Name | Class | Rarity | Useful? | Notes |
CAWS ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★★ | Gimmicky; base stats are cool. | G&K's equal opportunity things means even penguins are accepted, I guess. She has a finnicky, slow, and generally not reliable shield. On the other hand, her gimmick relies on having shields. She relies quite heavily on outside shields if you want to use her gimmick, so stuff like SAT8 and LWMMG mod will come in handy if you want to do so. However, while she has good armour, her HP is the worst of the 5 star shotguns, and she doesn't have particularly good tanking gimmicks. She's usable, but probably wont be your first choice unless you want to use her gimmick that badly for whatever fucking reason |
DP-12 ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★★ | Pretty good defensive/utility shotgun | Even if she sucked, most of you degens would go after her anyway. Thankfully, she's actually pretty good. Not quite in the same vein as SAT8, as she only shields herself, but the damage reduction effect allows her and allies to tank a bit harder against shots that exceed her armour value, and yes, that applies to shots that ignore armour outright. So basically if she's on the forward center, then positions 4, 5, and 6 benefit from the DR, and so on. Because of her passive and the 3 second ICD on her skill, she actually has really good uptime overall (similar to but slightly worse than SAT8), and yes, she can be made to pop her shield more often via shooting faster and going into reload faster (though this can produce an odd gap in uptime past the 13s mark). |
Six12 ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★ | It's a free shotgun I guess? | ....Serviceable if you have a complete lack of shotguns. Seriously, just pick up a SAT8 next time an event rolls around. |
Heckler & Koch MP5 Mod ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★★ | The Milk Tin's power grows | With the advent of her mod, she goes from being Thompson's kouhai to one of the strongest force shielders available. Too bad G36c mod exists now, but let's not talk about her. Through the power of milk, when she lowers her force shield, she gains a decent evasion buff to turn her into a mixed force shield and evasion tank. While the buff requires there to be multiple enemy packs, any amount of evasion to go along with the force shield is welcomed. Oh, did I mention she also buffs rifles with her tiles now? That's a thing. The buffs she does provide aren't particularly useful for rifles, but it may come in handy. She DOES require her unique equipment from the night map to function effectively, for the milk tin is all powerful. The mod equipment, however, is pretty garbage. Her previous iteration can be found here |
M1895 CB (Potato Digger) ![]() |
Machine Gun | ★★★★ | Good | With gear, she effectively has a 45 round mag, although shots after her "normal" ammo capacity decrease her acc while upping her FP. This may be good or bad depending on what you're shooting, but she's perfect for low or 0 def enemies that you normally throw MGs at. This is pretty good, but not particularly great compared to the more modern MGs. A quirk though is if she moves after beginning to go into her reserve ammo, her gun will be considered "empty" and she will need to reload. |
ACR ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★★ | Looks good, doesn't quite live up to it. Not awful at least. | She introduces herself as Bushmaster ACR, except she fires in full auto, meaning she's actually a Remington ACR. This is kind of annoying. They should have just let her use her original name of Magpul Masada, seriously. It sounds cooler. That aside, she has the potential to be stronger than AR-15! ...If you don't mind crippling the rest of your echelon's DPS to do so (Dusk has math figures in the expanded section). She's honestly not bad, with 65% DPS up baseline and can get free damage stuff in if you have debuff effects already going, but she's not critical or anything. Basically suffers from "there's lots of super good ARs and she's not super good enough to displace the ones you already have." |
Triela ![]() |
Shotgun | Special | Meme Shotgun Goes Stab | On one hand, she's actually not bad in melee. On the other, she suffers from dumb mechanics (like not being able to switch to melee while reloading, which WOULD HAVE BEEN REALLY NICE). She's not terrible at the role of "melee shotgun" (she's actually quite good at it), but the number of situations where you'd actually want a melee shotgun are quite limited. |
Angelica ![]() |
Assault Rifle | Special | Basically AUG but less random | She's basically AUG, but without the random fire mechanic. Which makes sense because she has an AUG. This logic doesn't work for any of the other girls, but shush. If you'd like an evaluation of AUG to get an idea of how good Angelica is, here's AUG's article. |
FB Glauberyt PM-06 ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★★ | Occasionally | Very handy if you need an evasive SMG at night, kinda crap at day. |
KAC-PDW ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★ | Janky and niche | I'm not sure what's more impressive, how fuckin' badly her skill is coded, or how she manages to not wear clothes in any of her outfits despite technically wearing clothes. So the funny thing is, she doesn't get rid of all debuffs in the traditional sense of purging all debuffs. Instead, there is a list of skill effects the game considers debuffs and she removes THOSE. So, if the debuff isn't on her list? Sucks. Also, if a skill causes multiple debuffs but some aren't on the list, she won't remove the ones not on the list. So, she actually removes MOST of the Parachute Fairy debuffs but not the critical rate debuff because that isn't on the list, lmao. The only good news is as an SMG, her critical rate is shit anyway, so you shouldn't care. She also doesn't stop some boss debuffs, though at the moment the only one I recall off-hand she doesn't is Fail's. Yeah, she's janky. Hope MICA updates her as bosses get more debuff attacks. Besides that, the one-second shield can be handy for, say, stopping an unavoidable attack under manual control or for tanking enemies under Parachute Fairy debuffs. |
Borchardt C-93 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | Niche uses | Potentially really fun with 5HG formations. Actually quite good with Desert Eagle. Some people have used her with Parachute Fairy echelons because that also activates her debuff skill effect, but she's not exactly the go-to doll for a lot of formations. The fact she demands the 1 tile isn't helpful either. |
Gr VP70 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★ | I forgot she was a thing | Suffers from "another doll does the same thing she does but better" syndrome hard, because that better doll is the 2-star Nagant revolver (which you have no excuse for not being able to get) who gets a mod to provide offense AND defense, while VP70's just defense with a +hit formation buff. Glock 17, MP443 and TEC-9 are also things. Basically, she's unremarkable and other things exist. Also IOP needs to stop experimenting with T-doll spines. |
CR-21 ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★ | Might be useful, but TBH probably not. | Has both less FP AND a lower multiplier than you would want. The targeting thing where she shoots the highest FP enemy might be cool sometimes, but it will rarely ever come up. |
Calico M950A Mod ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★★ | Manages to somehow be even better than the original | One important thing with her mod is that she has a backwards facing tile now. This means fun times for Python fans, Nagant users, or users of any doll who prefers to be in the middle of the back row and could benefit from an attack speed buff, which happens a lot of the time. She also debuffs the enemy if the node you're fighting on is controlled by you, and buffs your attack and move speed if it isn't, but those are kind of icing on the cake for an already useful doll. Oh, and the move speed buff is hilarious when combined with other move speed buffs, turning Hanyang Mod into a a rocket. This makes some boss fights hilariously easy as you give no fucks about their mechanics, and 60s is long enough for most battles. You can probably leave her at Mod2, but her Mod3 equip is a suppressor equivalent with +20 evade at max. It's up to you whether that's worth it or not. |
Magal ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★ | Collection Trophy | Hatsune Miku becomes a T-doll. ...Yeah she's a login AR, what do you expect? Nothing to see here, move on. |
Broken As Shit
Buff Acc
Buff Crit
Buff Dr
Buff Eva
Buff Fp
Buff Fucking Everything
Buff Movement Speed
Buff Rof
Damage Amplification
Damage Reduction
Debuff Acc
Debuff Dmg
Debuff Eva
Debuff Fp
Debuff Movespeed
Debuff Rof
Double Edged Sword
Hand Grenade
Has A Passive
Hp Shield
Hunting Impulse
Increase Rounds
Infinite Ammo
Perfect Accuracy
Self Debuff Acc
Self Debuff Fp
Self Debuff Rof
Selfbuff Acc
Selfbuff Armour
Selfbuff Crit
Selfbuff Crit Damage
Selfbuff Damage
Selfbuff Eva
Selfbuff Fp
Selfbuff Fucking Everything
Selfbuff Movement Speed
Selfbuff Rof
Stun Grenade
Stun Not A Grenade