2B14 Podnos
When you call for fire support in an infantry section, the Mortar is your best friend. There may be heavier assets around, but even light infantry formations will probably have their own mortars organic to a unit. So too here. A properly raised 2B14 will utterly smash through any clustered enemy ranks and shred unarmored enemies completely and utterly. Pretty much "Airstrike, but better."
The downside is they suck at building destruction and are all but worthless against shields. Further, Mortars have awful armour pen (see HOC-FST page), making them less than ideal vs Hydras and the like. Still, generally regarded as the most useful HOC unless you actually need to break a force shield or a building, as you will generally be shooting at basic infantry types a whole lot still.
Regular attack
Shell impact for 1x Damage and Shield Pierce to all enemies within 2 units of impact zone.
Stats |
Lethality |
152 |
Pierce |
58 |
Precision |
135 |
Reload |
160 |
Firing Range |
3 tiles |
Armour Piercing |
40 |
Ammo cost |
600 |
Ration cost |
400 |
Skill #1 |
Name |
Battlefield Bombardment |
Effect |
Launch a special shell that deals increased damage vs all targets every few seconds. Launches 1 at the start of the fight as well. |
The big skill that lets 2B14 do her job. The major thing about this skill is it doesnt replace the shell, but rather fires an extra one on top of her normal firing cycle. As a result, the opening bombardment this team provides will generally do a huge amount of damage, as both this bad boy + the regular opening volley all impact in the first few seconds. Increase levels for more boom. |
Skill #2 |
Name |
Lesson in Pain |
Effect |
Deals Bonus damage vs targets without a Force Shield |
This skill doesn't actually work the way you think it does. Rather than making the shell check if you have a shield and provide a bonus, what it actually does is "anything without a shield takes a 2nd instance of damage equal to a % (based on level) of the unit's firepower"
Not nearly as high priority as the first skill. |
Skill #3 |
Name |
Obscuring Veil |
Effect |
Chance to decrease Acc and Damage of enemies hit by mortar attacks. |
Kind of really more an extra that got tacked on rather than what you'd mainly use it for, and it isn't great until you've invested some levels into it. Still, you're hitting someone with a chance to inflict debuffs at a similar level to some debuff HGs (12% Damage and Acc reduction at lvl10) basically for free, since you're ALSO killing them.
Work on it if you're done with the 1st skill and want some bonuses for your 2B14. |