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Beretta ARX-160

Beretta ARX-160
Assault Rifle ★★★ Trophy Raifu

She's a nonstandout grenadier, and those are basically all meh. Technically she's similar to FNC, except she only comes from events and heavy construction so by the time you get her you will have better ARs.

S&T Daewoo K11

S&T Daewoo K11
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good

Totally not Architect in disguise. We think. Probably. A grenadier that's actually pretty ok at general use simple because she fires the grenades within a time frame where everything isn't fucking dead yet, and she fires a huge volley (1 per link) that finishes off targets if the first grenade doesn't kill them. On the flipside, firing 1 grenade per link ALSO means she doesn't reach full power until 5x linked, and also means every dummy lost is a loss in grenade power, unlike literally every other grenadier.

Her main problem is literally random targeting, so the grenades may or may not land in the ideal pattern, but they're at least hitting things and you get lots of grenades, so at worst the spread is not ideal rather than wasted


Assault Rifle ★★★★ Core fodder

Hon hon ho—

Actually, cores.

Is a terrible grenadier (low multiplier AND long startup remove any usefulness of her range) with mediocre stats. Will literally be outperformed by 3 star ARs.

No, her exclusive equipment doesn't save her from that godawful skill.

Heckler & Koch HK416

Heckler & Koch HK416
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Need investment. Becomes the only grenadier you need.

Has daddy issues with M16 and the grump of Squad 404. She says she's the only one you need. What she doesn't say you need to mod her to do so because she's garbage before the mod.

Her mod article can be found here

Heckler & Koch XM8

Heckler & Koch XM8
Assault Rifle ★★★★ Core fodder

Like her real life counterpoint, ultimately disappointment despite being not quite entirely worse than many competitors.

She's not the worst grenadier out there, but in the end, both 416 and SOPMOD are better than her, and you don't need more than a few grenadiers. She DOES have a mod now. Shame that outside of a few very niche scenarios, the above statement still applies.


Assault Rifle ★★★★ Interesting, but not very likely to be used

The best dorm doll with how fucking out of it she is, and with some absolutely amazing dialogue both as general lines and in her appearance in the CT story, and a great design. Her damaged art being fuckin' bonkers is great.

And that's where most of the praise is going because her performance is... well it's not dismal, but it suffers from the same 8-second ICD issue grenadiers have in general. Should that not be an issue though, her self buffs at night are actually alright, since it gives her more mileage than other grenadiers. You aren't very likely to use her though, simply because things like SOP still exist and will likely have better performance.

Heckler & Koch HK416 Mod

Heckler & Koch HK416 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★★★ She's still insufferable but she's actually good now

It's a shame she has voice lines now, since the best part about her mod was shutting up her annoying voice. But alas, you'll probably be hearing it, because unlike her basically not-worth-the-effort base form, this one is actually decent. The big change is the six second ICD, which lets her fire grenades within the lifetime of many fights in a meaningful way, unlike most other grenadiers.

This ironically makes her useless for Chapter 11 farming, but thankfully she's good for Chapter 12 farming.

The grenade itself is buffed somewhat, and the ICD also makes her a bit more stable than SOP for some fights (SOP retains the problem of "You need the enemy to still be worth hitting with grenades 8 seconds in"). Overall, decent grenadier that you'll likely use a fair bit for farming and events, helped by 416 playing a big role in a lot of event maps and thus getting stat buffed.

Oh, and get her equip when you can. it isn't stellar, but it beats the hell out of a frame that doesn't contribute to DPS.

i can't believe her fucking name is clukay

Her previous iteration can be found at this page

Agent 416

Agent 416
Assault Rifle Special KindamaybesortaIguess (Niche Use)

Proof that the universe contractually requires 416 to be a bitch, given trying to fix her shitty personality is what caused the problem in the first place. More hilarious is she's not even an HK416, but the Patriot Arms clone.

Instead of being a grenadier, she's basically a mine layer, planting mines that seem grenade-like, but the big thing is that THEY DO NOT IGNORE ARMOR. They do still do full damage to all units caught in the blast though.

She is however, pretty fast, taking only four seconds to use her skill for the first time, and having all three of her special gear means you start the battle with some mines in place already. This is potentially useful for something.

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