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Name Class ↓ Rarity Useful? Notes


Assault Rifle ★★★ Trophy Raifu

A worse FAMAS, and a good argument for why collecting trophy rifles isn't worth the effort.

Beretta AR70

Beretta AR70
Assault Rifle ★★★ Trophy Raifu

A product of old design from before the devs really understood what they had going. Mostly notable for her odd aura which gives colossal accuracy boost, but her stats are kinda eh and you end up with an overall DPS loss still. A fairly meh grenade and basically the sort of sort of thing that would be useful for an early player, except at 21 days in at least, you probably have better already (Hint; You do, you should have AR team by then).

TsKIB OTs-14 Groza

TsKIB OTs-14 Groza
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good at night

The Night Empress. Unfortunately, she's been going the way of many a monarch with the lower class overthrowing her. She used to be the last word for night battle ARs, but with AS VAL's mod, she has fallen behind. Turns out, being able to use a crit scope at night is very good. That being said, +200% damage at night is still decent and if you can't afford the mod, she's a good replacement.

Also, while enemy armor stacks superhard now, it's actually fine if you have sufficient +FP on your ARs to punch through. If you don't though, this still wont save you.


Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Looks good, doesn't quite live up to it. Not awful at least.

She introduces herself as Bushmaster ACR, except she fires in full auto, meaning she's actually a Remington ACR. This is kind of annoying. They should have just let her use her original name of Magpul Masada, seriously. It sounds cooler.

That aside, she has the potential to be stronger than AR-15! ...If you don't mind crippling the rest of your echelon's DPS to do so (Dusk has math figures in the expanded section).

She's honestly not bad, with 65% DPS up baseline and can get free damage stuff in if you have debuff effects already going, but she's not critical or anything. Basically suffers from "there's lots of super good ARs and she's not super good enough to displace the ones you already have."

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