Broken Echoes
Objective: Access all 6 consoles on the map
Recommended Echelon(s): AR/SMG, Dummy (x2)
The concept for this map is pretty simple. All we need to do is access all of the consoles. However, we start off with a very limited part of the map visible to us. Stepping on one of the nodes that connects to an invisible area will reveal the second section of the map, where we'll have three consoles available to us. Using these consoles, the third and final part of the map will become revealed. This area has the last three consoles we need and using them will finish out the map.
With that overview, let's talk about clearing this map. Our first order of business is to establish ourselves and get some AP. The map is fairly large, so having a good stock of AP is nice. If you so wish, you could take all of the surrounding closed Heliports near the Command Center, but I personally would go for just a few of them. In the video provided, I take four of them while deploying two extra dummy echelons. Regardless of how many you decide to take, once you've captured the closed Heliports, move to the node that connects into the void. Once you've done that, take a lap around the ring of nodes you've unveiled, using each console as you go through them. After using all three, you'll unlock the last area.
At this point, you'll likely be running out of resources, so make a trip to the center so you can resupply your echelon. In the video I take this time to snag the rest of the closed Heliports while I resupply. Once you have resupplied, do another lap around the area in the ring of nodes you've unlocked, once again using all the consoles as you get to them. That should clear out the map.
Video of me clearing this map
Author: Kazuki
Tags: seasonal