Glasses optional
Name ↓ Class Rarity Useful? Notes

Remington M870

Remington M870
Shotgun ★★★★★ Niche Skill but has 5 star SG stats

Basically every weird Hell's Angels meme in 1 go, and also probably a little crazy. Sometimes called Super Longty.

Her skill is pretty much a Force Shield that works similarly to the Paradeus ones, except instead of an HOC depleting it, it slowly weakens on its own. Pretty much works the same way where at max level, you have a 1000 strength barrier that blocks out everything for a second, then it goes down by 100 every second, weakening the shield (so after 1s, it's 90% DR, after 2s it's 80%, and so on) until the shield shuts down at the 6s mark.

This is actually not bad DR at all and with timing, CAN be used to tank Golyats.

Except it has a 10s initial cooldown so AGGHHHHHHH.

It does have it's uses sometimes, but it's not your first pick because of that usually.

She does however, have typical good 5 star shotgun stats so if for some reason you lack shotguns, you can just bring her along and she wont really be bad at that.


Machine Gun ★★★★★ An actually excellent multipurpose MG

Between her two modes AND a passive that helps keep shotguns alive, I don't think there's much more to say other than "she's great, you will probably find a use for her."

RO635 Mod

RO635 Mod
Submachine Gun ★★★★★★ Cant touch this Cue Music

The first 6 star SMG, and oh boy, she deserves it. As long as the damage isn't so overwhelming that it can kill her dummies outright, she has a chance to negate the damage. The chances increase if the enemy has more debuffs or has Marks of Vengeance on them, which immediately makes her a good pair with M4. Also the Sop doll is cute and comes with weird features. This is literally Sop's fault.


Rifle ★★★★★ Iffy in use, has some potential

Imoko's much less loved daughter, because at some point she apparently adopted a Kongou class Battlecruiser. Unlike G36 who gets more costumes than any 2 dolls combined, QBU has had all of... 1.

Performancewise, she joined the weird rifle pile by being another theoretically good on paper weapon that has issues in practical field use. Basically, every few times she fires at an enemy, she causes an explosion with a 1.5 unit radius, and when she pops her active, she hits for less than a normal small bamboo's worth of damage and then causes an explosion on top.

The bamboo skill adjustment was a boon for her, since EN will never have to deal with her dumb 8s original cooldown and can now fire it off at 4s, making her usable as an anti-medium-scale unit, kinda handy vs paradeus, but otherwise not exceptional.

Was actually handy in Shattered Connexion, but kind of questionable before then. YMMV.


Rifle Special Actually really good if you meet her skill's conditions

Yes, Pekola, as opposed to a certain dumb rabbit. The eternally-starving once-most-powerful angel. She actually won't attack at all until you meet her conditions of getting enough buffs. Thankfully, stuff like Python's FP buff stacks count as individual buffs. More hilariously, the fairy talent Fervor also counts as three buffs. This makes satisfying the conditions for her skill actually pretty easy.

What you get for doing so is a ridiculous RF that completely ignores enemy armor and shields. A major downside to this though is she wont deal as much damage as another RF if you don't need such capabilities, since she isn't affected by very many damage buffs due to how she works.

This should be obvious, but you should pick up her unique gear if you plan on using her.

Panzerbüchse 39

Panzerbüchse 39
Rifle ★★★★ Probably the worst rifle in the game

Aka PzB39

Has the same useless skill as JS05, with nothing to save her from being just as useless. Bring 2* rifles if you're running out of good ones, they're still better than her.

With the new changes to RF skills she... uhm... managed to be even shittier, easily earning the "Worst RF in the game" award with how her shot literally does less than a normal shot at base power (at skill lvl10!) and also having an aiming time of slower than her natural RoF.


Handgun Special Trophy Raifu

Imagine how bad Noel was at her lowest point in her own series. ...Now imagine its worse.

Somehow arguably less useful than P7 who has similar tiles, and her skill is kind of awful. She's a perfect storm of not being particularly good at any 1 thing while also not being really acceptable at any of them. Also she jumps forward during her skill.

This can have unexpectedly bad effects on enemy positioning sometimes, including units... uh.. simply walking past her, to the map edge, which makes you lose. There are arguably some scenarios where she's useful, but those are... niche to the extreme and honestly if you're one of the people who CAN pull those off, you dont need me to explain anything to you.

Nambu Type 100 Submachine Gun

Nambu Type 100 Submachine Gun
Submachine Gun ★★★★★ Carried by her mod

Aka Hyaku Shiki if you're a fucking weeb.

Originally pox upon the 5 star SMG drop pool. The reserve girl holding the current record for "longest time from production to actual release" at over 2 years from being mentioned to being worked on to finally seeing light of day (SCAR doesn't count, as she was only rumours). I think she forgot how to be a t-doll with how long she was left there. She's... pretty I guess. But for the most part, her performance makes you go "Ah, that's why they lost the war."

Possibly utterly shit due to being designed by the same dude that designed possibly the least safe service pistol ever issued in the history of humans shooting each other, but this was 1 of his actually decent guns dammit.

Thankfully she got a mod that made her actually good (although RO existing means you wont use it too much). The base version however suffers from long startup and poor numbers that take way too long to get going.

NTW-20 Mod

NTW-20 Mod
Rifle ★★★★★★ Very Weird Removal Specialist

The very first 6 star on EN! And she's... buggy as fuck actually and with more weird shit going on than the UNS secret weapons programs. For example the way she misses her first firing cycle is a patchwork for a different bug and basically it's awkward to use her for a lot of meme things.

Boasting really high FP and multipliers though (especially with her unique equipment and ability to hit 200 affection if oathed), she got converted from a straight boss killer to a very weird assassin that removes certain enemies from the field. Her second skill makes her preferentially target units she can destroy, which makes her actually pretty handy for quick removal. Moreover, if she DOES actually kill it, she gets buffs for the next shot which... unfortunately can miss, which makes her less useful at night for this.

She's not particularly useful right now, but if you have specific needs for that sort of thing, she can work. She is however, a very expensive investment, so make sure it's what you actually want.

NORINCO QJY-88 (Type-88 Machine Gun)

NORINCO QJY-88 (Type-88 Machine Gun)
Machine Gun ★★★★★ Usable

Because we need more things named Type-88 clearly.

Has both active and passive bits to their skill. Her active mode is basically an FP up - you've seen this before. Her passive mode is based on moving around. By default, she's in LMG mode and fires from the shoulder, and has increased movespeed. Her accuracy however, suffers a debuff while in LMG mode (although thankfully her acc stat isn't awful). Once she sits still for 6 seconds though, she sets up her bipod and goes into HMG mode, which gives her an acc BUFF and extends her belt by 2 shots. She switches back to LMG mode if made to move.

Equivalent to Alma. Alma will win early volleys (first 2 mags) but Type-88 will deal more for extended (3+ belts) fights.

Mauser Karabiner 98k (Kar98k)

Mauser Karabiner 98k (Kar98k)
Rifle ★★★★★ Her Mod Makes her really good

From meme girl with trash performance to actually good. With a fairly quick 4s ICD for not much loss in damage and .5s between shots, she settles into a niche of removal of threatening middle-ish HP units such as Gundams and the like early on, and if you have the unique equipment from Singularity ranking, her initial pre-skill DPS isn't too horrid either. Her mod makes her actually good, amazingly.


Shotgun ★★★★ In the dumpster with the rest of the DPS shotguns

Like every other DPS shotgun, she really doesn’t have a place in current content. A phrase commonly used around here is “a solution in search for a problem”, but the real problem with MAG-7 is that I’m not entirely sure she’s a solution either.

Her passive effect can be very nice when enemies start having 600 armor, but the times there are less than three targets are very rare. Her active skill can make her damage go sky high if it’s allowed to stack, but her being on the frontline gives her the same issues a lot of DPS SMGs have. She’ll lose links, cutting her damage by a ton. Not to mention that it takes a little while for it to ramp up. The DR afforded to her by the skill isn’t high enough to keep her healthy enough to do much.

M4A1 Mod

M4A1 Mod

After literally years, M4 demonstrates WHY SHE IS THE HEROINE and becomes METAL GEAR.

She keeps all her old benefits but has 5 star multipliers and better stats now. This gets even better when Mod3 when she gets a unique that ups her firepower and ALSO gives her armour, so she can kinda tank in a pinch. Her buff tiles are ALSO slightly improved. Her mod 2 skill also tags enemies and enhances the mod skills of other Anti-Rain units.

The big thing however is the desperation mode. At mod2 onward, when 3 or fewer allied dolls are in battle (you can retreat 2 units to force this, or simply deploy her with a partial strength echelon), she pulls out the portable cannon and proceeds to deal hilarious damage that makes grenadiers wet their pants, as huge AoE blasts firing from every dummy. The blasts are kinda 100% accurate (the main hit can never miss, even at night, but the splash damage can. Its weird), and can partly crit (its complicated), and is meant to be a last ditch thing to save a fight under dire circumstances (of course, we instead abuse it). This is however, a doubled edged sword, as her RoF also goes down, so its possible for some enemies to slip by if you havent taken this into account.

Basically, Mod her first. She's pretty much priority #1 for modding.


Shotgun ★★★★★ Competes with SAT8 for the best shotgun to use your True Core Mask on

OBEY. Made from a less-lethal shotgun meant to give police forces more options to put down people without killing them. In G&K's case, however, she certainly helps with takedowns.

Incredibly good stats for a shotgun, good formation buffs, and her skill has the unique ability to cancel enemy buffs. These buffs include ENEMY SHIELDS (including Patroller shields) and stat buffs (including bullshit enemy evasion buffs). Her mechanics are unique, so she actually ignores normal knockback immunity. Oh, and her armor buff stacks are multiplicative. Unfortunately, the Minotaur's damage reduction is a weird thing that can't be removed, but regardless, you get so much utility from her. Even if you don't need her skill, her stats are just that good.

If you don't have her, get her from a True Core Mask or something. She's just too useful in things like later Theater events.

Kel-Tec RFB

Kel-Tec RFB
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good

Her skill consists of two parts:

  • Make her use rifle targeting (backline priority): Originally, the gimmick was useless. However, now she definitely has a niche considering how often Mica likes to toss in weird enemy formations.
  • Buff herself: Her stats are good to begin with, and the buff is beefy – this makes her an excellent AR for all purposes.

Overall solid. If you need her gimmick, she's amazing. If not...well, AR powercreep is real.

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