Glasses optional
Name ↓ Class Rarity Useful? Notes


Shotgun ★★★★★ A damage dealing shotgun that's actually not a complete meme (YMMV still)

Another one of those funny two-mode dolls. She's actually not an awful damage dealer, but her damage is still less than other dolls that are pure damage dealers. Also, despite having a rifle mode, she can't equip AP rounds so you're stuck with only the AP stats you get from her skill.

She might have use in some formations (mostly shenanigans), but most people probably won't use her.


Shotgun ★★★★★ Shotgun Flex Pick

With LTLX7000 being out, the main question asked of most shotguns is "are they as good as LTLX?" As for M26-MASS, she does her damn best trying to be. While LTLX has her SUPER dumb damage mitigation in her active skill, M26 has it baked in as a passive. If any damage she takes is 5 or lower, it’s completely ignored, as if she had very good flash rounds. This is applied AFTER armor mitigation AND flash rounds. With flash rounds, she’s essentially immune to anything 8 damage or lower, which is very strong. However, if the enemy does too much damage, this passive does nothing. However, in current day, LS26 exists. This fixes damage taken to 5 which, spoiler, is negated by MASS's skill. Can be very strong to force MASS to tank some insane things. How often will that be used? Eh. It's neat at least.

The one thing she does have going for her with her passive is that she can actually mitigate damage that bypasses armor. You can entirely mitigate stuff like grenades through it. You could sit in gundam range for a bit and not fussed about it. You could even sit in Typhon lasers and be fine. (Depending on firepower of Typhon, please do not attempt without consulting a local doctor)

Overall, she does fall short of LTLX just due to the sheer power of doubling your armor along with 20% DR. The utility of her active also is less relevant compared to LTLX. Removing HP shields and buffs (which get far more common) is stronger than a Molotov and DR to backline. To add to that, the 6 second initial cooldown hampers the effectiveness of the backline portion of the skill. This is because most things that do target the backline would already be skullfucking you at that point. Other cases this is bad include maps M26 shouldn’t be brought to for one reason or another, like when shotguns are bad for it in general or you can’t use machine guns.

M1897 Trenchsweeper Mod

M1897 Trenchsweeper  Mod
Shotgun ★★★★ Became a maid, still sucks at her job

Expensive AND still doesn't do anything useful? Say it ain't so.

Shame, since I like the shotgun, but she sucks harder than the vacuum cleaner she should be using instead of her broom.

Note from Kyazuki: Xecty doesn't like DPS shotguns, but she's alright if you want her for that. Probably not worth the cost for most.


Shotgun ★★★★ Managed to forget the most important part of being a shotgun

21 Armour and her HP isnt high enough to make up for it at a mere 231 per dummy link (compare 275 for SPAS-12!). Her skill doesn't help her tank, and while her skill kinda helps a little for mass knockback, her ammo count is awful, so you can't rely on it.

She's better than nothing, but you already get SPAS-12 for free.


Shotgun ★★★★★ Competes with SAT8 for the best shotgun to use your True Core Mask on

OBEY. Made from a less-lethal shotgun meant to give police forces more options to put down people without killing them. In G&K's case, however, she certainly helps with takedowns.

Incredibly good stats for a shotgun, good formation buffs, and her skill has the unique ability to cancel enemy buffs. These buffs include ENEMY SHIELDS (including Patroller shields) and stat buffs (including bullshit enemy evasion buffs). Her mechanics are unique, so she actually ignores normal knockback immunity. Oh, and her armor buff stacks are multiplicative. Unfortunately, the Minotaur's damage reduction is a weird thing that can't be removed, but regardless, you get so much utility from her. Even if you don't need her skill, her stats are just that good.

If you don't have her, get her from a True Core Mask or something. She's just too useful in things like later Theater events.

Kel-Tec KSG

Kel-Tec KSG
Shotgun ★★★★★ Good

If you want to stack armor, she's one of the best for it, with one of the highest base armor among shotguns. That combined with her skill, she can easily hit some insane armor thresholds, making her take 1 damage (zero with flash rounds) where other shotguns can struggle. This does come at a price of having her HP be on the lower end of shotguns.

However, there are now plenty of other options at this point in the game that can produce similar, but better results. That doesn't make her trash, but yeah. Still usable.


Shotgun ★★★ Usable

AKA, SHARK-CHAN. Shitty aura shape, workable buff. Has surprisingly high HP for a 3 star shotty, and surprisingly ok damage, otherwise average tanking ability. With the release of better SGs, you'll want better if you can, but all shotguns are at least usable if you lack anything better.

Her unique makes her slightly better offensively, but still far away from being actually good at it, and 90% of the time you want your shotguns to tank.

Ithaca M37 Featherlight

Ithaca M37 Featherlight
Shotgun ★★★★ Usable

Called "The Northern Hemispheres" for fairly obvious reasons. Somehow, someone decided "Featherlight" clearly means "biggest tits on a t-doll possible." Her skill lets her do a bit of damage except you dont care about that sort of thing on a shotgun and its not like the skill has time to trigger on a typical fight (most SGs dont get to use their skills anyway). Still, well... she's a shotgun with 22 base armour. This puts her ahead of the lower end shotties like supershorty.

High Standard Model 10 (HS10/HSM10)

High Standard Model 10 (HS10/HSM10)
Shotgun ★★★ It's a shotgun

3* Super Shorty. Better tiles and more HP, one more point of base armour but less evasion and lower skill multiplier kinda comes out to about equal tanking capability. Which isn't all that great, but at least she's free.

Hawk Industries Type-97

Hawk Industries Type-97
Shotgun ★★★★ Usable

CAPTAIN CHINNNAAAAA! Surprisingly good for a free unit. Has the lowest armor among the shotguns (tied with Super Shorty), but she will get you started considering how easy it is to get her. Aura optimized for 1SG/1HG/3MG setups, and works well with Mk23 and M2HB (which are both given for free to new players too). Has a very tiny 3-shot magazine compared to the usual 4 most SGs get which limits her firepower somewhat, but her skill offsets this a bit. A flawed unit and not a first pick for many lineups, but most SGs are interchangeable as far as front-row tanks go anyway, even if she's not as good at it as the other ones you'll get eventually. Her main merits are a decent aura shape and being free.

She does have a mod which...kinda makes her better? Will add that article soon...probably.


Shotgun ★★★★ Can buff other shotguns, but isn't great herself

OK, your mileage may vary a lot for this one. Her Armor isn't great and she herself isn't exactly super tanky without her skill up. On the other hand, her skill might buff your other shotgun(s), so it may be useful for that.

H&K Fabarm FP6

H&K Fabarm FP6
Shotgun ★★★★★ Solid Base stats with weird skill

A shotgun from the makers of the SAT8! ...Except it's sold and marketed by HK because various reasons. It's... actually kinda so vanilla there's not many memes and I don't think any of them are really any good besides her silly Christmas outfit.

Excellent tilebuffs for running a 2SG frontline, while packing 24 armour (tied with KSG for highest base) while packing 1.3k HP at 5 links. This makes her useful regardless of everything else.

Her skill is a little questionable, but it stacks with itself multiplicatively (after armour) if 1 unit gets both (guaranteed if there's only 1 unit in the frontmost rank) and the knockback is, while not amazing, also not unwelcome. It's also on a 10second ICD so it'll rarely ever come up anyway, and her stats are solid for a frontrow tank in most typical fights with MGs.

Not as good as something like SAT8 in most situations, but not exactly something to turn away.

Franchi SPAS-12

Franchi SPAS-12
Shotgun ★★★★ Usable

The Queen of Gluttons, and reason you lock up your ration storage. If you get -MRE tiles on random nodes, don't believe the fake news, its just a cover for her breaking into your food stores. No seriously, all her damned lines are related to food, EVEN HER OATH LINE.

Actually has a really nice skill but has fairly average stats. Her skill doesn't work with slugs, only further highlighting how shit slugs are. Her defenses are actually not as good as some of the others, but she has good offensive stats (for a shotgun). Basically a direct upgrade to unmodded Type-97.


Shotgun ★★★★★ Niche

Oh hey. DPS shotgun. Like every other DPS shotgun, she has the issue of “when would this even be relevant?” So, I’m not going to focus on that.

The main eye-catching bit of her skill is the instant kill shot once she hits 100 stacks. While useful, it only happens once per battle, so you can’t rely on it. Her real strength comes from her having perfect accuracy, higher knockback chance, and no need to reload. This can make her an absolute monster when knockback is desired.

The problem with this comes with the constraints that you need to follow to really get her going. First, you need another shotgun with her, which isn’t terribly difficult. Next, you need to have her hit 100 stacks. You get one per hit on an enemy, which may sound like a lot, but it isn’t. This takes into account dummy links, as well as the fact that shotguns hit multiple enemies, so you can get up to 25 stacks per shot. (Assuming you’re using bird shot, which you should be using) It’s entirely feasible to get 100 stacks in one of her mags. However, this can be an issue in battles with lower enemy count, which will hamper her stack gains.


Shotgun ★★★★★ Usable

She's still usable and good enough to deal with older content just fine, but the new shotguns currently available just blow her out of the water so hard. Sad day to be a pizzalion.

That skill happens to be giving your entire front row a 35HP shield, that takes armour into account first. It also has 5/8 uptime. Basically, if your SGs took scratch damage before? They should take literally nil now, unless its a really major fight or you were silly enough to go fight anti-armour enemies.

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