Glasses optional
Name ↓ Class Rarity Useful? Notes

Jill Stingray

Jill Stingray
Handgun Special Mixing Drinks, Changing Metas

It's time to mix drinks and change formations. As a bartender, one might wonder exactly WHAT Jill can possibly do on a battlefield, and I'm sure she's asking the same thing.

Jill has a lot of firsts. She's the first unit in the game a player can use that doesn't shoot at all. She's the first one to have 8 different unique gears, and she's the first one to have a skill whose effects vary based on equipment. She's also the first one to have such an annoyingly complicated skill. The skill is everything. Her tile buffs are great, but they HAVE to be, because she doesn't contribute damage on her own. What her FP stat does is make her skill CD go down faster (except initial. Also caps at 30%, but this is INDEPENDENT of the reduction from rifle tilebuffs so yes, THOSE stack. Multiplicatively.). Unfortunately this means while she's good, how good she is depends almost entirely on how much you can use her ability to mix drinks, which btw, she can't do properly until lvl80.

Drinks are discussed in more detail in the detail page, because this is gonna be a long one.


Rifle ★★★★★ Trophy Raifu

She was part of the group of 5 stars, where they tried out new things to see if they would work. Unfortunately, the wonkiness of how she worked and not playing into how battles played out, AT ALL made her shittier than even the mediocre 3 star RFs. RIP wasted design.

With the revision, it's even worse now. You can literally improve her DPS by turning her skill off, due to the aim time taking longer than normal RoF while still dealing only 1x damage. ...And it still generally doesnt get to punch through stuff.

Somehow, after all this time, she's still in the dumpster. At least Kar98k got some love?


Machine Gun ★★★★★ Niche uses

The cursed MG that eats your ammo and calls you a Nazi for having pathetic logistics.

Fixes to the game have not been kind. She used to be pretty good back in the days of Reload Cancel, tearing apart armored bosses and enjoying high bonuses on reload. Those things are gone and there are now MGs that do her job better. Maybe she'll get a mod one day that'll actually help.

Howa Type-64 Battle Rifle

Howa Type-64 Battle Rifle
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Weird niche uses

Aka 64 Shiki if you're a weeb.

She's a bit of a complicated unit in that certain enemy thresholds alter what her skill does, thus making her work better vs bosses (with her colossal 90% FP boost for a few seconds) than for regular encounters. However, the timings are awkwardly short for the big boost, and the 2nd half reduces her firepower a bunch but also buffs the hell out of the stuff in front (which, if it's SR3, means more damage for her.) Note that the skill is less awkward than it seems, as it counts doll groups, rather than individuals, so 5x 5-linked enemies is totally fine, and so on.

Unfortunately, they removed cool tile buff tricks so her potential of giving insane buffs is a lot more limited than before

Heckler and Koch MP7

Heckler and Koch MP7
Submachine Gun ★★★★★ Very Good High-uptime Dodge Tank

She calls you a zookeeper.

Basically packs a better version of Suomi's self-buff. Higher multpliers, lets her run faster on top, same good uptime, better base evade. HP is lower, but still really high at 198 per dummy (990 at 5 links at 100 - a pretty hefty amount still). Skill kills offensive stats but you dont care.

If you need a doll to dodge a lot for a long time, she's easily in the running for the job. (Competing with her nemesis, the P90.)

Heckler & Koch UMP40

Heckler & Koch UMP40
Submachine Gun ★★★★ Niche uses

Thot twin #3?!

And probably the one that's going to give me a fucking heart attack. Yes, her skill has big numbers. Biiiiig nuuuuuuumbers. Now get your dick off your phone screen and start using your brain:

  • If she does not use her active, she slowly gains evasion over time. Emphasis on slowly.
  • If she does use her active, her evasion slowly drops down to "nonexistent", making her a sitting duck if she's tanking.

In a proper tanking role, her buff tiles are literally useless: 500% crit buff x 5% SMG base crit rate = 30% crit rate if you aren't running a suppressor or a crit scope, and if you are using those, your SMGs will have shit-tier accuracy even if you stack reasonable amounts of buffs on them. At the same time you're losing out on AR buffs, which will extremely cripple your DPS. You're better off bringing C-MS or RO635 to buff your back line instead. Even Suomi can buff her evasion up faster than UMP40 could ever hope to.

If she does use her active skill, it'll similarly take incredibly long for her to really ramp up her damage skill – at 18+ seconds to get her damage above 2* ARs, she competes with Negev for the title of "slowest stacking skill in the game", and SR-3MP consistently out-DPSes her even without any buffs. With the UMPs' exclusive equip. Without, her damage output is even worse.

You can build some silly 5 SMG meme echelons around her that sometimes don't totally suck, but unless you know what you're doing, you should put her on cafe duty.

Heckler & Koch P30

Heckler & Koch P30
Handgun ★★★★ The perfect answer to a question noone asked

A doll that suffered from looking really cool in the previews up until people saw her face and went "wtf is this."

Her skill is unique, and answers a question nobody asked. While not completely useless, there's nowhere really where it's actually required. The RoF boost is.... kind of paltry and borderline useless, so all she has going for her is the movespeed boost.

If you really REALLY hate dealing with dreamer and otherwise suck at micro, this might come in handy. Other fights like typhons however, are more reliant on observation and dealing with the early onrush of mobs, since HGs like Python and Contender, or SMGs like CMS, are fast enough on their own.

Oh right, if you do plan to use her, do note that as usual, you cant do shit while moving. Be wary.


Rifle ★★★★★ Hates Armor. Has use but YMMV

A pastiche of fetishes that the game somehow didn't cover before. Behold, armor-destroying big gun brown eyepatch girl. Fixed fire rate that's slightly jank due to how the game handles frame count (shouldn't matter though), and absolutely hates armor. Her skill is passive and her basically permanent 400% damage vs armored enemies lets her shred armored units fairly early on.

Her five second reload time may or may not matter very much, depending on circumstances.

Notably used in data sim setups.

H&K Fabarm FP6

H&K Fabarm FP6
Shotgun ★★★★★ Solid Base stats with weird skill

A shotgun from the makers of the SAT8! ...Except it's sold and marketed by HK because various reasons. It's... actually kinda so vanilla there's not many memes and I don't think any of them are really any good besides her silly Christmas outfit.

Excellent tilebuffs for running a 2SG frontline, while packing 24 armour (tied with KSG for highest base) while packing 1.3k HP at 5 links. This makes her useful regardless of everything else.

Her skill is a little questionable, but it stacks with itself multiplicatively (after armour) if 1 unit gets both (guaranteed if there's only 1 unit in the frontmost rank) and the knockback is, while not amazing, also not unwelcome. It's also on a 10second ICD so it'll rarely ever come up anyway, and her stats are solid for a frontrow tank in most typical fights with MGs.

Not as good as something like SAT8 in most situations, but not exactly something to turn away.

FN Herstal P90

FN Herstal P90
Submachine Gun ★★★★★ Strong Main Tank

Everyone knows the joke by now. If not, you've been living in a hole for the past 20 years. Now more associated with Russia (who people the gun was specifically meant to shoot at, as it was part of a PDW project that worried about armoured Russian soldiers) than with Belgium (which many people dont seem to realize is a country). Mostly noted on older servers for an utterly ABYSMAL rate which led to drama that resulted in Mica integrating official recipes into the client + promising more common true core masks. Also, surprised people by being drawn by LM7 instead of Suisai, despite being an FN product.

For performance, she's a fairly powerful dodger with a bonus offensive function, and her tiles aren't bad. In terms of sheer survival potential, she's 1 of the best, although occasionally stuff acts weird due to her shadow clones (which btw, interact WEIRDLY with the game). Of note, the shadow clones only copy the number of active remaining links, so you do want to keep as many links intact as possible for that (or not, see detailed notes). Overall, a very strong main tank candidate that is really good at her survival job.

FN Ballista

FN Ballista
Rifle ★★★★★ Janky as fuck but potentially has some use

This a doll that's basically all or nothing. Her skill is a weird stacking system that isn't actually as it appears. She puts marks on the enemies, and then doubleshots those marked enemies. Seems easy enough right? Except oh boy that's not actually how it works. The marks are for targeting only - the number of times she doubleshots is stored on the doll, not the enemy, so the number of times she gets to throw out active markers is how many times she gets to doubletap, even if the markers disappear or the marked target is killed by something else.

The problem is of course the times are impractical and almost pointless unless her skill is lvl10. Another problem is while it has some potential uses, other top of the line rifles can match or exceed her general performance.


Shotgun Special Usable

She has good stats. But shotgun powercreep is real. Also if you have her, you've been playing a long time. Why don't you have a better shotgun? Huh? Waifu? No, she's shit. Get over it.

On top of that she has a nuke skill that... honestly doesnt usually come up, but when it does, it's pretty much the biggest nuke on a shotgun you get (2 hits for 8x vs primary, 12x area around primary). As a bonus, if the first shot kills the primary, the secondary BOOM changes targets (uses standard grenade targeting). Note that due to her ammo and reload speeds, if you want to fire the first nuke immediately, you will likely need to reload cancel her.

Dorothy Haze

Dorothy Haze
Submachine Gun Special Versatile, especially in bed

Yes I know that's not really her name. And yes, you'd think the unit whose hands are actual guns would be a handgun, but nope, she's an SMG. MICAAAAAAAA.

She has a pretty interesting skill that reminds some of C-MS. What it is is mildly more complicated, because it comes with good AND bad sides, and allows her to be both a main tank and an off tank. As an off tank, she provides decent firepower with 100% uptime, a debuff no one cares about (-acc) and a really nice buff (constant eva up!) for the main tank, while as a main tank she has permanent Eva up, buffs acc of the same column ("vertical row") but actually makes the off tanks (or just people in the same column) a little less survivable. Skill discussed in more detail in her entry, but its fun stuff.

A problem she has though is the shape of the tiles. That lacking middle row really gets in the way, but she has enough other uses that this isn't too awful if you know what you're doing (For example, you want to buff the everloving bajeezus out of your main tank's dodge instead).

Also she buffs Rifles with her tiles too too, but this doesn't seem to come up all that much.

Desert Tech Micro-Dynamic Rifle (MDR)

Desert Tech Micro-Dynamic Rifle (MDR)
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good

Selfie Queen. Troll. Probably Jarv's waifu Jarv in disguise. Claims bullpups are scientifically the best thing ever.

If she doesn't have an ally in front of her, she self-buffs for both firepower and RoF, with a net increase of 76.9% DPS (over G41's 75%, and she has more base firepower, so she will provide generally superior damage except vs armor). This alone makes her usable, but her unique brand of cheese is when you have friends in front of her.

On skilluse, she scans for an ally directly ahead and if one is found, gives them a 40hp shield that increases their evade by 80%, stacking multiplicatively with all other buffs. Has very good synergy with units like C-MS, MP7, and the like. Due to the way area scan skills work, with the move command and a sense of timing, you can actually protect the whole echelon this way via shenanigans (or at least just all your frontal tank units). Oh by the way, this also works on the taunt fairy target drone.

Flexible unit that can be used 2 ways, and is actually handy in both of them. Her problem is really less how good she is as much as the game has actively been dumbed down to the point there's basically almost zero need to move units around anymore outside of a few boss mechanics. Or some gigabrain strats that if you know...why are you here?

Desert Eagle

Desert Eagle
Handgun ★★★★★ The Most Powerful Anmiface

She's an Anmiface, which some people are conflicted over. Unlike the other Anmifaces, she didn't get disowned by her mom (unlike a certain Goat). Stat-wise, remember how much I gushed about Python? She's the more selfish version, with a skill that would have really been nice the stage AFTER you get her.

There's not much to say besides "there's a reason there were so many videos of her beating shit up in 5 HG groups." She makes things with shields cry. She does all sorts of shenanigans that ups her rate of fire and also makes anything with HP type shields cry (she can actually utterly CRUSH bosses like Ares with 5HG formations because of this) and can get an effective 531% DPS increase if her skill is going full tilt on 1 target (like a boss), putting her DPS well over most T-dolls.

Like all HGs, she does require you to have some idea of what you're doing, but the reward is basically a hand cannon that Agent Smith would be proud to use.

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