Glasses optional
Name ↓ Class Rarity Useful? Notes

Stella Hoshii

Stella Hoshii
Rifle Special Trash Cleaner

She has very weird mechanics. I want to say something witty but that's really how it works. The most immediately noticeable thing is that her damage is actually cut in half and she fires twice. This seems odd but no, its not just a visual thing either, and both shots actually can end up on different targets. The first shot uses normal RF targeting, while the other has real time targeting to always shoot the farthest target. Vs heavily armoured (enough that AP rounds wont go all the way through) or high HP enemies, this can be bad. Or it can be excellent at trash clear.

Also note that because she shoots twice, it only takes half as many firing cycles as it says on the skill to get stacks, as she gets 2 stacks per cycle (1 per shot). It also has interactions with Sei and Jill that are in the detailed page.

Jill Stingray

Jill Stingray
Handgun Special Mixing Drinks, Changing Metas

It's time to mix drinks and change formations. As a bartender, one might wonder exactly WHAT Jill can possibly do on a battlefield, and I'm sure she's asking the same thing.

Jill has a lot of firsts. She's the first unit in the game a player can use that doesn't shoot at all. She's the first one to have 8 different unique gears, and she's the first one to have a skill whose effects vary based on equipment. She's also the first one to have such an annoyingly complicated skill. The skill is everything. Her tile buffs are great, but they HAVE to be, because she doesn't contribute damage on her own. What her FP stat does is make her skill CD go down faster (except initial. Also caps at 30%, but this is INDEPENDENT of the reduction from rifle tilebuffs so yes, THOSE stack. Multiplicatively.). Unfortunately this means while she's good, how good she is depends almost entirely on how much you can use her ability to mix drinks, which btw, she can't do properly until lvl80.

Drinks are discussed in more detail in the detail page, because this is gonna be a long one.

Dorothy Haze

Dorothy Haze
Submachine Gun Special Versatile, especially in bed

Yes I know that's not really her name. And yes, you'd think the unit whose hands are actual guns would be a handgun, but nope, she's an SMG. MICAAAAAAAA.

She has a pretty interesting skill that reminds some of C-MS. What it is is mildly more complicated, because it comes with good AND bad sides, and allows her to be both a main tank and an off tank. As an off tank, she provides decent firepower with 100% uptime, a debuff no one cares about (-acc) and a really nice buff (constant eva up!) for the main tank, while as a main tank she has permanent Eva up, buffs acc of the same column ("vertical row") but actually makes the off tanks (or just people in the same column) a little less survivable. Skill discussed in more detail in her entry, but its fun stuff.

A problem she has though is the shape of the tiles. That lacking middle row really gets in the way, but she has enough other uses that this isn't too awful if you know what you're doing (For example, you want to buff the everloving bajeezus out of your main tank's dodge instead).

Also she buffs Rifles with her tiles too too, but this doesn't seem to come up all that much.

Dana Zane

Dana Zane
Shotgun Special Usable

It's the best boss! AND she has a rocket punch!

...She's actually really fuckin' weird for a shotgun. She has 22 armour which makes her decent at shotgun things, but the rest of her kit is pretty nonstandard. First she has a permanent slug effect of being single target but doing bonus damage. You'd think this would make her do less than slugs, but apparently between her raw firepower stats, buckshot increasing her firepower some more, and her unique gear ALSO increasing her firepower, she ends up with more damage than a typical shotgun with slugs.

She does have a knockback skill but it's slow at 8s, and at having 1 ammo limit, it means her RoF is more limited. So if you want a purely tanky shotgun, she's worse at it than a typical one. She does however produce surprising damage from her rocket punches, and she has very good tile buffs for a shotgun.

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