Glasses optional
Name Class Rarity ↑ Useful? Notes


Shotgun ★★★★ ...I dunno.

I struggle to find something nice to say because I legitimately forgot she existed. She has one of those experimental skills that might have some value, but isn't enough of a game-changer to really displace current normal tactics and strategies.

M1897 Trenchsweeper Mod

M1897 Trenchsweeper  Mod
Shotgun ★★★★ Became a maid, still sucks at her job

Expensive AND still doesn't do anything useful? Say it ain't so.

Shame, since I like the shotgun, but she sucks harder than the vacuum cleaner she should be using instead of her broom.

Note from Kyazuki: Xecty doesn't like DPS shotguns, but she's alright if you want her for that. Probably not worth the cost for most.

Colt Defender

Colt Defender
Shotgun ★★★★ Funny Burst Damage Shotgun. Has funny comp use.

An absolute weirdo muscle girl, because Shotguns didn't have that fetish covered. Somehow despite her muscles, nobody bothered to ask her to carry any real armor, because her Armor value is bottom-tier for a shotgun at 18, and she is also mildly annoying to get.

Her skill basically unloads every barrel at once, and at max level her reload time is fixed to two seconds instead of the expected five, and she does extra damage based on how close the enemy is. This gives her surprisingly good DPS for a shotgun and in some cases she can burst harder than an MG. She's also currently the best option for fast times on Intermediate data sim.

Two big things to remember though: 1. DO NOT TRY TO BUILD AN EXODIA SETUP AROUND HER, seriously, and 2. Make sure you have something to defend her. RMB-93 mod actually pairs well with her.


Shotgun ★★★★ In the dumpster with the rest of the DPS shotguns

Like every other DPS shotgun, she really doesn’t have a place in current content. A phrase commonly used around here is “a solution in search for a problem”, but the real problem with MAG-7 is that I’m not entirely sure she’s a solution either.

Her passive effect can be very nice when enemies start having 600 armor, but the times there are less than three targets are very rare. Her active skill can make her damage go sky high if it’s allowed to stack, but her being on the frontline gives her the same issues a lot of DPS SMGs have. She’ll lose links, cutting her damage by a ton. Not to mention that it takes a little while for it to ramp up. The DR afforded to her by the skill isn’t high enough to keep her healthy enough to do much.


Shotgun ★★★★ Good to have

Supernova is a shotgun pretending to be a handgun to go along with her shipmate GSh-18. She’s one of the most supportive shotguns available and she enables some real dumb stuff. You want to use MGs at night? Well, her skill allows for that. Do you need a little more defensive capability for your shotguns? She brings that too, all in a kancolle-flavoured package. Honestly, she’s not an automatic pick on every team. You’re likely going to have to drop a MG in your formation to make use of her fully, which can be an issue.

Her two main draws are her movement speed and her MG buffs. Her roller skates allow her to go almost as fast as a handgun, but not quite. Not much else to say about that, but main reason to take her is the MG buffs she provides.

While crit rate is nice, the accuracy buff she provides to MGs is fixed. This means that MGs are entirely usable at night. It bypasses the accuracy penalty that you would normally have with no PEQ. While not the most relevant thing currently, you definitely want to have Supernova in your back pocket for the future.

Kel-Tec KSG

Kel-Tec KSG
Shotgun ★★★★★ Good

If you want to stack armor, she's one of the best for it, with one of the highest base armor among shotguns. That combined with her skill, she can easily hit some insane armor thresholds, making her take 1 damage (zero with flash rounds) where other shotguns can struggle. This does come at a price of having her HP be on the lower end of shotguns.

However, there are now plenty of other options at this point in the game that can produce similar, but better results. That doesn't make her trash, but yeah. Still usable.


Shotgun ★★★★★ Usable

She's still usable and good enough to deal with older content just fine, but the new shotguns currently available just blow her out of the water so hard. Sad day to be a pizzalion.

That skill happens to be giving your entire front row a 35HP shield, that takes armour into account first. It also has 5/8 uptime. Basically, if your SGs took scratch damage before? They should take literally nil now, unless its a really major fight or you were silly enough to go fight anti-armour enemies.

Winchester Model 1887 Shotgun

Winchester Model 1887 Shotgun
Shotgun ★★★★★ Usable

Aka M1887. She's a shotgun, so she will do shotgun things shotgun-y (read: facetank with her armour), but is not particularly impressive at it. Her stats are okay (but worse than most other 5* shotguns), her tile buffs are the weakest of all 5* shotties (and most 4*!)… and her skill is downright useless, because it has a ridiculously long 15 second cooldown and if you can use it appropriately, well shotguns aren't what you want to use for that fight.

As far as free SGs are concerned, a minor upgrade over 97S if you don't consider 97s's mod.

Atchisson Auto-Assault 12 (AA-12)

Atchisson Auto-Assault 12 (AA-12)
Shotgun ★★★★★ Good

Sometimes, you wonder exactly WHAT goes into T-doll rations when she looks like that, after having the lolipops. Has a severe sugar addiction problem. Very severe. WHAT THE HELL KIND OF ROBOTS IS IOP MAKING!?

Potentially has a powerful skill held back mainly by the awful initial startup time and the fact LTX exists. On paper, her skill blows USAS away. In practice, they're functionally equivalent because you're using LTX instead of either of them anyway. When it does come up though, it's good for what it does, letting her pour knockback shots at enemies. Armor is alright (middle of the road for shotguns) and is carried by decent stats.


Shotgun ★★★★★ Solid General use 5 star Shotgun

Basically the world's most widely available magazine-fed self-loading Shotgun that actually works. Packing 23 base armour (2nd highest on an SG), a 3-tile FP buff, and a generous HP pool (1320 at 5 links), 5 shot mag (very high baseline for SGs), her base stats alone make her a pretty solid SG doll to take along.

That's good, since her skill is actually a little awkward.

First off, the 8s ICD actually puts it in the middle of a reload animation, so she doesn't actually fire it off at 8s unless you manually handle movement so she can fire at that point or you adjust her RoF (usually by giving her a scope with badly calibrated -RoF). Next, it's actually a skillshot, so it doesn't benefit from things like crits. On the otherhand it also means it can hit scouts at night, so hah. It's basically pretty goofily coded. However a side effect of the goofy code is once the skill is triggered, she can actually continue to fire it while moving so lol? Also it actually does a pretty chunky amount of damage if it does work.

Anyway it doesn't super matter, since most MG fights are over before the skill will matter anyway, so her really good base stats will carry the day.

H&K Fabarm FP6

H&K Fabarm FP6
Shotgun ★★★★★ Solid Base stats with weird skill

A shotgun from the makers of the SAT8! ...Except it's sold and marketed by HK because various reasons. It's... actually kinda so vanilla there's not many memes and I don't think any of them are really any good besides her silly Christmas outfit.

Excellent tilebuffs for running a 2SG frontline, while packing 24 armour (tied with KSG for highest base) while packing 1.3k HP at 5 links. This makes her useful regardless of everything else.

Her skill is a little questionable, but it stacks with itself multiplicatively (after armour) if 1 unit gets both (guaranteed if there's only 1 unit in the frontmost rank) and the knockback is, while not amazing, also not unwelcome. It's also on a 10second ICD so it'll rarely ever come up anyway, and her stats are solid for a frontrow tank in most typical fights with MGs.

Not as good as something like SAT8 in most situations, but not exactly something to turn away.

Remington M870

Remington M870
Shotgun ★★★★★ Niche Skill but has 5 star SG stats

Basically every weird Hell's Angels meme in 1 go, and also probably a little crazy. Sometimes called Super Longty.

Her skill is pretty much a Force Shield that works similarly to the Paradeus ones, except instead of an HOC depleting it, it slowly weakens on its own. Pretty much works the same way where at max level, you have a 1000 strength barrier that blocks out everything for a second, then it goes down by 100 every second, weakening the shield (so after 1s, it's 90% DR, after 2s it's 80%, and so on) until the shield shuts down at the 6s mark.

This is actually not bad DR at all and with timing, CAN be used to tank Golyats.

Except it has a 10s initial cooldown so AGGHHHHHHH.

It does have it's uses sometimes, but it's not your first pick because of that usually.

She does however, have typical good 5 star shotgun stats so if for some reason you lack shotguns, you can just bring her along and she wont really be bad at that.


Shotgun ★★★★★ Pretty good defensive/utility shotgun

Even if she sucked, most of you degens would go after her anyway. Thankfully, she's actually pretty good.

Not quite in the same vein as SAT8, as she only shields herself, but the damage reduction effect allows her and allies to tank a bit harder against shots that exceed her armour value, and yes, that applies to shots that ignore armour outright. So basically if she's on the forward center, then positions 4, 5, and 6 benefit from the DR, and so on.

Because of her passive and the 3 second ICD on her skill, she actually has really good uptime overall (similar to but slightly worse than SAT8), and yes, she can be made to pop her shield more often via shooting faster and going into reload faster (though this can produce an odd gap in uptime past the 13s mark).


Shotgun ★★★★★ Gimmicky; base stats are cool.

G&K's equal opportunity things means even penguins are accepted, I guess. She has a finnicky, slow, and generally not reliable shield. On the other hand, her gimmick relies on having shields.

She relies quite heavily on outside shields if you want to use her gimmick, so stuff like SAT8 and LWMMG mod will come in handy if you want to do so.

However, while she has good armour, her HP is the worst of the 5 star shotguns, and she doesn't have particularly good tanking gimmicks. She's usable, but probably wont be your first choice unless you want to use her gimmick that badly for whatever fucking reason


Shotgun ★★★★★ Competes with SAT8 for the best shotgun to use your True Core Mask on

OBEY. Made from a less-lethal shotgun meant to give police forces more options to put down people without killing them. In G&K's case, however, she certainly helps with takedowns.

Incredibly good stats for a shotgun, good formation buffs, and her skill has the unique ability to cancel enemy buffs. These buffs include ENEMY SHIELDS (including Patroller shields) and stat buffs (including bullshit enemy evasion buffs). Her mechanics are unique, so she actually ignores normal knockback immunity. Oh, and her armor buff stacks are multiplicative. Unfortunately, the Minotaur's damage reduction is a weird thing that can't be removed, but regardless, you get so much utility from her. Even if you don't need her skill, her stats are just that good.

If you don't have her, get her from a True Core Mask or something. She's just too useful in things like later Theater events.

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