Name | Class | Rarity | Useful? | Notes |
IWI X95 Micro Tavor ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★★ | Good stats. Has funky specialist targeting that can be good or bad. | From the same artist that brought you Negev and IWS 2000. She's a funny SR-3MP with arguably better tiles and, more importantly, has funny targeting mechanics when her skill is active. She weeds out the weak, taking out the trash in enemy lineups. This is actually useful as fuck in boss fights with infinite trash spawns (you'll see an especially annoying case she can help with in Shattered Connexion), or if you specifically need the trash taken out for some reason. Aside from that, she's a normal direct fire DPS off-tank. |
Walther P22 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | Nobody actually likes her, but everyone wants her | One of the more maligned, design-wise, of the Infukun rangers. As a character, she's OK I guess. As a design, she's not as good as the rest of the stuff Infukun made before he left Mica (G11 is peak Infukun). As a unit... she's actually kinda crazy, with a buff for every occasion that makes her one of the best and most flexible T-dolls in the game. Shields for the front, Damage for the back, Acc and Eva for the middle row in case you need that. If you could only get one doll from Isomer from farming, farm this one. Seriously. If she offends your senses that much, stick a paper bag on her head. |
Colt Single Action Army Mod ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | You're pretty good! *fingergun* | "Yay, we can all clear singularity now!" Oh wait... :V Fucking Ceia, I swear... Yeah, she's a little over-hyped, but she's actually a fairly solid unit. A stacking buff every few seconds? Not bad at all. This allows her to buff firepower, accuracy and rate of fire all at once. Her main issue is it takes a few seconds for her skills to REALLY kick in, but she's great for the longer fights that start creeping up here and there, and for things like backing up M4 in her railgun mode. Not super necessary compared to before now that we have lots of buffing HGs, but she's handy for things like ranking maps. Another fun thing about this mod you might not know is that the passive 2nd skill automatically activates on a cooldown that you can't see, so rifle tile buffs (which speed up handgun cooldowns) make this activate faster. Her Mod 3 equipment is kinda pointless for her role, though, so unless you like the art or have bad OCD, she's fine at Mod 2. |
El Fail ![]() |
Handgun | Special | It's ok | Like an anti-Clear. Instead of buffing allies, she debuffs enemies. She strums five times, each time applying a three-second rate of fire and accuracy debuff to three enemies, meaning a set of five strums can debuff up to 15 enemies. The debuff prioritizes enemies with the highest HP that have not yet gotten a debuff. Once all enemies have been debuffed, she starts over again, debuffing the highest HP enemy that hasn't been debuffed on the current cycle of the enemy list until all strums are used, and they can be stacked on any given enemy up to twice. The debuffs are alright, but Clear is usually better. Still, she can help your tank survive if for some reason you require more tankiness over more dakka. Due to the short duration of the debuff, she tends to work better on bosses. Also take note that like Clear, if she's supposed to be playing when she has to move, SHE DOESN'T PLAY FOR THAT MOMENT. So, for best results, make sure she can sit still and play. Fortunately moving doesn't cancel the performance entirely, and just suspends it. This does make Jaguars and enemy mortars annoying as fuck though. Also Dmesse's waifu, buy her skin. (This is not a message paid by Dmesse to spread smug Waterkuma doll greatness) |
El Clear ![]() |
Handgun | Special | Yes | Actually a pretty strong buffer. Her skill is a lie, it isn't actually random: It actually buffs allies in order of Damage Done, skipping herself. This means the top damage contributor is buffed first, then the 2nd, and so on. Once she goes through the list, she starts again from the top. This makes her fairly reliable if your comp has reliable damage. She also gives a HUGE boost with her special equipment. MAKE SURE YOU GET HER SPECIAL EQUIPMENT. |
CETME Model L ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★ | Core | A Spanish G41 clone/parallel development. Spain replaced it with the G36, and so should you. |
Heckler & Koch P30 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | The perfect answer to a question noone asked | A doll that suffered from looking really cool in the previews up until people saw her face and went "wtf is this." Her skill is unique, and answers a question nobody asked. While not completely useless, there's nowhere really where it's actually required. The RoF boost is.... kind of paltry and borderline useless, so all she has going for her is the movespeed boost. If you really REALLY hate dealing with dreamer and otherwise suck at micro, this might come in handy. Other fights like typhons however, are more reliant on observation and dealing with the early onrush of mobs, since HGs like Python and Contender, or SMGs like CMS, are fast enough on their own. Oh right, if you do plan to use her, do note that as usual, you cant do shit while moving. Be wary. |
ADS (Avtomat Dvukhsredny Spetsial'ny) ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★★ | Specialist. Potentially Hilarious for Red Golyats. | Another weird Russian specialist gun, meant to fire both above and below the water, which is why the doll has weird underwater parts replacing her left leg. Her skill is as annoying to explain as she is boring. Basically whenever she fires, she has a chance to apply debuffs (that reduce target RoF and move speed) on her target, which at 5 stacks, explodes in a grenade-like effect that deals damage and stuns the target. That's the passive. The active fires a debuff grenade that applies 3 debuff stacks (+2 for the primary target) and briefly increases her debuff proc chance to 100%. Honestly it's really weird, but it has use for things like Golyats, which, coupled with things like shotgun knockback and some RoF buffs, can help deal with some of the more annoying enemies in the game (for certain patterns.) Also has potential synergy with ACR kinda (though resetting debuff stacks when she triggers explosions makes it a little awkward) |
Remington M870 ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★★ | Niche Skill but has 5 star SG stats | Basically every weird Hell's Angels meme in 1 go, and also probably a little crazy. Sometimes called Super Longty. Her skill is pretty much a Force Shield that works similarly to the Paradeus ones, except instead of an HOC depleting it, it slowly weakens on its own. Pretty much works the same way where at max level, you have a 1000 strength barrier that blocks out everything for a second, then it goes down by 100 every second, weakening the shield (so after 1s, it's 90% DR, after 2s it's 80%, and so on) until the shield shuts down at the 6s mark. This is actually not bad DR at all and with timing, CAN be used to tank Golyats. Except it has a 10s initial cooldown so AGGHHHHHHH. It does have it's uses sometimes, but it's not your first pick because of that usually. She does however, have typical good 5 star shotgun stats so if for some reason you lack shotguns, you can just bring her along and she wont really be bad at that. |
M4 SOPMOD MOD ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★★ | Pretty much the best straight Grenadier | If you're looking for an 8s Grenadier, well, she was always a very strong choice, and now she's pretty much almost the default one for most circumstances by sheer stats and having the 2 accessory slots. Improved Grenade performance (not that most enemies will notice) and bonus MIRVs on top of that. She does get bonuses with M4, but due to the fact M4's marks affect her targeting (and potentially are buggy with her MIRVs), using her with M4 is not always ideal. Aside from that, it's the same old SOP, but with a unique equipment (thats pretty much just an improved Eotech) and bigger numbers. |
AK-74U (AKS-74U) ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★★ | Niche Uses (Kinda good with AK-74M) | It's actually an AKS-74U, but the game calls her AK-74U. I know, I know. Yet another AR the game calls a subgun because...shut up. Actually had dummy data in the client waaay before her actual release in CT, so she actually got released with a voice even on older servers. ...And that's probably the most positive thing I can say. Her tiles are OK, her skill is weird (she debuffs enemies she's attacking instead of just all of them) and while the effects are alright, the uptime is pretty awful for tanking. Potentially useful for some bosses with manual skill use to handle certain burst windows, but the cooldown after the initial skill use is loooong so it's not exactly the best choice for long term tanking. You may have a use for her if you're creative with it, but it's not something to just tell people to prioritize raising. As a result, her primary use is telling you wind speed and direction, unless you have AK-74M and want an AK echelon, in which case she'll be one of your SMG tanks and is actually pretty decent since AK-74M makes her skill into a passive. |
Winchester M1897 Trench Model ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★ | Serviceable, but nowhere as good as her Rep says she is | I want to say good things about this doll. I really do. It's an iconic shotgun with a hella rep and even got accused of being a warcrime. The rep is exaggerated, but not entirely undeserved. Her design is... blah. Trench Broom apparently = shitty maid. But are her stats ok? ...Eh, they're alright. Like the real thing they're serviceable. The tiles are passable (not great, but its 50% acc on a shotgun which helps some MGs) and she has passable HP. Her armour is a little low due to her 3 star nature, at 21. Not the worst thing ever, but far far from your first choice. Mae would probably not take her into battle. |
H&K Fabarm FP6 ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★★ | Solid Base stats with weird skill | A shotgun from the makers of the SAT8! ...Except it's sold and marketed by HK because various reasons. It's... actually kinda so vanilla there's not many memes and I don't think any of them are really any good besides her silly Christmas outfit. Excellent tilebuffs for running a 2SG frontline, while packing 24 armour (tied with KSG for highest base) while packing 1.3k HP at 5 links. This makes her useful regardless of everything else. Her skill is a little questionable, but it stacks with itself multiplicatively (after armour) if 1 unit gets both (guaranteed if there's only 1 unit in the frontmost rank) and the knockback is, while not amazing, also not unwelcome. It's also on a 10second ICD so it'll rarely ever come up anyway, and her stats are solid for a frontrow tank in most typical fights with MGs. Not as good as something like SAT8 in most situations, but not exactly something to turn away. |
Heckler and Koch MP7 ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★★ | Very Good High-uptime Dodge Tank | She calls you a zookeeper. Basically packs a better version of Suomi's self-buff. Higher multpliers, lets her run faster on top, same good uptime, better base evade. HP is lower, but still really high at 198 per dummy (990 at 5 links at 100 - a pretty hefty amount still). Skill kills offensive stats but you dont care. If you need a doll to dodge a lot for a long time, she's easily in the running for the job. (Competing with her nemesis, the P90.) |
AN-94 ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★★ | The Power of Russian Space Magic Is Real | There are not enough ways to say "use her if you have her." I want to make a joke, but its hard to overeemphasize just how good she is. Besides her immensely good uptime (5/8 type), it's raised even HIGHER by her passive, which triggers it everytime she switches targets. In most cases, she will pretty much outperform G11 handily. Basically the best of the best among daylight ARs, and powerful even at night vs up to light armour. She wants the #7 position on your formation, and there's little reason not to give it. Also she has enough of an Acc Buff that everyone who used to do stupid shit to prop up SR3 can be quiet now, it's all the buff you need to run her. |
Broken As Shit
Buff Acc
Buff Crit
Buff Dr
Buff Eva
Buff Fp
Buff Fucking Everything
Buff Movement Speed
Buff Rof
Damage Amplification
Damage Reduction
Debuff Acc
Debuff Dmg
Debuff Eva
Debuff Fp
Debuff Movespeed
Debuff Rof
Double Edged Sword
Hand Grenade
Has A Passive
Hp Shield
Hunting Impulse
Increase Rounds
Infinite Ammo
Perfect Accuracy
Self Debuff Acc
Self Debuff Fp
Self Debuff Rof
Selfbuff Acc
Selfbuff Armour
Selfbuff Crit
Selfbuff Crit Damage
Selfbuff Damage
Selfbuff Eva
Selfbuff Fp
Selfbuff Fucking Everything
Selfbuff Movement Speed
Selfbuff Rof
Stun Grenade
Stun Not A Grenade