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T91 Assault Rifle

T91 Assault Rifle
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Core fodder

Known on other servers as 5 cores.

There's so much better now, there's really zero reason why you should run her.

S&T Daewoo K11

S&T Daewoo K11
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good

Totally not Architect in disguise. We think. Probably. A grenadier that's actually pretty ok at general use simple because she fires the grenades within a time frame where everything isn't fucking dead yet, and she fires a huge volley (1 per link) that finishes off targets if the first grenade doesn't kill them. On the flipside, firing 1 grenade per link ALSO means she doesn't reach full power until 5x linked, and also means every dummy lost is a loss in grenade power, unlike literally every other grenadier.

Her main problem is literally random targeting, so the grenades may or may not land in the ideal pattern, but they're at least hitting things and you get lots of grenades, so at worst the spread is not ideal rather than wasted

Howa Type-64 Battle Rifle

Howa Type-64 Battle Rifle
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Weird niche uses

Aka 64 Shiki if you're a weeb.

She's a bit of a complicated unit in that certain enemy thresholds alter what her skill does, thus making her work better vs bosses (with her colossal 90% FP boost for a few seconds) than for regular encounters. However, the timings are awkwardly short for the big boost, and the 2nd half reduces her firepower a bunch but also buffs the hell out of the stuff in front (which, if it's SR3, means more damage for her.) Note that the skill is less awkward than it seems, as it counts doll groups, rather than individuals, so 5x 5-linked enemies is totally fine, and so on.

Unfortunately, they removed cool tile buff tricks so her potential of giving insane buffs is a lot more limited than before

Spikes Tactical AR-15 Mod

Spikes Tactical AR-15 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ If you don't use her, you are wrong

The pinkhaired tryhard who is absolutely every bit as good as she says she is. 1 of the best sustained DPS ARs in the game, and can actually hit the RoF cap on her own. She can actually outDPS OTs-14 and 9A91 at night against up to moderately armoured opponents (moderate. Dont try to send her vs Hydras)

As a bonus, her mod skill ups her DPS some more by making her pull out ANOTHER gun and throwing extra attacks that do a % of her main damage, with more damage if paired with M4Mod.

Her mod skill however, does look absolutely retarded unless you're in her mod 3 form. Normally she's supposed to pull out another gun, but since her school skin and base sprite dont have that animation, she instead fires from her scope.


Assault Rifle ★★★★★ The Power of Russian Space Magic Is Real

There are not enough ways to say "use her if you have her." I want to make a joke, but its hard to overeemphasize just how good she is. Besides her immensely good uptime (5/8 type), it's raised even HIGHER by her passive, which triggers it everytime she switches targets. In most cases, she will pretty much outperform G11 handily.

Basically the best of the best among daylight ARs, and powerful even at night vs up to light armour. She wants the #7 position on your formation, and there's little reason not to give it. Also she has enough of an Acc Buff that everyone who used to do stupid shit to prop up SR3 can be quiet now, it's all the buff you need to run her.


Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Pretty much the best straight Grenadier

If you're looking for an 8s Grenadier, well, she was always a very strong choice, and now she's pretty much almost the default one for most circumstances by sheer stats and having the 2 accessory slots. Improved Grenade performance (not that most enemies will notice) and bonus MIRVs on top of that. She does get bonuses with M4, but due to the fact M4's marks affect her targeting (and potentially are buggy with her MIRVs), using her with M4 is not always ideal.

Aside from that, it's the same old SOP, but with a unique equipment (thats pretty much just an improved Eotech) and bigger numbers.

ADS (Avtomat Dvukhsredny Spetsial'ny)

ADS (Avtomat Dvukhsredny Spetsial'ny)
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Specialist. Potentially Hilarious for Red Golyats.

Another weird Russian specialist gun, meant to fire both above and below the water, which is why the doll has weird underwater parts replacing her left leg.

Her skill is as annoying to explain as she is boring. Basically whenever she fires, she has a chance to apply debuffs (that reduce target RoF and move speed) on her target, which at 5 stacks, explodes in a grenade-like effect that deals damage and stuns the target. That's the passive. The active fires a debuff grenade that applies 3 debuff stacks (+2 for the primary target) and briefly increases her debuff proc chance to 100%.

Honestly it's really weird, but it has use for things like Golyats, which, coupled with things like shotgun knockback and some RoF buffs, can help deal with some of the more annoying enemies in the game (for certain patterns.)

Also has potential synergy with ACR kinda (though resetting debuff stacks when she triggers explosions makes it a little awkward)


Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Tried a new thing, turned out to not really be any better than the old things

Her skill does new and interesting things. The effect is... thoroughly average DPS for a 5 star AR.

The problem is that while her initial burst is quite good, the stun puts a massive damper on things. While you can turn off her skill (it's a toggle), unlike K2, the off state isn't interesting at all, being effectively dead time for her skill. However, if you need burst in the time her skill actually works, she can put out. Just be VERY aware of her self-stun and how it can impact you. Because of that, you're likely better off using almost any other t-doll that doesn't require babysitting like she does.

Also, I hope the picture makes you feel dirty, 'cause I felt dirty having to upload that here.


Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Acceptable if you still need more ARs for bog knows why

She has a very weird and complicated set of skill interactions for a role that really just wants good, consistent dakka. Has a funny combo skill with M82 (the bullpup AR, not the RF). In terms of performance she's actually not awful, but she doesn't stand out, and there are enough good ARs to use other than her.


Assault Rifle ★★★★★ G41, but looks less like a slut

See G41's entry. Nothing new is brought to the table. Also I emphasize "looks" because her skin is kinda also slutty.

Howa Type89

Howa Type89
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Tries very hard to cater to the Japanese market. Actually isn't bad.

Ok, so she isn't actually bad. She does, however, have a stupidly long skill like a JK cramming for an entrance exam, most of which is largely irrelevant because all you care about is her damage output.

Which I guess is kind of alright.

Her skill has a good initial cooldown, and she's actually better than most ARs, but she won't usurp the position of the top ARs. A good pick for your B-team.

Steyr ACR

Steyr ACR
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Overly finnicky to use

The Steyr ACR is the gun the Pallet Rifles in EVA are based off of, and this one is about as useful. On one hand, it seems like she'd be good for para fairy and its debuffs (you get +25% final damage with that), except it isn't enough to make up for the debuffs still. It's also not very easy to get debuffed. Evaluation may change based on future enemies, but really it's not worth it when you have so many good ARs to choose from.


Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Hark, an interesting AR for once

Status warfare doesn't come up too much in GFL too much given bosses are routinely immune to it and elites get shortened status effect durations, but if you actually need status effects from an AR, the stun is surprisingly far-reaching behind the initial target, and she prioritizes enemies suffering from debuffs.


Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Quirky, but has funny potential

No, she's not a video tape. One of her skins shows her recent arrival in the US has apparently given her quite the dump truck ass. Must be all the McDonalds. Her skill powers her up with extra stats relative to the enemies she's fighting, meaning she has basically no real use vs. mooks. Potentially handy vs. bosses, but being a RoF-focused AR, she suffers from chips existing.

G11 Mod

G11 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★★★ Red Bull gives you buffs.

Finally adjusted so she can stop being perpetually narcoleptic (sort of) through the power of energy drinks. She was already a decent AR whose weakness was that she couldn't hurt armor. Well, they solved the armor problem by doing percentage-based damage. Her damage is still affected by armor, but often she'll just do enough damage that you won't care anyway and can contribute to the fight regardless. She still has the issue of the poor uptime due to her long skill cooldown, but you should be smart enough to deal with that.

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