Name | Class | Rarity | Useful? | Notes |
SR-2 ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★★ | Anti-Elite SMG. Usable. | Off-tank DPS that hates Elite units and provides various benefits. Her damage increase isn't stellar, but she has enough rider effects that you can probably find some use for her. Like C-MS, she can equip AP rounds. YMMV with regard to how useful that is. |
CZ100 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | Unreliable Jank | Not even a solution in search of a problem, she's a bunch of solutions to a bunch of problems implemented extremely badly. A victim of Mica's experimental phase, as one of those dolls that don't fucking work. Instead of an infinite duration toggle, she has actual skill durations and alternating effects, making it increasingly unlikely you'll get the effect you want in the time you want, since you need to wait for cool downs to use them. To top it off, her %s aren't even very good and are even more garbo during the day. There are better options if you need 1 or the other, like Mk23 or TEC9. |
RO635 Mod ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★★★ | Cant touch this Cue Music | The first 6 star SMG, and oh boy, she deserves it. As long as the damage isn't so overwhelming that it can kill her dummies outright, she has a chance to negate the damage. The chances increase if the enemy has more debuffs or has Marks of Vengeance on them, which immediately makes her a good pair with M4. Also the Sop doll is cute and comes with weird features. This is literally Sop's fault. |
VHS ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★★ | Quirky, but has funny potential | No, she's not a video tape. One of her skins shows her recent arrival in the US has apparently given her quite the dump truck ass. Must be all the McDonalds. Her skill powers her up with extra stats relative to the enemies she's fighting, meaning she has basically no real use vs. mooks. Potentially handy vs. bosses, but being a RoF-focused AR, she suffers from chips existing. |
AUG Para ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★★ | Quirky multi-mode sub-tank | Another one of those attack/defense mode sub-tanks. Weirdly cheerful unlike her somewhat gloomy sister, though she's probably even weirder in the head. The stat changes and adjustments are applied every 0.1 seconds, so it takes a few seconds for it to take full effect. The big quirk is she gains a flat amount of stats rather than a percentage which applies after all other buffs, but ALSO after the night time accuracy penalty, which means she's about as accurate as a PEQ-equipped AR at night while she's in attack mode. It also happens after Fairy debuffs are resolved, so you can also use her to dodge or attack even while under Parachute Fairy debuffs. |
MAG-7 ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★ | In the dumpster with the rest of the DPS shotguns | Like every other DPS shotgun, she really doesn’t have a place in current content. A phrase commonly used around here is “a solution in search for a problem”, but the real problem with MAG-7 is that I’m not entirely sure she’s a solution either. Her passive effect can be very nice when enemies start having 600 armor, but the times there are less than three targets are very rare. Her active skill can make her damage go sky high if it’s allowed to stack, but her being on the frontline gives her the same issues a lot of DPS SMGs have. She’ll lose links, cutting her damage by a ton. Not to mention that it takes a little while for it to ramp up. The DR afforded to her by the skill isn’t high enough to keep her healthy enough to do much. |
M26-MASS ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★★ | Shotgun Flex Pick | With LTLX7000 being out, the main question asked of most shotguns is "are they as good as LTLX?" As for M26-MASS, she does her damn best trying to be. While LTLX has her SUPER dumb damage mitigation in her active skill, M26 has it baked in as a passive. If any damage she takes is 5 or lower, it’s completely ignored, as if she had very good flash rounds. This is applied AFTER armor mitigation AND flash rounds. With flash rounds, she’s essentially immune to anything 8 damage or lower, which is very strong. However, if the enemy does too much damage, this passive does nothing. However, in current day, LS26 exists. This fixes damage taken to 5 which, spoiler, is negated by MASS's skill. Can be very strong to force MASS to tank some insane things. How often will that be used? Eh. It's neat at least. The one thing she does have going for her with her passive is that she can actually mitigate damage that bypasses armor. You can entirely mitigate stuff like grenades through it. You could sit in gundam range for a bit and not fussed about it. You could even sit in Typhon lasers and be fine. (Depending on firepower of Typhon, please do not attempt without consulting a local doctor) Overall, she does fall short of LTLX just due to the sheer power of doubling your armor along with 20% DR. The utility of her active also is less relevant compared to LTLX. Removing HP shields and buffs (which get far more common) is stronger than a Molotov and DR to backline. To add to that, the 6 second initial cooldown hampers the effectiveness of the backline portion of the skill. This is because most things that do target the backline would already be skullfucking you at that point. Other cases this is bad include maps M26 shouldn’t be brought to for one reason or another, like when shotguns are bad for it in general or you can’t use machine guns. |
Rex Zero 1 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | P22 but 4 star and with opposite side tiles. | Another of those HGs that buff based on leadership position, with the Squad Lead getting an alright shield and everyone else getting an FP boost (as opposed to P22 which is positional based). Sometimes you might need that mix. If you do, there you go. Else, she's basically a slightly off-brand P22. |
Wkp ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★ | Another solution in search of a problem | She can reduce enemy eva at night, which helps for some specific weird shit, but it isn't likely to come up. |
M1897 Trenchsweeper Mod ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★ | Became a maid, still sucks at her job | Expensive AND still doesn't do anything useful? Say it ain't so. Shame, since I like the shotgun, but she sucks harder than the vacuum cleaner she should be using instead of her broom. Note from Kyazuki: Xecty doesn't like DPS shotguns, but she's alright if you want her for that. Probably not worth the cost for most. |
PP-19 Mod ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★★ | Passable, but expensive | The main feature of this mod is her multi-shot AoE grenades. Think FAL, basically. Also some buffs. Acceptable performance, but expensive for what she is. |
Galil Mod ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★ | An answer in search of a question that nobody asked | All the accuracy ever. There's not very much practical use for it still, but she converts excess accuracy to crit now. This does not push her damage up beyond the really good ARs, but some of you might get creative with it. |
Minos ![]() |
Shotgun | Special | Overly slow with her shield, sadly, but the shield value is high | The beef-loving cowgirl from a very weird show. She has a shield, but it takes way too long to pop up before it's useful in most cases, as it only pops up with her reload cycle. On the other hand, it's a huge shield, but in many cases you're better off with other shield SGs. She's not the worst SG though I guess, so run her if you don't have anything better. |
Medusa ![]() |
Assault Rifle | Special | Debuffer AR which is weird | On one hand, her passive debuffs the enemy quite nicely. On the other hand, her stats kinda suck, and her active is basically a glorified stun, and yes, anything immune to stun is immune to her, too. Since EN lacks the chip, she actually has good DPS. Once EN gets the chip, her DPS is kinda meh. |
SUB2000 ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★ | Meme login doll | Her skill is kinda neat, but ultimately, you're not going to get much mileage out of making 2~3* dolls better. Cool tiles though, I guess. |
Broken As Shit
Buff Acc
Buff Crit
Buff Dr
Buff Eva
Buff Fp
Buff Fucking Everything
Buff Movement Speed
Buff Rof
Damage Amplification
Damage Reduction
Debuff Acc
Debuff Dmg
Debuff Eva
Debuff Fp
Debuff Movespeed
Debuff Rof
Double Edged Sword
Hand Grenade
Has A Passive
Hp Shield
Hunting Impulse
Increase Rounds
Infinite Ammo
Perfect Accuracy
Self Debuff Acc
Self Debuff Fp
Self Debuff Rof
Selfbuff Acc
Selfbuff Armour
Selfbuff Crit
Selfbuff Crit Damage
Selfbuff Damage
Selfbuff Eva
Selfbuff Fp
Selfbuff Fucking Everything
Selfbuff Movement Speed
Selfbuff Rof
Stun Grenade
Stun Not A Grenade