Name | Class | Rarity | Useful? | Notes |
T65 Assault Rifle ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★ | Budget Option | Okay so maybe China doesn't ABSOLUTELY hate Taiwan? Or else this gun wouldn't have stats literally on par with (or in many cases better than) actual 5 star ARs. She actually outdamages T91 during the day flat out. At night she's a super budget option that won't match 9A91 or any of the better ones, but at least she's cheap. She does however suffer from being a login doll, but she becomes permanently farmable later. Tile buffs are surprisingly alright for a free login doll. Really a budget option, but at least one that isn't awful. Gao. |
United States Pistol, Caliber .45, M1911 MOD ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | Early Trash Cleaner |
A really expensive trash cleaner. Basically when she pops smoke, she then goes Alvin York and blasts away 7 times for extra damage, hitting the farthest enemy and working her way closer to the front with every shot. If there are no closer enemies, she just keeps shooting that one until someone else has gotten closer (either because its dead and thus a new thing is closer, or something ran ahead of it). Note that while the skill has an ICD of 1 second, she doesn't actually start blasting away until 3 seconds in due to the throw animation. |
Sig Sauer P226 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★ | Basically a Worse Spitfire | The doll is basically Spitfire with slightly different buff tile layout/focus (less FP, more Acc). Frankly, she's really boring statwise and enemy RoF reduction is usually worse than FP reduction (which is good for armor/shield tanking) or acc reduction (Which is good for Eva tanking) and the Spitfire entry has the rest of my thoughts on that. She thinks of herself as an elite doll, due to the P226's previous adoption by the US Navy SEALs (hence the Seal she has with her) and has a bit of a rivalry with M9, claiming she should absolutely be the more popular one. More info on the notes. |
FN Herstal P90 ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★★ | Strong Main Tank | Everyone knows the joke by now. If not, you've been living in a hole for the past 20 years. Now more associated with Russia (who people the gun was specifically meant to shoot at, as it was part of a PDW project that worried about armoured Russian soldiers) than with Belgium (which many people dont seem to realize is a country). Mostly noted on older servers for an utterly ABYSMAL rate which led to drama that resulted in Mica integrating official recipes into the client + promising more common true core masks. Also, surprised people by being drawn by LM7 instead of Suisai, despite being an FN product. For performance, she's a fairly powerful dodger with a bonus offensive function, and her tiles aren't bad. In terms of sheer survival potential, she's 1 of the best, although occasionally stuff acts weird due to her shadow clones (which btw, interact WEIRDLY with the game). Of note, the shadow clones only copy the number of active remaining links, so you do want to keep as many links intact as possible for that (or not, see detailed notes). Overall, a very strong main tank candidate that is really good at her survival job. |
Beretta Px4 Storm ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | Ridiculously Strong Buffer | A ridiculously overpowered handgun in the right hands. If you know what you're doing, she is absolutely bonkers. Led to a meme on older servers where "the practical number of RF teams you could field was equal to your sets of Px4 and Five-seveN." Strictly speaking it isn't true, but it gives you an idea of how valued she is. What she does with her active skill (at lvl10) is reduce crit rate by 20%, but increase your crit damage multiplier by 50% for all dolls in her tiles. Considering that crit damage STARTS at 150%, and that its tile based, which means you can engage in tile fuckery (which makes these effects stack MULTIPLICATIVELY), and there you go. For RFs, with a +10 Gold Scope and 5-7, they maintain 100% crit rate through all this. For ARs, you need to worry about the math a bit more, but it is generally an overall increase unless your critscopes suck. Works with TAC-50, which is part of why she was so hideously overpowered. |
NORINCO QJY-88 (Type-88 Machine Gun) ![]() |
Machine Gun | ★★★★★ | Usable | Because we need more things named Type-88 clearly. Has both active and passive bits to their skill. Her active mode is basically an FP up - you've seen this before. Her passive mode is based on moving around. By default, she's in LMG mode and fires from the shoulder, and has increased movespeed. Her accuracy however, suffers a debuff while in LMG mode (although thankfully her acc stat isn't awful). Once she sits still for 6 seconds though, she sets up her bipod and goes into HMG mode, which gives her an acc BUFF and extends her belt by 2 shots. She switches back to LMG mode if made to move. Equivalent to Alma. Alma will win early volleys (first 2 mags) but Type-88 will deal more for extended (3+ belts) fights. |
ST Kinetics SAR-21 ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★ | If want can | Wife of everyone from National Service according to your encik. Terras make her cute, but how come like Airline waitress instead of battle standard leh? Wish they make her look more garang. Someone at Mica damn siao and give her same skill as Aug. Slowest rof service rifle become machinegun wat. She think she ultimax lor. Osso make her manmode, debuff self acc and target become random every shot. At lvl10 no more acc debuff but still say she have (because coding is liddat), but is ok since it actually 0. (still look damn stupid sia). Like AUG but with 4 star stat, and tile buff for smg only (though is not bad). If Aug already have, is not as important unless want more of her skill leh. Look at detailed entry on AUG for more info. |
Dana Zane ![]() |
Shotgun | Special | Usable | It's the best boss! AND she has a rocket punch! ...She's actually really fuckin' weird for a shotgun. She has 22 armour which makes her decent at shotgun things, but the rest of her kit is pretty nonstandard. First she has a permanent slug effect of being single target but doing bonus damage. You'd think this would make her do less than slugs, but apparently between her raw firepower stats, buckshot increasing her firepower some more, and her unique gear ALSO increasing her firepower, she ends up with more damage than a typical shotgun with slugs. She does have a knockback skill but it's slow at 8s, and at having 1 ammo limit, it means her RoF is more limited. So if you want a purely tanky shotgun, she's worse at it than a typical one. She does however produce surprising damage from her rocket punches, and she has very good tile buffs for a shotgun. |
Dorothy Haze ![]() |
Submachine Gun | Special | Versatile, especially in bed | Yes I know that's not really her name. And yes, you'd think the unit whose hands are actual guns would be a handgun, but nope, she's an SMG. MICAAAAAAAA. She has a pretty interesting skill that reminds some of C-MS. What it is is mildly more complicated, because it comes with good AND bad sides, and allows her to be both a main tank and an off tank. As an off tank, she provides decent firepower with 100% uptime, a debuff no one cares about (-acc) and a really nice buff (constant eva up!) for the main tank, while as a main tank she has permanent Eva up, buffs acc of the same column ("vertical row") but actually makes the off tanks (or just people in the same column) a little less survivable. Skill discussed in more detail in her entry, but its fun stuff. A problem she has though is the shape of the tiles. That lacking middle row really gets in the way, but she has enough other uses that this isn't too awful if you know what you're doing (For example, you want to buff the everloving bajeezus out of your main tank's dodge instead). Also she buffs Rifles with her tiles too too, but this doesn't seem to come up all that much. |
Jill Stingray ![]() |
Handgun | Special | Mixing Drinks, Changing Metas | It's time to mix drinks and change formations. As a bartender, one might wonder exactly WHAT Jill can possibly do on a battlefield, and I'm sure she's asking the same thing. Jill has a lot of firsts. She's the first unit in the game a player can use that doesn't shoot at all. She's the first one to have 8 different unique gears, and she's the first one to have a skill whose effects vary based on equipment. She's also the first one to have such an annoyingly complicated skill. The skill is everything. Her tile buffs are great, but they HAVE to be, because she doesn't contribute damage on her own. What her FP stat does is make her skill CD go down faster (except initial. Also caps at 30%, but this is INDEPENDENT of the reduction from rifle tilebuffs so yes, THOSE stack. Multiplicatively.). Unfortunately this means while she's good, how good she is depends almost entirely on how much you can use her ability to mix drinks, which btw, she can't do properly until lvl80. Drinks are discussed in more detail in the detail page, because this is gonna be a long one. |
GSh-18 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★ | Interesting. DPS Handgun. Fun at Night. | The first DPS handgun that actually produces well.. actual dps. Also might have possibly gotten lost from Kancolle. Her skill gives her doubleshot and 100% crit rate while active, which is surprisingly strong on a handgun. Dont knock it. Great as the damage dealer for 5HG teams, or a variety of misc. uses since she actually has alright tiles too. While she's not super impressive during the day (especially compared to good ARs), she shines at night due to being able to pack 100% crit rate while equipped with a PEQ. Her main disadvantage is what a pain in the ass she is to get, since you need the first 5 volumes of the Comic in the Cafe. Her special costume requires the other 5. This is a heap of batteries. She's pretty decent though, so it's not exactly a waste to do it. She also has a mod, and the review for that can be found here. |
Bofors Automatkarbin 5 ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★ | Usable | AKA Ak 5 An upgraded version of the FN FNC, both IRL and ingame. Like FNC, her 5/8 skill uptime makes her burstier than the 10/16 of G36, with better stats, which evens out to DPS comparable to G36. Not your first choice for ARs, but solid… if you can be arsed to farm her. |
Serdyukov SPS ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★ | Usable | 3* equivalent of Colt SAA. Useful if you're short on REAL AMERICAN GUNS, but given that SAA is easier to get, probably more a trophy raifu. |
IWI Jericho 941 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | Niche uses | Another CZ-75 clone, this time an Israeli one! The doll that Negev got her funny ideas from. Also Spike Spiegel's gun. If you don't know who Spike Spiegel is, you really should. Look it up, watch the show, I'll wait. Her passive boosts dolls when they reload which... basically gives other MGs and SGs Negev-like buffs, except weaker. Unfortunately this is not helpful at all for general use because you don't want to be reloading in the first place. She also sucks for judge because judge also hits the back row and so she also eats damage. Does much better for other multimag fights but YMMV with that. The active is ok but the %s are lower than other 4 star dolls are more 3 star territory, and require being in her tiles, which makes your formation kind of cramped, unlike what you can do with K5. It also doesn't help MGs much because... well, the startup CD. |
Daewoo Precision Industries K2 ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★★ | Good | Standard issue rifle of the ROKAF and only non-main-Heroine doll to get her own fully animated PV. Also a tribute to Anmi's ability to make some of the game's lewdest art and have people not notice because of how innocent the faces are. Almost every adult Korean male is very intimately familiar with her, whether they wanted to be or not. Imagine base G11 started up her skill right at the start of the fight. Imagine she was completely useless against armour (more so than she already is). That's K2 in a nutshell. High DPS for the first 6 seconds vs trash, but cannot fight armor to save her life and is absolutely awful against bosses. However, her ability to kill unarmored trash is quite good, which has plenty of uses since bosses are not actually the most common enemy type. What her skill does is reduce her damage but fire off 3 round bursts, and builds up a heat counter which, when capped out, uh... fucks up her stats. The other part of her skill (stronger single shot damage but slows her down and makes every shot cool down instead of heat up) generally doesn't come up. Some actually recommend not giving her too many RoF buffs or she'll overheat. Also, she's an awful Korean, being unable to tolerate spicy food (but she tries anyway) |
Broken As Shit
Buff Acc
Buff Crit
Buff Dr
Buff Eva
Buff Fp
Buff Fucking Everything
Buff Movement Speed
Buff Rof
Damage Amplification
Damage Reduction
Debuff Acc
Debuff Dmg
Debuff Eva
Debuff Fp
Debuff Movespeed
Debuff Rof
Double Edged Sword
Hand Grenade
Has A Passive
Hp Shield
Hunting Impulse
Increase Rounds
Infinite Ammo
Perfect Accuracy
Self Debuff Acc
Self Debuff Fp
Self Debuff Rof
Selfbuff Acc
Selfbuff Armour
Selfbuff Crit
Selfbuff Crit Damage
Selfbuff Damage
Selfbuff Eva
Selfbuff Fp
Selfbuff Fucking Everything
Selfbuff Movement Speed
Selfbuff Rof
Stun Grenade
Stun Not A Grenade