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Name ↓ Class Rarity Useful? Notes

FN Herstal P90

FN Herstal P90
Submachine Gun ★★★★★ Strong Main Tank

Everyone knows the joke by now. If not, you've been living in a hole for the past 20 years. Now more associated with Russia (who people the gun was specifically meant to shoot at, as it was part of a PDW project that worried about armoured Russian soldiers) than with Belgium (which many people dont seem to realize is a country). Mostly noted on older servers for an utterly ABYSMAL rate which led to drama that resulted in Mica integrating official recipes into the client + promising more common true core masks. Also, surprised people by being drawn by LM7 instead of Suisai, despite being an FN product.

For performance, she's a fairly powerful dodger with a bonus offensive function, and her tiles aren't bad. In terms of sheer survival potential, she's 1 of the best, although occasionally stuff acts weird due to her shadow clones (which btw, interact WEIRDLY with the game). Of note, the shadow clones only copy the number of active remaining links, so you do want to keep as many links intact as possible for that (or not, see detailed notes). Overall, a very strong main tank candidate that is really good at her survival job.


Shotgun Special Usable

She has good stats. But shotgun powercreep is real. Also if you have her, you've been playing a long time. Why don't you have a better shotgun? Huh? Waifu? No, she's shit. Get over it.

On top of that she has a nuke skill that... honestly doesnt usually come up, but when it does, it's pretty much the biggest nuke on a shotgun you get (2 hits for 8x vs primary, 12x area around primary). As a bonus, if the first shot kills the primary, the secondary BOOM changes targets (uses standard grenade targeting). Note that due to her ammo and reload speeds, if you want to fire the first nuke immediately, you will likely need to reload cancel her.

Dorothy Haze

Dorothy Haze
Submachine Gun Special Versatile, especially in bed

Yes I know that's not really her name. And yes, you'd think the unit whose hands are actual guns would be a handgun, but nope, she's an SMG. MICAAAAAAAA.

She has a pretty interesting skill that reminds some of C-MS. What it is is mildly more complicated, because it comes with good AND bad sides, and allows her to be both a main tank and an off tank. As an off tank, she provides decent firepower with 100% uptime, a debuff no one cares about (-acc) and a really nice buff (constant eva up!) for the main tank, while as a main tank she has permanent Eva up, buffs acc of the same column ("vertical row") but actually makes the off tanks (or just people in the same column) a little less survivable. Skill discussed in more detail in her entry, but its fun stuff.

A problem she has though is the shape of the tiles. That lacking middle row really gets in the way, but she has enough other uses that this isn't too awful if you know what you're doing (For example, you want to buff the everloving bajeezus out of your main tank's dodge instead).

Also she buffs Rifles with her tiles too too, but this doesn't seem to come up all that much.

Desert Tech Micro-Dynamic Rifle (MDR)

Desert Tech Micro-Dynamic Rifle (MDR)
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good

Selfie Queen. Troll. Probably Jarv's waifu Jarv in disguise. Claims bullpups are scientifically the best thing ever.

If she doesn't have an ally in front of her, she self-buffs for both firepower and RoF, with a net increase of 76.9% DPS (over G41's 75%, and she has more base firepower, so she will provide generally superior damage except vs armor). This alone makes her usable, but her unique brand of cheese is when you have friends in front of her.

On skilluse, she scans for an ally directly ahead and if one is found, gives them a 40hp shield that increases their evade by 80%, stacking multiplicatively with all other buffs. Has very good synergy with units like C-MS, MP7, and the like. Due to the way area scan skills work, with the move command and a sense of timing, you can actually protect the whole echelon this way via shenanigans (or at least just all your frontal tank units). Oh by the way, this also works on the taunt fairy target drone.

Flexible unit that can be used 2 ways, and is actually handy in both of them. Her problem is really less how good she is as much as the game has actively been dumbed down to the point there's basically almost zero need to move units around anymore outside of a few boss mechanics. Or some gigabrain strats that if you know...why are you here?

Dana Zane

Dana Zane
Shotgun Special Usable

It's the best boss! AND she has a rocket punch!

...She's actually really fuckin' weird for a shotgun. She has 22 armour which makes her decent at shotgun things, but the rest of her kit is pretty nonstandard. First she has a permanent slug effect of being single target but doing bonus damage. You'd think this would make her do less than slugs, but apparently between her raw firepower stats, buckshot increasing her firepower some more, and her unique gear ALSO increasing her firepower, she ends up with more damage than a typical shotgun with slugs.

She does have a knockback skill but it's slow at 8s, and at having 1 ammo limit, it means her RoF is more limited. So if you want a purely tanky shotgun, she's worse at it than a typical one. She does however produce surprising damage from her rocket punches, and she has very good tile buffs for a shotgun.

Daewoo Precision Industries K2

Daewoo Precision Industries K2
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good

Standard issue rifle of the ROKAF and only non-main-Heroine doll to get her own fully animated PV. Also a tribute to Anmi's ability to make some of the game's lewdest art and have people not notice because of how innocent the faces are. Almost every adult Korean male is very intimately familiar with her, whether they wanted to be or not.

Imagine base G11 started up her skill right at the start of the fight. Imagine she was completely useless against armour (more so than she already is). That's K2 in a nutshell. High DPS for the first 6 seconds vs trash, but cannot fight armor to save her life and is absolutely awful against bosses. However, her ability to kill unarmored trash is quite good, which has plenty of uses since bosses are not actually the most common enemy type.

What her skill does is reduce her damage but fire off 3 round bursts, and builds up a heat counter which, when capped out, uh... fucks up her stats. The other part of her skill (stronger single shot damage but slows her down and makes every shot cool down instead of heat up) generally doesn't come up. Some actually recommend not giving her too many RoF buffs or she'll overheat.

Also, she's an awful Korean, being unable to tolerate spicy food (but she tries anyway)

Borchardt C-93

Borchardt C-93
Handgun ★★★★★ Niche uses

Potentially really fun with 5HG formations. Actually quite good with Desert Eagle. Some people have used her with Parachute Fairy echelons because that also activates her debuff skill effect, but she's not exactly the go-to doll for a lot of formations. The fact she demands the 1 tile isn't helpful either.

Beretta Px4 Storm

Beretta Px4 Storm
Handgun ★★★★★ Ridiculously Strong Buffer

A ridiculously overpowered handgun in the right hands. If you know what you're doing, she is absolutely bonkers. Led to a meme on older servers where "the practical number of RF teams you could field was equal to your sets of Px4 and Five-seveN."

Strictly speaking it isn't true, but it gives you an idea of how valued she is. What she does with her active skill (at lvl10) is reduce crit rate by 20%, but increase your crit damage multiplier by 50% for all dolls in her tiles. Considering that crit damage STARTS at 150%, and that its tile based, which means you can engage in tile fuckery (which makes these effects stack MULTIPLICATIVELY), and there you go. For RFs, with a +10 Gold Scope and 5-7, they maintain 100% crit rate through all this. For ARs, you need to worry about the math a bit more, but it is generally an overall increase unless your critscopes suck.

Works with TAC-50, which is part of why she was so hideously overpowered.

AUG Para

AUG Para
Submachine Gun ★★★★★ Quirky multi-mode sub-tank

Another one of those attack/defense mode sub-tanks. Weirdly cheerful unlike her somewhat gloomy sister, though she's probably even weirder in the head. The stat changes and adjustments are applied every 0.1 seconds, so it takes a few seconds for it to take full effect. The big quirk is she gains a flat amount of stats rather than a percentage which applies after all other buffs, but ALSO after the night time accuracy penalty, which means she's about as accurate as a PEQ-equipped AR at night while she's in attack mode. It also happens after Fairy debuffs are resolved, so you can also use her to dodge or attack even while under Parachute Fairy debuffs.

AK-74U (AKS-74U)

AK-74U (AKS-74U)
Submachine Gun ★★★★★ Niche Uses (Kinda good with AK-74M)

It's actually an AKS-74U, but the game calls her AK-74U. I know, I know. Yet another AR the game calls a subgun because...shut up.

Actually had dummy data in the client waaay before her actual release in CT, so she actually got released with a voice even on older servers. ...And that's probably the most positive thing I can say. Her tiles are OK, her skill is weird (she debuffs enemies she's attacking instead of just all of them) and while the effects are alright, the uptime is pretty awful for tanking.

Potentially useful for some bosses with manual skill use to handle certain burst windows, but the cooldown after the initial skill use is loooong so it's not exactly the best choice for long term tanking.

You may have a use for her if you're creative with it, but it's not something to just tell people to prioritize raising. As a result, her primary use is telling you wind speed and direction, unless you have AK-74M and want an AK echelon, in which case she'll be one of your SMG tanks and is actually pretty decent since AK-74M makes her skill into a passive.

ADS (Avtomat Dvukhsredny Spetsial'ny)

ADS (Avtomat Dvukhsredny Spetsial'ny)
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Specialist. Potentially Hilarious for Red Golyats.

Another weird Russian specialist gun, meant to fire both above and below the water, which is why the doll has weird underwater parts replacing her left leg.

Her skill is as annoying to explain as she is boring. Basically whenever she fires, she has a chance to apply debuffs (that reduce target RoF and move speed) on her target, which at 5 stacks, explodes in a grenade-like effect that deals damage and stuns the target. That's the passive. The active fires a debuff grenade that applies 3 debuff stacks (+2 for the primary target) and briefly increases her debuff proc chance to 100%.

Honestly it's really weird, but it has use for things like Golyats, which, coupled with things like shotgun knockback and some RoF buffs, can help deal with some of the more annoying enemies in the game (for certain patterns.)

Also has potential synergy with ACR kinda (though resetting debuff stacks when she triggers explosions makes it a little awkward)


Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Looks good, doesn't quite live up to it. Not awful at least.

She introduces herself as Bushmaster ACR, except she fires in full auto, meaning she's actually a Remington ACR. This is kind of annoying. They should have just let her use her original name of Magpul Masada, seriously. It sounds cooler.

That aside, she has the potential to be stronger than AR-15! ...If you don't mind crippling the rest of your echelon's DPS to do so (Dusk has math figures in the expanded section).

She's honestly not bad, with 65% DPS up baseline and can get free damage stuff in if you have debuff effects already going, but she's not critical or anything. Basically suffers from "there's lots of super good ARs and she's not super good enough to displace the ones you already have."

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