Glasses optional
Name ↓ Class Rarity Useful? Notes


Shotgun Special Usable

She has good stats. But shotgun powercreep is real. Also if you have her, you've been playing a long time. Why don't you have a better shotgun? Huh? Waifu? No, she's shit. Get over it.

On top of that she has a nuke skill that... honestly doesnt usually come up, but when it does, it's pretty much the biggest nuke on a shotgun you get (2 hits for 8x vs primary, 12x area around primary). As a bonus, if the first shot kills the primary, the secondary BOOM changes targets (uses standard grenade targeting). Note that due to her ammo and reload speeds, if you want to fire the first nuke immediately, you will likely need to reload cancel her.

Dana Zane

Dana Zane
Shotgun Special Usable

It's the best boss! AND she has a rocket punch!

...She's actually really fuckin' weird for a shotgun. She has 22 armour which makes her decent at shotgun things, but the rest of her kit is pretty nonstandard. First she has a permanent slug effect of being single target but doing bonus damage. You'd think this would make her do less than slugs, but apparently between her raw firepower stats, buckshot increasing her firepower some more, and her unique gear ALSO increasing her firepower, she ends up with more damage than a typical shotgun with slugs.

She does have a knockback skill but it's slow at 8s, and at having 1 ammo limit, it means her RoF is more limited. So if you want a purely tanky shotgun, she's worse at it than a typical one. She does however produce surprising damage from her rocket punches, and she has very good tile buffs for a shotgun.

Daewoo USAS-12

Daewoo USAS-12
Shotgun ★★★★ Usable

Unlike the other shotguns, she's focused on firepower instead, with her skill basically making her go DAKKADAKKADAKKA. You would want an Acc scope on her so she can actually hit anything. Sometimes used in 1SG/1HG/3MG formations to provide MAXIMUM FIREPOWER. Tiles are a little eh for that though. Armour is average.


Shotgun ★★★★★ Pretty good defensive/utility shotgun

Even if she sucked, most of you degens would go after her anyway. Thankfully, she's actually pretty good.

Not quite in the same vein as SAT8, as she only shields herself, but the damage reduction effect allows her and allies to tank a bit harder against shots that exceed her armour value, and yes, that applies to shots that ignore armour outright. So basically if she's on the forward center, then positions 4, 5, and 6 benefit from the DR, and so on.

Because of her passive and the 3 second ICD on her skill, she actually has really good uptime overall (similar to but slightly worse than SAT8), and yes, she can be made to pop her shield more often via shooting faster and going into reload faster (though this can produce an odd gap in uptime past the 13s mark).

Colt Defender

Colt Defender
Shotgun ★★★★ Funny Burst Damage Shotgun. Has funny comp use.

An absolute weirdo muscle girl, because Shotguns didn't have that fetish covered. Somehow despite her muscles, nobody bothered to ask her to carry any real armor, because her Armor value is bottom-tier for a shotgun at 18, and she is also mildly annoying to get.

Her skill basically unloads every barrel at once, and at max level her reload time is fixed to two seconds instead of the expected five, and she does extra damage based on how close the enemy is. This gives her surprisingly good DPS for a shotgun and in some cases she can burst harder than an MG. She's also currently the best option for fast times on Intermediate data sim.

Two big things to remember though: 1. DO NOT TRY TO BUILD AN EXODIA SETUP AROUND HER, seriously, and 2. Make sure you have something to defend her. RMB-93 mod actually pairs well with her.


Shotgun ★★★★★ Gimmicky; base stats are cool.

G&K's equal opportunity things means even penguins are accepted, I guess. She has a finnicky, slow, and generally not reliable shield. On the other hand, her gimmick relies on having shields.

She relies quite heavily on outside shields if you want to use her gimmick, so stuff like SAT8 and LWMMG mod will come in handy if you want to do so.

However, while she has good armour, her HP is the worst of the 5 star shotguns, and she doesn't have particularly good tanking gimmicks. She's usable, but probably wont be your first choice unless you want to use her gimmick that badly for whatever fucking reason

Benelli M1014 / M4 Super 90

Benelli M1014 / M4 Super 90
Shotgun ★★★★ Okay-ish

A Heavy Cruiser from Kantai collection that got lost somewhere.

Not a superlative shotgun, but has a decent aura for 2SG formations where she wants to be in the 3 position, because 20% firepower is nice if you absolutely need a second shotgun and have no room for an HG. Her skill would be better if it didn't have such a godawful startup time. Like SPAS, her armour is not exceptional.

Atchisson Auto-Assault 12 (AA-12)

Atchisson Auto-Assault 12 (AA-12)
Shotgun ★★★★★ Good

Sometimes, you wonder exactly WHAT goes into T-doll rations when she looks like that, after having the lolipops. Has a severe sugar addiction problem. Very severe. WHAT THE HELL KIND OF ROBOTS IS IOP MAKING!?

Potentially has a powerful skill held back mainly by the awful initial startup time and the fact LTX exists. On paper, her skill blows USAS away. In practice, they're functionally equivalent because you're using LTX instead of either of them anyway. When it does come up though, it's good for what it does, letting her pour knockback shots at enemies. Armor is alright (middle of the road for shotguns) and is carried by decent stats.

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