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M1895 Nagant Revolver

M1895 Nagant Revolver
Handgun ★★ Usable

Very good buffs, not good in her own stats though. Skill is blah-ish but serviceable at night. When she gets to MOD3, however. Becomes COMMISSAR NAGANT. May or may not land you in jail (or gulag as the case may be). She does say it herself afterall, about your odd taste...

Her mod form is here

Thompson/Center Contender

Thompson/Center Contender
Handgun ★★★★★ Recommended

She has some of the highest damage and crit buffs in the game, with the best possible tiles ("All around her"), and her skill allows her to override the targeting logic of most other dolls¹, making them focus their fire some, very unlucky fucker (boss if present, otherwise furthest/highest HP/nearest enemy, depending on whether Contender is back/middle/front row). Oh and the skill doesn't wait until impact - the bonuses kicks in as soon as the shot leaves the muzzle. She also can equip AP ammo, which doesn't come up much, but there's a few fights later where this is immensely valuable and if you're using a HG vs armour at night, well... you know. Did I mention she has 40% base crit? She does.

Colt Python

Colt Python
Handgun ★★★★★ Ridiculous Force Multiplication Potential

Forget what Clint Eastwood said, THIS is the most powerful handgun in the world. Somehow packing a .357 Magnum cartridge that deals more damage than .50BMG or whatever the hell Contender is in. Python is a ridiculous handgun that with the right formations, does absolutely disgusting things to the game. She needs her skill at lvl10 to be reliable, but oh boy when it does.

Besides being a handgun with actual DPS (that can get really high), she also acts a buff booster, applying stacking buffs of her own whenever she receives a buff from almost any source, giving them to herself and anyone in her buff tiles. When she gets a RoF buff, she gives a RoF buff. When she gets an Acc buff, she gives an Acc buff. When she gives an FP buff, she too gives FP buffs. And that's just the passive. Her active gives her a stacking self FP buff and counts among "almost any other source", so yeah, triggering it ALSO gives FP buffs to everyone else.

This, on top of amazing buff tiles basically gives her ridiculous performance for a handgun. Just don't think she's some allmighty goddess of doom that wins on her own. What she is is an insane force multiplier when used right, and you need some force to multiply to begin with. Used wisely though, easily 1 of the best HGs in the game.

M1895 Nagant Revolver Mod

M1895 Nagant Revolver Mod
Handgun ★★★★ Those who disagree with her get shot. (Funny specialist, but good)

Babushka says not one step backward. Every seventh shot, she gives a damage bonus! Also, the thing starts active, making her one of very few buffers with a start-of-battle skill activation. Her first skill is still defensive in nature, and the percentages got bigger. She's actually useful in a number of situations, either for reducing enemy firepower in specific fights (usually Gundam or tank related) or just the straight DPS boost from the get-go. You only really need her up to Mod 2, but the Mod 3 art is cute.

Her pre mod form is here

Desert Eagle

Desert Eagle
Handgun ★★★★★ The Most Powerful Anmiface

She's an Anmiface, which some people are conflicted over. Unlike the other Anmifaces, she didn't get disowned by her mom (unlike a certain Goat). Stat-wise, remember how much I gushed about Python? She's the more selfish version, with a skill that would have really been nice the stage AFTER you get her.

There's not much to say besides "there's a reason there were so many videos of her beating shit up in 5 HG groups." She makes things with shields cry. She does all sorts of shenanigans that ups her rate of fire and also makes anything with HP type shields cry (she can actually utterly CRUSH bosses like Ares with 5HG formations because of this) and can get an effective 531% DPS increase if her skill is going full tilt on 1 target (like a boss), putting her DPS well over most T-dolls.

Like all HGs, she does require you to have some idea of what you're doing, but the reward is basically a hand cannon that Agent Smith would be proud to use.

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