Lewis Gun – ★★★★★ Machine Gun
Whenever you need armour buffs and/or second mag performance
Tags: Class: Machine Gun Role: Specialist Skill: Broken as Shit Tile: Buff Armour
Tags: Class: Machine Gun Role: Specialist Skill: Broken as Shit Tile: Buff Armour
A gun so good Crozier doesn't want you to know about her! In-game and in real life, a straight upgrade from Chauchat.
Tiles like Negev and a skill that works somewhat similarly with better uptime make her useful in the same circumstances she is, and they work well together if you need ALL the armour stacking.
…Also the replacement cinnamon roll now that M4 turned full edgelord.
Additional Notes#
Creshal's Note#
- First mag performance slightly better than LWMMG, but we're kinda past the point where that's sufficient for serious first-mag-or-death fights.
- Her skill's better uptime gives her better DPS than Negev on the first three magazines, for even longer fights Negev pulls ahead again. Doesn't matter too much because you're likely going to use both together.