Name | Class | Rarity | Useful? | Notes |
AK-74M ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★ | Ambulatory Special Equipment. KALASHNIKOV WILL RISE AGAIN | A fan doll that got so much traction that MICA brought her in. Do you REALLY like the AKs? Do AKs make you feel all tingly inside? Her own buffs to herself count herself as an AK, so no matter what you get at least a 5% boost if you send her by herself. But frankly if you're not using at least two other AKs, why the fuck are you even using her? If you have AK47's best special equipment, she becomes a proper lord of war with very high DPS. Likewise, she makes AK-15's janky skill work (pre mod, post mod she doesn't really need AK-74M she's just busted), boosts AK-12's DPS a considerable amount, and amazingly, solves AK-74U's problems with uptime. While the percentages don't seem impressive for her self-buff, it's a passive, so you get a 44% boost from the very first shot no matter what in a four AK echelon (74SU + pick 2 other AK dolls you like), which gives her a decent start. |
CZ100 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | Unreliable Jank | Not even a solution in search of a problem, she's a bunch of solutions to a bunch of problems implemented extremely badly. A victim of Mica's experimental phase, as one of those dolls that don't fucking work. Instead of an infinite duration toggle, she has actual skill durations and alternating effects, making it increasingly unlikely you'll get the effect you want in the time you want, since you need to wait for cool downs to use them. To top it off, her %s aren't even very good and are even more garbo during the day. There are better options if you need 1 or the other, like Mk23 or TEC9. |
FX-05 ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★ | Surprisingly OK if you still are short on ARs for some reason, but otherwise eh. | Basically what you'd expect from something that's the standard of the Mexican Army. Frankly, at this point there's so many good ARs that another one would have to be REALLY good to get a real recommendation, and this one isn't going to win any medals, but she has good uptime and is cheap. |
RPK-203 ![]() |
Machine Gun | ★★★★★ | An actually excellent multipurpose MG | Between her two modes AND a passive that helps keep shotguns alive, I don't think there's much more to say other than "she's great, you will probably find a use for her." |
AR-57 ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★ | Weird multipurpose SMG that can buff allies | She looks like a discount STAR-chan, although it's hard to describe anything that uses a stupidly expensive round like the 5.7 as a discount anything. She has a three second long cooldown and the skill lasts for two seconds. Her big thing is that she can also buff SMGs. She can be used either a mild firepower buff or an actually not awful evasion buff, the downside of which being that getting her evasion buff to work requires moving your dolls around. |
SIG MCX ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★★ | Hark, an interesting AR for once | Status warfare doesn't come up too much in GFL too much given bosses are routinely immune to it and elites get shortened status effect durations, but if you actually need status effects from an AR, the stun is surprisingly far-reaching behind the initial target, and she prioritizes enemies suffering from debuffs. |
Type-97S Mod ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★★ | Hotter on the outside, mostly the same inside | The change of artist did her a world of good. She went from kind of cute to straight up hot. Too bad your waifu still sucks. She isn't the shittiest shotgun in the game, but her mod's not exactly groundbreaking. The decrease in enemy movement speed is almost an afterthought since it lasts one second and she has a very low rate of fire making the skill questionable at best. If the duration were longer and knockback didn't have such a low chance to go off maybe it'd be better, but alas. |
G11 Mod ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★★★ | Red Bull gives you buffs. | Finally adjusted so she can stop being perpetually narcoleptic (sort of) through the power of energy drinks. She was already a decent AR whose weakness was that she couldn't hurt armor. Well, they solved the armor problem by doing percentage-based damage. Her damage is still affected by armor, but often she'll just do enough damage that you won't care anyway and can contribute to the fight regardless. She still has the issue of the poor uptime due to her long skill cooldown, but you should be smart enough to deal with that. |
PM1910 ![]() |
Machine Gun | ★★★★ | Another Entry to the "First Belt or Die" Club | Comparable to the Browning Potato Digger. There must be something about early model machine guns. Her skill gives her an extra long belt that activates three seconds in, and unlike Potato Digger, who sacrifices accuracy and gains firepower, she instead sacrifices reload time while gaining accuracy. While the extra reload time is a pain, she does buff other dolls while reloading instead of being useless. The accuracy boost is nice, but not a game-changer. It may help vs. enemies with a moderate amount of evasion though, given typical MG accuracy is kind of mediocre. |
AUG Para ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★★ | Quirky multi-mode sub-tank | Another one of those attack/defense mode sub-tanks. Weirdly cheerful unlike her somewhat gloomy sister, though she's probably even weirder in the head. The stat changes and adjustments are applied every 0.1 seconds, so it takes a few seconds for it to take full effect. The big quirk is she gains a flat amount of stats rather than a percentage which applies after all other buffs, but ALSO after the night time accuracy penalty, which means she's about as accurate as a PEQ-equipped AR at night while she's in attack mode. It also happens after Fairy debuffs are resolved, so you can also use her to dodge or attack even while under Parachute Fairy debuffs. |
Colt Defender ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★ | Funny Burst Damage Shotgun. Has funny comp use. | An absolute weirdo muscle girl, because Shotguns didn't have that fetish covered. Somehow despite her muscles, nobody bothered to ask her to carry any real armor, because her Armor value is bottom-tier for a shotgun at 18, and she is also mildly annoying to get. Her skill basically unloads every barrel at once, and at max level her reload time is fixed to two seconds instead of the expected five, and she does extra damage based on how close the enemy is. This gives her surprisingly good DPS for a shotgun and in some cases she can burst harder than an MG. She's also currently the best option for fast times on Intermediate data sim. Two big things to remember though: 1. DO NOT TRY TO BUILD AN EXODIA SETUP AROUND HER, seriously, and 2. Make sure you have something to defend her. RMB-93 mod actually pairs well with her. |
MAG-7 ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★ | In the dumpster with the rest of the DPS shotguns | Like every other DPS shotgun, she really doesn’t have a place in current content. A phrase commonly used around here is “a solution in search for a problem”, but the real problem with MAG-7 is that I’m not entirely sure she’s a solution either. Her passive effect can be very nice when enemies start having 600 armor, but the times there are less than three targets are very rare. Her active skill can make her damage go sky high if it’s allowed to stack, but her being on the frontline gives her the same issues a lot of DPS SMGs have. She’ll lose links, cutting her damage by a ton. Not to mention that it takes a little while for it to ramp up. The DR afforded to her by the skill isn’t high enough to keep her healthy enough to do much. |
Supernova ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★ | Good to have | Supernova is a shotgun pretending to be a handgun to go along with her shipmate GSh-18. She’s one of the most supportive shotguns available and she enables some real dumb stuff. You want to use MGs at night? Well, her skill allows for that. Do you need a little more defensive capability for your shotguns? She brings that too, all in a kancolle-flavoured package. Honestly, she’s not an automatic pick on every team. You’re likely going to have to drop a MG in your formation to make use of her fully, which can be an issue. Her two main draws are her movement speed and her MG buffs. Her roller skates allow her to go almost as fast as a handgun, but not quite. Not much else to say about that, but main reason to take her is the MG buffs she provides. While crit rate is nice, the accuracy buff she provides to MGs is fixed. This means that MGs are entirely usable at night. It bypasses the accuracy penalty that you would normally have with no PEQ. While not the most relevant thing currently, you definitely want to have Supernova in your back pocket for the future. |
FO-12 ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★★ | Niche | Oh hey. DPS shotgun. Like every other DPS shotgun, she has the issue of “when would this even be relevant?” So, I’m not going to focus on that. The main eye-catching bit of her skill is the instant kill shot once she hits 100 stacks. While useful, it only happens once per battle, so you can’t rely on it. Her real strength comes from her having perfect accuracy, higher knockback chance, and no need to reload. This can make her an absolute monster when knockback is desired. The problem with this comes with the constraints that you need to follow to really get her going. First, you need another shotgun with her, which isn’t terribly difficult. Next, you need to have her hit 100 stacks. You get one per hit on an enemy, which may sound like a lot, but it isn’t. This takes into account dummy links, as well as the fact that shotguns hit multiple enemies, so you can get up to 25 stacks per shot. (Assuming you’re using bird shot, which you should be using) It’s entirely feasible to get 100 stacks in one of her mags. However, this can be an issue in battles with lower enemy count, which will hamper her stack gains. |
M26-MASS ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★★ | Shotgun Flex Pick | With LTLX7000 being out, the main question asked of most shotguns is "are they as good as LTLX?" As for M26-MASS, she does her damn best trying to be. While LTLX has her SUPER dumb damage mitigation in her active skill, M26 has it baked in as a passive. If any damage she takes is 5 or lower, it’s completely ignored, as if she had very good flash rounds. This is applied AFTER armor mitigation AND flash rounds. With flash rounds, she’s essentially immune to anything 8 damage or lower, which is very strong. However, if the enemy does too much damage, this passive does nothing. However, in current day, LS26 exists. This fixes damage taken to 5 which, spoiler, is negated by MASS's skill. Can be very strong to force MASS to tank some insane things. How often will that be used? Eh. It's neat at least. The one thing she does have going for her with her passive is that she can actually mitigate damage that bypasses armor. You can entirely mitigate stuff like grenades through it. You could sit in gundam range for a bit and not fussed about it. You could even sit in Typhon lasers and be fine. (Depending on firepower of Typhon, please do not attempt without consulting a local doctor) Overall, she does fall short of LTLX just due to the sheer power of doubling your armor along with 20% DR. The utility of her active also is less relevant compared to LTLX. Removing HP shields and buffs (which get far more common) is stronger than a Molotov and DR to backline. To add to that, the 6 second initial cooldown hampers the effectiveness of the backline portion of the skill. This is because most things that do target the backline would already be skullfucking you at that point. Other cases this is bad include maps M26 shouldn’t be brought to for one reason or another, like when shotguns are bad for it in general or you can’t use machine guns. |
Broken As Shit
Buff Acc
Buff Armour
Buff Crit
Buff Dr
Buff Eva
Buff Fp
Buff Fucking Everything
Buff Movement Speed
Buff Rof
Buffs Anti Rain Mod
Damage Amplification
Damage Reduction
Debuff Acc
Debuff Dmg
Debuff Eva
Debuff Fp
Debuff Movespeed
Debuff Rof
Double Edged Sword
Hand Grenade
Has A Passive
Hg Bamboo
Hp Damage
Hp Shield
Hunting Impulse
Increase Rounds
Infinite Ammo
Perfect Accuracy
Self Debuff Acc
Self Debuff Eva
Self Debuff Msd
Self Debuff Rof
Selfbuff Acc
Selfbuff Armour
Selfbuff Crit
Selfbuff Crit Damage
Selfbuff Damage
Selfbuff Eva
Selfbuff Fp
Selfbuff Fucking Everything
Selfbuff Movement Speed
Selfbuff Rof
Small Bamboo
Stun Grenade
Stun Not A Grenade
Terminating Barrage