Glasses optional
Name Class Rarity ↓ Useful? Notes

QBZ Type 95

QBZ Type 95
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Not really used anymore

Kishiyo face, and a silly source of drama, because he had a bitchfest over her VA not being someone super famous. As of GFL2, this continues to be true! She caused even more drama!

As a T-Doll? She's...not really that good anymore.

T91 Assault Rifle

T91 Assault Rifle
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Core fodder

Known on other servers as 5 cores.

There's so much better now, there's really zero reason why you should run her.

Heckler & Koch G36 Mod

Heckler & Koch G36 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good

Modded version of G36

Distraught by the loss of her braid, she gets over it and discovers the TRUE maid was inside her all along. Or something like that.

Her stats are boosted a fair bit and the %s on her skill get a boost to 5 star levels. At mod 2, she gets a rider on her skill that boosts the Evade of stuff in her tiles, and also boosts her own RoF by 10% for every unit standing in her tiles (Max 2, yes it stacks multiplicatively). Yes, tile fuckery applies.

She does have the problem though that to fully make use of this skill, she needs units standing in the tiles, which weakens her flexibility a bit. Totally still fine for going gung ho and just blazing away in a static formation or if you can keep the formation such that stuff remains standing in the tiles though. Her performance is generally a bee's dick below that of AN94 (and makes a good match for AK12) in general use, but beats the Russians vs armored enemies.

Like any good HK product though, she's pretty expensive, so make sure you're sure about the investment and you have nothing else more important to work on (like AR team). Still, if you like the maid, definitely a thing to look at.

Technically has a combo thingy with Springfield, but it falls under "I guess it exists?" Yeah, I dunno what they were thinking.

M4A1 Mod

M4A1 Mod

After literally years, M4 demonstrates WHY SHE IS THE HEROINE and becomes METAL GEAR.

She keeps all her old benefits but has 5 star multipliers and better stats now. This gets even better when Mod3 when she gets a unique that ups her firepower and ALSO gives her armour, so she can kinda tank in a pinch. Her buff tiles are ALSO slightly improved. Her mod 2 skill also tags enemies and enhances the mod skills of other Anti-Rain units.

The big thing however is the desperation mode. At mod2 onward, when 3 or fewer allied dolls are in battle (you can retreat 2 units to force this, or simply deploy her with a partial strength echelon), she pulls out the portable cannon and proceeds to deal hilarious damage that makes grenadiers wet their pants, as huge AoE blasts firing from every dummy. The blasts are kinda 100% accurate (the main hit can never miss, even at night, but the splash damage can. Its weird), and can partly crit (its complicated), and is meant to be a last ditch thing to save a fight under dire circumstances (of course, we instead abuse it). This is however, a doubled edged sword, as her RoF also goes down, so its possible for some enemies to slip by if you havent taken this into account.

Basically, Mod her first. She's pretty much priority #1 for modding.


Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Acceptable if you still need more ARs for bog knows why

She has a very weird and complicated set of skill interactions for a role that really just wants good, consistent dakka. Has a funny combo skill with M82 (the bullpup AR, not the RF). In terms of performance she's actually not awful, but she doesn't stand out, and there are enough good ARs to use other than her.

Howa Type89

Howa Type89
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Tries very hard to cater to the Japanese market. Actually isn't bad.

Ok, so she isn't actually bad. She does, however, have a stupidly long skill like a JK cramming for an entrance exam, most of which is largely irrelevant because all you care about is her damage output.

Which I guess is kind of alright.

Her skill has a good initial cooldown, and she's actually better than most ARs, but she won't usurp the position of the top ARs. A good pick for your B-team.


Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Night-Focused AR

Can she dethrone AS Val's ridiculously solidified position as a top-tier damage dealer? ...Not really. She suffers from wanting some base crit rate, but making use of her crit rate requires either targets with shit evasion to begin with, a ridiculously high hit rate modifier somehow, or some other means of hitting targets at night. She might have some uses, but she's harder to use than AS Val, and you don't get much in exchange for it.

Steyr ACR

Steyr ACR
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Overly finnicky to use

The Steyr ACR is the gun the Pallet Rifles in EVA are based off of, and this one is about as useful. On one hand, it seems like she'd be good for para fairy and its debuffs (you get +25% final damage with that), except it isn't enough to make up for the debuffs still. It's also not very easy to get debuffed. Evaluation may change based on future enemies, but really it's not worth it when you have so many good ARs to choose from.

Bofors Automatkarbin 5

Bofors Automatkarbin 5
Assault Rifle ★★★★ Usable

AKA Ak 5

An upgraded version of the FN FNC, both IRL and ingame. Like FNC, her 5/8 skill uptime makes her burstier than the 10/16 of G36, with better stats, which evens out to DPS comparable to G36. Not your first choice for ARs, but solid… if you can be arsed to farm her.

Heckler & Koch G36

Heckler & Koch G36
Assault Rifle ★★★★ Usable

Her 4 star rarity is a lie. She's rarer than most of the 5 stars and is surprisingly good for her rarity. MAID POWER. While she performs alright as a 4 star, her mod makes her potentially quite good if you don't mind the expense.

Does not overheat, unlike the real one. Also Imoko art.

Technically has a combo thingy with Springfield, but it falls under "I guess it exists?" Yeah, I dunno what they were thinking.

United States Carbine, Caliber 5.56 mm, M4A1

United States Carbine, Caliber 5.56 mm, M4A1
Assault Rifle ★★★★ Recommended

The cinnamon roll heroine. One of three ARs that buffs other ARs. A decent DPS who buffs other DPS. Later upgrades into a fucking metal gear. Which you should 150% get. So regardless of how good she is now, raise her anyways.

You can find her mod here


Assault Rifle ★★★★ Interesting, but not very likely to be used

The best dorm doll with how fucking out of it she is, and with some absolutely amazing dialogue both as general lines and in her appearance in the CT story, and a great design. Her damaged art being fuckin' bonkers is great.

And that's where most of the praise is going because her performance is... well it's not dismal, but it suffers from the same 8-second ICD issue grenadiers have in general. Should that not be an issue though, her self buffs at night are actually alright, since it gives her more mileage than other grenadiers. You aren't very likely to use her though, simply because things like SOP still exist and will likely have better performance.

TsKIB Ash-12.7

TsKIB Ash-12.7
Assault Rifle ★★★ Trophy Raifu

This game has so many good ARs that if you somehow stumble into her, since she's drop only, why would you ever use her? Even in a 3* only challenge account, why?

T65 Assault Rifle

T65 Assault Rifle
Assault Rifle ★★★ Budget Option

Okay so maybe China doesn't ABSOLUTELY hate Taiwan? Or else this gun wouldn't have stats literally on par with (or in many cases better than) actual 5 star ARs. She actually outdamages T91 during the day flat out. At night she's a super budget option that won't match 9A91 or any of the better ones, but at least she's cheap. She does however suffer from being a login doll, but she becomes permanently farmable later. Tile buffs are surprisingly alright for a free login doll.

Really a budget option, but at least one that isn't awful.


QBZ Type-03

QBZ Type-03
Assault Rifle ★★★ Trophy Raifu

Another 90 gems entry. Her most notable trait is "looks kinda like Python in a Qi Pao."

She's not completely awful, but her performance isn't amazing enough to really recommend raising her compared to the glut of other ARs we already have, and that's a really competitive market. She's also harder to get than FNC.

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