Name | Class | Rarity | Useful? | Notes |
JSL Spitfire ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | Niche uses | A Britbong copy of Cz-75! ...And kinda weird. She's sort of setup for the 2MG 2SG 1HG thing that doesn't come up much and is defensively oriented, but sometimes it comes up. Just... not on any content currently. Does occasionally see actual use as a result, but she's not going to be your first pick for most jobs. The problem is that RoF reduction is kinda meh, as while it does reduce enemy DPS, it merely slows down the rate of being shot, as opposed to making shots worse (good for SGs as their armour can more readily absorb it) or less accurate (which helps Eva tanks just not be damaged entirely), making it the weakest of the enemy attack stat debuffs. |
Thompson/Center Contender ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | Recommended | She has some of the highest damage and crit buffs in the game, with the best possible tiles ("All around her"), and her skill allows her to override the targeting logic of most other dolls¹, making them focus their fire some, very unlucky fucker (boss if present, otherwise furthest/highest HP/nearest enemy, depending on whether Contender is back/middle/front row). Oh and the skill doesn't wait until impact - the bonuses kicks in as soon as the shot leaves the muzzle. She also can equip AP ammo, which doesn't come up much, but there's a few fights later where this is immensely valuable and if you're using a HG vs armour at night, well... you know. Did I mention she has 40% base crit? She does. |
Type59 Handgun ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★ | Niche uses | Chinese Makarov clone. Similar job to SPP-1, but less boosting your side's acc and more on lowering the enemy's evade. With fairies now existing she's kinda useless. |
Izhevsk MP-446 Viking ![]() |
Handgun | ★★ | Usable | Honestly would be fodder but she has a decent enough tileset if you're lacking in HGs with FP boost. Gets considerably better in her mod form, which improves her tiles immensely. |
Dornaus & Dixon Bren Ten ![]() |
Handgun | ★★ | Enhancement fodder | Yet another CZ75 clone. Mostly just fodder, but she has a +firepower buff skill that isn't super horrible and a +firepower buff-tile that make her usable in an emergency where you somehow need firepower buffers but lack any. %s are passable but not great. |
CZ75 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | Niche uses | The original Wonder Nine, she has... absolutely nothing in common with any of the other wonder nines in the game, instead opting to have a Tactical Throwing Ax which is more useful than her other gun. Basically, she's a bamboo spear unit in handgun form. Surprisingly good damage for such low base ATK if teamed with the right support squad. Seems niche, but she can actually 1-shot some bosses if setup properly. |
SPP-1 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | Niche uses | +90% Acc Buff aura at 5-links. Also has a +damage up but that's just icing on the weird, underwater-themed cake. With NV equipment, allows you to completely destroy scouts in night battles if you're actually desperate for that. Normally not a buff I recommend, but she actually gives a lot of it so if you're wanting an actual acc buffer, she'll be 1 of the ones you want. Not as important anymore since there will be other sources of acc boost, but... sometimes you might want something? |
Makarov Pistol ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★ | Good | Welrodski! ...By which I mean she's basically Welrod but 3 star, with lower numbers and an aura that wants her in the middle (or front works too). Usable if you lack Welrod and honestly not actually bad, but HG builds are cheap and she's pretty common so she might get annoying to get eventually. Also her -acc skill stacks with Welrod, and can be combined with a +evade skill for silliness. Her mod has other uses and is quite interesting, see her mod entry here |
Welrod MkII ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | Recommended | MANNERS MAKETH MAN. Very good aura for DPS, and very widely used. As a bonus, she has a very good skill for tanking, and can actually be used as a tank for bamboo spear formations or helping other tanks. She has 40% base crit unlike other handguns (a trait shared with other single-shot pistols like Contender and Thunder .50.) so a suppressor is actually pretty beneficial on her, not that you have other much choice in the matter. But yes, you will be finding use for her. Note that her -acc skill does stack MULTIPLICATIVELY with other acc debuffers. Her mod keeps her relevant well into higher difficulty content. See info on that here |
LAR Grizzly MkV ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | Decent buffer | Decent overall damage buffer with bonus evade for the tank. If you have her exclusive equipment, her buff is a bit more valuable. Nothing super standout though. |
Avtomaticheskiy Pistolet Stechkina ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | Usable buff | Or Stechkin for short. Good RoF buff. Actually combos nicely with other RoF buffs if you need more since her aura shape isn't as weird as Calico's. Works well with IWS. Try to grab her unique equip, it helps. |
Heckler & Koch YEET KANONE 45 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | Usable buffer | Formerly known as Mk23 SOCOM Highest damage buff among 4* handguns for awhile. Very good for Bamboo Spears too. KR calls her Champy because of weird meme reasons involving weird manhwa. |
Colt Single Action Army ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | Usable buffer | AKA SAA - THIS IS THE BEST GUN EV-cough Actually has very nice buffs and a decent skill. Not bad at all in night battles either with the acc up if you have crappy PEQs. Her mod makes her a stronger pick, and more info can be found on her mod article. |
United States Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★ | Niche uses | AKA Beretta 92FS. Stun Grenade Option in HG, low priority but still good to have an option of stun grenade. Not actually important to keep since lolsupercommon, but sometimes, you just need a handgun and a stun grenade and only have 1 free spot open. Her exclusive doesn't change this, she's still in the same utility spot. Also sends you to jail. |
M1895 Nagant Revolver ![]() |
Handgun | ★★ | Usable | Very good buffs, not good in her own stats though. Skill is blah-ish but serviceable at night. When she gets to MOD3, however. Becomes COMMISSAR NAGANT. May or may not land you in jail (or gulag as the case may be). She does say it herself afterall, about your odd taste... Her mod form is here |