Name | Class | Rarity | Useful? | Notes |
Remington M870 ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★★ | Niche Skill but has 5 star SG stats | Basically every weird Hell's Angels meme in 1 go, and also probably a little crazy. Sometimes called Super Longty. Her skill is pretty much a Force Shield that works similarly to the Paradeus ones, except instead of an HOC depleting it, it slowly weakens on its own. Pretty much works the same way where at max level, you have a 1000 strength barrier that blocks out everything for a second, then it goes down by 100 every second, weakening the shield (so after 1s, it's 90% DR, after 2s it's 80%, and so on) until the shield shuts down at the 6s mark. This is actually not bad DR at all and with timing, CAN be used to tank Golyats. Except it has a 10s initial cooldown so AGGHHHHHHH. It does have it's uses sometimes, but it's not your first pick because of that usually. She does however, have typical good 5 star shotgun stats so if for some reason you lack shotguns, you can just bring her along and she wont really be bad at that. |
Colt Python ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | Ridiculous Force Multiplication Potential | Forget what Clint Eastwood said, THIS is the most powerful handgun in the world. Somehow packing a .357 Magnum cartridge that deals more damage than .50BMG or whatever the hell Contender is in. Python is a ridiculous handgun that with the right formations, does absolutely disgusting things to the game. She needs her skill at lvl10 to be reliable, but oh boy when it does. Besides being a handgun with actual DPS (that can get really high), she also acts a buff booster, applying stacking buffs of her own whenever she receives a buff from almost any source, giving them to herself and anyone in her buff tiles. When she gets a RoF buff, she gives a RoF buff. When she gets an Acc buff, she gives an Acc buff. When she gives an FP buff, she too gives FP buffs. And that's just the passive. Her active gives her a stacking self FP buff and counts among "almost any other source", so yeah, triggering it ALSO gives FP buffs to everyone else. This, on top of amazing buff tiles basically gives her ridiculous performance for a handgun. Just don't think she's some allmighty goddess of doom that wins on her own. What she is is an insane force multiplier when used right, and you need some force to multiply to begin with. Used wisely though, easily 1 of the best HGs in the game. |
UMP45 Mod ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★★ | Mod1 is an insane bang for your buck The others YMMV. | So if it hasn't been said enough, absolutely get the Mod1 the very second you can. It's 200 fragments and some cores for a fair boost in performance. Extra stats, a bit more FP buff on her tiles, a little extra HP, and an improvement to the slowdown effect on the smoke. The real problem is her 2nd skill is janky and not extremely practical. It's a little bit of a bonus, but not likely to make or break a fight. So yeah, the Mod2 isn't great. The mod 3 however, gives her a unique equipment that goes in the suppressor slot and is basically a suppressor with better stats (+5 EVA over normal) which helps her tanking ability somewhat. Whether this is worth it up to you, but definitely get the Mod1 at least. The rest of this is basically the same song and dance where she has top class offensive buffs that continue to remain unmatched among SMGs, so you WILL likely continue to use her. |
A-91 ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★ | Interesting, but not very likely to be used | The best dorm doll with how fucking out of it she is, and with some absolutely amazing dialogue both as general lines and in her appearance in the CT story, and a great design. Her damaged art being fuckin' bonkers is great. And that's where most of the praise is going because her performance is... well it's not dismal, but it suffers from the same 8-second ICD issue grenadiers have in general. Should that not be an issue though, her self buffs at night are actually alright, since it gives her more mileage than other grenadiers. You aren't very likely to use her though, simply because things like SOP still exist and will likely have better performance. |
Beretta Cx4 Storm ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★ | Not to be confused with her actually useful relative | She seems to have forgotten her skirt or pants, and has a very interesting discussion with SOPMOD about the nature of dolls. She also likes collecting cigarette packs. There is a reason I'd rather be talking about her setting details than her performance. In the story, she mentions she's actually part of a logistics unit instead of a combat unit, and you can see why. Her stats are middle of the road, and the skill is actually fairly unremarkable. Uptime is worse than than Suomi or MP7, while also giving worse final numbers. Combine with not impressive HP, middling tiles and the fairly easy availability of better SMGs, and you can see why keeping her in your own logi teams is probably doing her a favour. |
AK-74U (AKS-74U) ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★★ | Niche Uses (Kinda good with AK-74M) | It's actually an AKS-74U, but the game calls her AK-74U. I know, I know. Yet another AR the game calls a subgun because...shut up. Actually had dummy data in the client waaay before her actual release in CT, so she actually got released with a voice even on older servers. ...And that's probably the most positive thing I can say. Her tiles are OK, her skill is weird (she debuffs enemies she's attacking instead of just all of them) and while the effects are alright, the uptime is pretty awful for tanking. Potentially useful for some bosses with manual skill use to handle certain burst windows, but the cooldown after the initial skill use is loooong so it's not exactly the best choice for long term tanking. You may have a use for her if you're creative with it, but it's not something to just tell people to prioritize raising. As a result, her primary use is telling you wind speed and direction, unless you have AK-74M and want an AK echelon, in which case she'll be one of your SMG tanks and is actually pretty decent since AK-74M makes her skill into a passive. |
QBZ Type-03 ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★ | Trophy Raifu | Another 90 gems entry. Her most notable trait is "looks kinda like Python in a Qi Pao." She's not completely awful, but her performance isn't amazing enough to really recommend raising her compared to the glut of other ARs we already have, and that's a really competitive market. She's also harder to get than FNC. |
Heckler & Koch HK23 ![]() |
Machine Gun | ★★★ | She shares a skill with MG4, what do you think? | Yet another poor doll whose only notable trait is "lewd art." So forgotten that the most common reason she comes up is "mistaken for HK21." Pretty much useless aside from her tilebuff, except even that is questionable since other MGs can fill that role. There's simply not much to say about her besides that not even most HK fanboys care about her very much. |
Cz-52 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★ | Budget FP buff if you ran out somehow | Not much to say. If you somehow dont have enough FP buffing handguns (unlikely unless you're noduping handguns and deploying lots of units in ranking) then she's a budget pick. Not bad for a 3 star HG but she won't see use very often simply because you're likely to have better ones lying around. |
OTs-39 ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★ | Most notable trait is weird art stuff | A doll most famous for "we forgot to actually add an animation on her chibi for throwing her flashbang." The damage buff is surprisingly high for a free 3 star doll, but really using her means you're probably scraping the bottom of the barrel. She had some use in the early days when there was a severe lack of SMGs, but she was released on EN into an age where units like C-MS, P90, etc. exist, and in the middle of an event where C-MS was basically given for free. Oh and I guess her damaged art is pretty lewd if you're into that. |
H&K Fabarm FP6 ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★★ | Solid Base stats with weird skill | A shotgun from the makers of the SAT8! ...Except it's sold and marketed by HK because various reasons. It's... actually kinda so vanilla there's not many memes and I don't think any of them are really any good besides her silly Christmas outfit. Excellent tilebuffs for running a 2SG frontline, while packing 24 armour (tied with KSG for highest base) while packing 1.3k HP at 5 links. This makes her useful regardless of everything else. Her skill is a little questionable, but it stacks with itself multiplicatively (after armour) if 1 unit gets both (guaranteed if there's only 1 unit in the frontmost rank) and the knockback is, while not amazing, also not unwelcome. It's also on a 10second ICD so it'll rarely ever come up anyway, and her stats are solid for a frontrow tank in most typical fights with MGs. Not as good as something like SAT8 in most situations, but not exactly something to turn away. |
Saiga-12 ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★★ | Solid General use 5 star Shotgun | Basically the world's most widely available magazine-fed self-loading Shotgun that actually works. Packing 23 base armour (2nd highest on an SG), a 3-tile FP buff, and a generous HP pool (1320 at 5 links), 5 shot mag (very high baseline for SGs), her base stats alone make her a pretty solid SG doll to take along. That's good, since her skill is actually a little awkward. First off, the 8s ICD actually puts it in the middle of a reload animation, so she doesn't actually fire it off at 8s unless you manually handle movement so she can fire at that point or you adjust her RoF (usually by giving her a scope with badly calibrated -RoF). Next, it's actually a skillshot, so it doesn't benefit from things like crits. On the otherhand it also means it can hit scouts at night, so hah. It's basically pretty goofily coded. However a side effect of the goofy code is once the skill is triggered, she can actually continue to fire it while moving so lol? Also it actually does a pretty chunky amount of damage if it does work. Anyway it doesn't super matter, since most MG fights are over before the skill will matter anyway, so her really good base stats will carry the day. |
AAC Honey Badger ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★ | Decent Enough | Yet another very small rifle that got classed as an SMG. Basically a 4 star SCW, but with much better tiles and less blah %s on the skill. Stats are ok, but not exceptional. Like SCW, trades some firepower for more +eva on the skill. Whether this is worth it... ehhh YMMV. Personally not, but maybe it'll help for some of you?The big thing is really the nice tiles with some extra shootiness. Not the most impressive offtank but there are worse ones and she'll get the job done for most basic applications. She's sufficiently straight offtank that there isn't much to say |
MP-443 Grach ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★ | Decent enough | Basically Glock 17 but with different tile buffs (and personally less goofy). Often compared to Nz75, but reduces damage outright instead of RoF so I personally find it better. Tiles are ok, and more importantly, unlike Nagant, she works the same day or night She's not actually bad, but you won't usually need the exact combination of what she offers. She's there if you need her though. Also she appears to have gacha currency on hand. |
Triple Action Thunder ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | Tragic, just like her life up to now | More famous for suicide memes and her ship with Calico than actually being used. I really want to like her, but she has a few glaring flaws that drag her down more than all her emotional baggage already does. Her skill, while packing way more multiplier than any other skillshot (12x!) AND also boasting an impressive 46 Firepower on a handgun, suffers from being able to miss (uses standard acc formula). Now, 57 hit is enough for most applications most of the time and she can equip PEQs at night to deal with that, and she reloads extra fast if she misses, but it's simply not as good as many other skillshots that have ZERO chance to miss to begin with. It does at least, come online very fast at 4 seconds. Next, while the tilebuff itself is impressive, the shape is... not suited for most applications, pretty much forcing her to be in the 5 position to get much real use out of it unless you're buffing something at 4. Having her in that position wouldn't be so bad if she didn't ALSO have the worst Eva stat of any HG, so know what you're getting into. She isn't the worst HG in the game, but there's so many better choices for most roles that you would put her in that most simply don't have a real reason to resort to using her. |
Broken As Shit
Buff Acc
Buff Armour
Buff Crit
Buff Dr
Buff Eva
Buff Fp
Buff Fucking Everything
Buff Movement Speed
Buff Rof
Buffs Anti Rain Mod
Damage Amplification
Damage Reduction
Debuff Acc
Debuff Dmg
Debuff Eva
Debuff Fp
Debuff Movespeed
Debuff Rof
Double Edged Sword
Hand Grenade
Has A Passive
Hg Bamboo
Hp Damage
Hp Shield
Hunting Impulse
Increase Rounds
Infinite Ammo
Perfect Accuracy
Self Debuff Acc
Self Debuff Eva
Self Debuff Msd
Self Debuff Rof
Selfbuff Acc
Selfbuff Armour
Selfbuff Crit
Selfbuff Crit Damage
Selfbuff Damage
Selfbuff Eva
Selfbuff Fp
Selfbuff Fucking Everything
Selfbuff Movement Speed
Selfbuff Rof
Small Bamboo
Stun Grenade
Stun Not A Grenade
Terminating Barrage