Glasses optional

ACR – ★★★★★ Assault Rifle

Looks good, doesn't quite live up to it. Not awful at least.
Tags: Class: Assault Rifle Role: DPS Skill: Selfbuff RoF Skill: Unique Tile: Buff Acc Tile: Buff RoF

She introduces herself as Bushmaster ACR, except she fires in full auto, meaning she's actually a Remington ACR. This is kind of annoying. They should have just let her use her original name of Magpul Masada, seriously. It sounds cooler.

That aside, she has the potential to be stronger than AR-15! ...If you don't mind crippling the rest of your echelon's DPS to do so (Dusk has math figures in the expanded section).

She's honestly not bad, with 65% DPS up baseline and can get free damage stuff in if you have debuff effects already going, but she's not critical or anything. Basically suffers from "there's lots of super good ARs and she's not super good enough to displace the ones you already have."

Additional Notes#

ACR alone is 65% DPS increase. Her largest issue is timing, since her ICD is 6s and mostly only HG debuffers work at 6s ICDs. (and stun grenade I guess)

With 2 debuffs its 1.725 With 3 debuffs its 1.8 With 4 debuffs its 1.875 With 5 debuffs its 1.95 With 6 debuffs its 2.025 With 7 debuffs its 2.1 With 7 debuffs its 2.175 (reminder that ACR debuff multi is additive) AR15 has a 1.65 multi without M4 and 1.8 mult with M4. Their base stats (AR15 with blackout ammo) is pretty much the same but AR15 gets another 1.136x mult from her speq, bringing her multi to 2.044 (with M4). If accounting for oath (for both units) AR15's multi (*1.15) is 2.35, ACR's multi (*1.1) is 2.39 (2.28 without oath) So ACR 'barely' wins with 8 debuffs and if she is oathed (coz you can assume AR15 is always oathed

This doesn't even cover the skill uptime part of this.

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