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Name ↓ Class Rarity Useful? Notes

NORINCO QJY-88 (Type-88 Machine Gun)

NORINCO QJY-88 (Type-88 Machine Gun)
Machine Gun ★★★★★ Usable

Because we need more things named Type-88 clearly.

Has both active and passive bits to their skill. Her active mode is basically an FP up - you've seen this before. Her passive mode is based on moving around. By default, she's in LMG mode and fires from the shoulder, and has increased movespeed. Her accuracy however, suffers a debuff while in LMG mode (although thankfully her acc stat isn't awful). Once she sits still for 6 seconds though, she sets up her bipod and goes into HMG mode, which gives her an acc BUFF and extends her belt by 2 shots. She switches back to LMG mode if made to move.

Equivalent to Alma. Alma will win early volleys (first 2 mags) but Type-88 will deal more for extended (3+ belts) fights.


Shotgun ★★★★ In the dumpster with the rest of the DPS shotguns

Like every other DPS shotgun, she really doesn’t have a place in current content. A phrase commonly used around here is “a solution in search for a problem”, but the real problem with MAG-7 is that I’m not entirely sure she’s a solution either.

Her passive effect can be very nice when enemies start having 600 armor, but the times there are less than three targets are very rare. Her active skill can make her damage go sky high if it’s allowed to stack, but her being on the frontline gives her the same issues a lot of DPS SMGs have. She’ll lose links, cutting her damage by a ton. Not to mention that it takes a little while for it to ramp up. The DR afforded to her by the skill isn’t high enough to keep her healthy enough to do much.

Kel-Tec RFB

Kel-Tec RFB
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good

Her skill consists of two parts:

  • Make her use rifle targeting (backline priority): Originally, the gimmick was useless. However, now she definitely has a niche considering how often Mica likes to toss in weird enemy formations.
  • Buff herself: Her stats are good to begin with, and the buff is beefy – this makes her an excellent AR for all purposes.

Overall solid. If you need her gimmick, she's amazing. If not...well, AR powercreep is real.

Dorothy Haze

Dorothy Haze
Submachine Gun Special Versatile, especially in bed

Yes I know that's not really her name. And yes, you'd think the unit whose hands are actual guns would be a handgun, but nope, she's an SMG. MICAAAAAAAA.

She has a pretty interesting skill that reminds some of C-MS. What it is is mildly more complicated, because it comes with good AND bad sides, and allows her to be both a main tank and an off tank. As an off tank, she provides decent firepower with 100% uptime, a debuff no one cares about (-acc) and a really nice buff (constant eva up!) for the main tank, while as a main tank she has permanent Eva up, buffs acc of the same column ("vertical row") but actually makes the off tanks (or just people in the same column) a little less survivable. Skill discussed in more detail in her entry, but its fun stuff.

A problem she has though is the shape of the tiles. That lacking middle row really gets in the way, but she has enough other uses that this isn't too awful if you know what you're doing (For example, you want to buff the everloving bajeezus out of your main tank's dodge instead).

Also she buffs Rifles with her tiles too too, but this doesn't seem to come up all that much.

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