Glasses optional

Intersection Point II EX/UX


Objective: Capture enemy command center

Recommended Echelon(s): AR/SMG (x2), AGS/Mk153, Dummy (x2)

So this map features a new type of structure that I, for some reason, didn't write any notes on. It exists and it will shoot you if you're in range. You can destroy it with HOC shots. You'll also be subjected to a debuff (and a buff) once you get into the Paradeus stronghold. Also, you have two NPC echelons available to you. XM8 also has three free moves per turn.

To start things off, we want to get out an AR/SMG echelon on the left Heliport, HOC in the middle, and a dummy echelon on the right. Move your AR/SMG and dummy echelons one node to the left. Swap your HOC with UMP45 and then swap with your AR/SMG echelon and use your HOC to blow up the cannon that should be in range. Swap over to your dummy echelon and repeat that with the other cannon. Be sure to resupply your HOC after this. 

Next, deploy your second AR/SMG echelon on the right Heliport. Swap it with your dummy echelon and move to the left one node so it's next to the Heavy Heliport. Mirror this action with your first AR/SMG echelon. Deploy a dummy echelon on the left Heliport. Move XM8 one node to the right to top off your turn.

Turn two will have us start hacking the console we need to use to open the gates to the stronghold. We'll also start baiting some of the enemies out of the stronghold with XM8. We want to move XM8 to the right one node, down one node, then left two nodes. You can leave her there. 

Now, move one of your AR/SMG echelons into the middle line of nodes. This is the echelon that will be on the console hacking, so make sure it can survive a few turns of being assaulted by enemies. Resupply/repair it via swap then have it move down to the console. Using the console will lock you in place for two turns, after which you can open the gate. Be sure to have your HOC in range to help whatever echelon is hacking. 

With your other AR/SMG echelon, move to one of the deactivated Golyats and pick it up. Then we want to move into the middle line of nodes. Be sure to resupply it, then move it next to the echelon that's hacking. End the turn there.

On turn three, you can pass. 

Turn four will have the door open for you. Make sure your HOC is resupplied and move it up to your line of AR/SMG echelons. Swap it in and move on top of the gate. Use it to destroy the top turret that would otherwise block your movement. Now, send in your AR/SMG echelon that has the deactivated Golyat. From the gate, move to the left two nodes, then up one, then left two and use the Golyat on the Commander. After that's done, you can take the enemy Command Center to end the map.

Video of me clearing this map



Author: Kazuki
Tags: Fixed Point
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