IDWSG DA NYA.

She also has a mod, and the review for that can be found here.

Neostead NS2000

Neostead NS2000
Shotgun ★★★ Usable

Usable I guess? Really, one of the lower end shotguns, but she can still tank. Just not a first choice when you now have actual choice in shotgun variety. Doesn't do anything badly, but doesn't really excel either. Does have decent offtank tiles though, if you want to run 2SG.


Shotgun ★★★ It's a free shotgun I guess?

....Serviceable if you have a complete lack of shotguns. Seriously, just pick up a SAT8 next time an event rolls around.

High Standard Model 10 (HS10/HSM10)

High Standard Model 10 (HS10/HSM10)
Shotgun ★★★ It's a shotgun

3* Super Shorty. Better tiles and more HP, one more point of base armour but less evasion and lower skill multiplier kinda comes out to about equal tanking capability. Which isn't all that great, but at least she's free.

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