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Colt Single Action Army Mod

Colt Single Action Army Mod
Handgun ★★★★★ You're pretty good! *fingergun*

"Yay, we can all clear singularity now!" Oh wait... :V Fucking Ceia, I swear...

Yeah, she's a little over-hyped, but she's actually a fairly solid unit. A stacking buff every few seconds? Not bad at all. This allows her to buff firepower, accuracy and rate of fire all at once. Her main issue is it takes a few seconds for her skills to REALLY kick in, but she's great for the longer fights that start creeping up here and there, and for things like backing up M4 in her railgun mode. Not super necessary compared to before now that we have lots of buffing HGs, but she's handy for things like ranking maps.

Another fun thing about this mod you might not know is that the passive 2nd skill automatically activates on a cooldown that you can't see, so rifle tile buffs (which speed up handgun cooldowns) make this activate faster.

Her Mod 3 equipment is kinda pointless for her role, though, so unless you like the art or have bad OCD, she's fine at Mod 2.

Colt Single Action Army

Colt Single Action Army
Handgun ★★★★ Usable buffer

AKA SAA - THIS IS THE BEST GUN EV-cough Actually has very nice buffs and a decent skill. Not bad at all in night battles either with the acc up if you have crappy PEQs.

Her mod makes her a stronger pick, and more info can be found on her mod article.


Handgun ★★★★ Unreliable Jank

Not even a solution in search of a problem, she's a bunch of solutions to a bunch of problems implemented extremely badly. A victim of Mica's experimental phase, as one of those dolls that don't fucking work. Instead of an infinite duration toggle, she has actual skill durations and alternating effects, making it increasingly unlikely you'll get the effect you want in the time you want, since you need to wait for cool downs to use them.

To top it off, her %s aren't even very good and are even more garbo during the day. There are better options if you need 1 or the other, like Mk23 or TEC9.

Borchardt C-93

Borchardt C-93
Handgun ★★★★★ Niche uses

Potentially really fun with 5HG formations. Actually quite good with Desert Eagle. Some people have used her with Parachute Fairy echelons because that also activates her debuff skill effect, but she's not exactly the go-to doll for a lot of formations. The fact she demands the 1 tile isn't helpful either.

Beretta Px4 Storm

Beretta Px4 Storm
Handgun ★★★★★ Ridiculously Strong Buffer

A ridiculously overpowered handgun in the right hands. If you know what you're doing, she is absolutely bonkers. Led to a meme on older servers where "the practical number of RF teams you could field was equal to your sets of Px4 and Five-seveN."

Strictly speaking it isn't true, but it gives you an idea of how valued she is. What she does with her active skill (at lvl10) is reduce crit rate by 20%, but increase your crit damage multiplier by 50% for all dolls in her tiles. Considering that crit damage STARTS at 150%, and that its tile based, which means you can engage in tile fuckery (which makes these effects stack MULTIPLICATIVELY), and there you go. For RFs, with a +10 Gold Scope and 5-7, they maintain 100% crit rate through all this. For ARs, you need to worry about the math a bit more, but it is generally an overall increase unless your critscopes suck.

Works with TAC-50, which is part of why she was so hideously overpowered.

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