Name | Class | Rarity | Useful? | Notes |
VHS ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★★ | Quirky, but has funny potential | No, she's not a video tape. One of her skins shows her recent arrival in the US has apparently given her quite the dump truck ass. Must be all the McDonalds. Her skill powers her up with extra stats relative to the enemies she's fighting, meaning she has basically no real use vs. mooks. Potentially handy vs. bosses, but being a RoF-focused AR, she suffers from chips existing. |
Galil Mod ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★ | An answer in search of a question that nobody asked | All the accuracy ever. There's not very much practical use for it still, but she converts excess accuracy to crit now. This does not push her damage up beyond the really good ARs, but some of you might get creative with it. |
Valmet M82 ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★ | Tavor Mk2, Pinkhair boogaloo | Suffers from there being a more famous, better M82, also with pink hair. This one is basically interchangeable with Tavor, who by now isn't nearly as useful because you should be drowning in high-end ARs. If you are not drowning in high-end ARs for some unfathomable reason, well, she isn't the worst thing ever. Also has a combo skill with AK Alfa if you do the side story stuff, but AK Alfa isn't exactly wowing the charts either. |
Mauser C96 Mod ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | Good with MGs at night | With the changes to flare skill she's actually usable with MGs at night. Flares work like PEQs now, which actually allows MGs to function at night. With MICA being the way they are, this could prove pretty helpful if they ever decided to release new content. |
Haenel Sturmgewehr 44 Mod ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★ | Doesn't actually solve any of her problems | Aka StG44… Mod. Behold, the power of a mod that tries to power her up but leaves her suffering from the exact same problems she did to begin with. Her firepower isn't boosted enough, even with the special equipment. Her skill's initial cooldown is still eight seconds, and you still don't get much bang for your buck. Base version has a separate entry if you're not depressed enough yet. |
Sten Mark II Mod ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★ | Has no idea wtf she's doing | She's not sure if she wants to be offensive or defensive, and kinda sucks at both. Her only real purpose for existing is "the story is kinda cute." |
CR-21 ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★ | Might be useful, but TBH probably not. | Has both less FP AND a lower multiplier than you would want. The targeting thing where she shoots the highest FP enemy might be cool sometimes, but it will rarely ever come up. |
Magal ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★ | Collection Trophy | Hatsune Miku becomes a T-doll. ...Yeah she's a login AR, what do you expect? Nothing to see here, move on. |
ADS (Avtomat Dvukhsredny Spetsial'ny) ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★★ | Specialist. Potentially Hilarious for Red Golyats. | Another weird Russian specialist gun, meant to fire both above and below the water, which is why the doll has weird underwater parts replacing her left leg. Her skill is as annoying to explain as she is boring. Basically whenever she fires, she has a chance to apply debuffs (that reduce target RoF and move speed) on her target, which at 5 stacks, explodes in a grenade-like effect that deals damage and stuns the target. That's the passive. The active fires a debuff grenade that applies 3 debuff stacks (+2 for the primary target) and briefly increases her debuff proc chance to 100%. Honestly it's really weird, but it has use for things like Golyats, which, coupled with things like shotgun knockback and some RoF buffs, can help deal with some of the more annoying enemies in the game (for certain patterns.) Also has potential synergy with ACR kinda (though resetting debuff stacks when she triggers explosions makes it a little awkward) |
M4 SOPMOD MOD ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★★ | Pretty much the best straight Grenadier | If you're looking for an 8s Grenadier, well, she was always a very strong choice, and now she's pretty much almost the default one for most circumstances by sheer stats and having the 2 accessory slots. Improved Grenade performance (not that most enemies will notice) and bonus MIRVs on top of that. She does get bonuses with M4, but due to the fact M4's marks affect her targeting (and potentially are buggy with her MIRVs), using her with M4 is not always ideal. Aside from that, it's the same old SOP, but with a unique equipment (thats pretty much just an improved Eotech) and bigger numbers. |
AN-94 ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★★ | The Power of Russian Space Magic Is Real | There are not enough ways to say "use her if you have her." I want to make a joke, but its hard to overeemphasize just how good she is. Besides her immensely good uptime (5/8 type), it's raised even HIGHER by her passive, which triggers it everytime she switches targets. In most cases, she will pretty much outperform G11 handily. Basically the best of the best among daylight ARs, and powerful even at night vs up to light armour. She wants the #7 position on your formation, and there's little reason not to give it. Also she has enough of an Acc Buff that everyone who used to do stupid shit to prop up SR3 can be quiet now, it's all the buff you need to run her. |
Lithgow F1 Submachine Gun ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★ | Trophy Raifu | She has a stupidly big HP pool, but otherwise her stats are more 2½ star than 3 star. Combine that with a decidedly average smoke grenade and terrible tiles, and you end up with a doll more bland than Foster's. Can be made work if you really want to (give her plenty of evasive buffs), but you're almost guaranteed to be better off with UMP45 if you want smokes. |
IMI Galil ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★ | Enhancement fodder | Actually has more DPS than G3. Still not great. |
MP40 ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★ | Enhancement Fodder | If for some reason you absolutely must have a 2 star Molotov. You get Skorpion for free really early so she doesn't see much use (though she does slightly outdamage skorpion). Has not great dodge and okay HP. She does however come with an adorable as hell Children's day skin so I wont entirely fault you for wanting to bring it. |
Kel-Tec RFB ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★★ | Good | Her skill consists of two parts:
Overall solid. If you need her gimmick, she's amazing. If not...well, AR powercreep is real. |