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Name Class ↓ Rarity Useful? Notes

Bofors Automatkarbin 5

Bofors Automatkarbin 5
Assault Rifle ★★★★ Usable

AKA Ak 5

An upgraded version of the FN FNC, both IRL and ingame. Like FNC, her 5/8 skill uptime makes her burstier than the 10/16 of G36, with better stats, which evens out to DPS comparable to G36. Not your first choice for ARs, but solid… if you can be arsed to farm her.

Daewoo Precision Industries K2

Daewoo Precision Industries K2
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good

Standard issue rifle of the ROKAF and only non-main-Heroine doll to get her own fully animated PV. Also a tribute to Anmi's ability to make some of the game's lewdest art and have people not notice because of how innocent the faces are. Almost every adult Korean male is very intimately familiar with her, whether they wanted to be or not.

Imagine base G11 started up her skill right at the start of the fight. Imagine she was completely useless against armour (more so than she already is). That's K2 in a nutshell. High DPS for the first 6 seconds vs trash, but cannot fight armor to save her life and is absolutely awful against bosses. However, her ability to kill unarmored trash is quite good, which has plenty of uses since bosses are not actually the most common enemy type.

What her skill does is reduce her damage but fire off 3 round bursts, and builds up a heat counter which, when capped out, uh... fucks up her stats. The other part of her skill (stronger single shot damage but slows her down and makes every shot cool down instead of heat up) generally doesn't come up. Some actually recommend not giving her too many RoF buffs or she'll overheat.

Also, she's an awful Korean, being unable to tolerate spicy food (but she tries anyway)

FN Herstal FNC

FN Herstal FNC
Assault Rifle ★★★ Powercrept but you get her for free

Choco tabemase? You get her for free and she performs OK. Has a long history of suffering in the game and may suffer from PTSD. Damage bonuses are nice, and she's just strong enough to take down a Jupiter cannon by herself, provided you have some cannon fodder between her and the Jupiter (which is mostly why she has PTSD).

She used to perform really well, and she does perform OK for cost to raise, but a 5-star and 3-star AR cost the same to actually use, and the newer ARs are much, much shinier. She's still OK but don't get too attached, you'll have better soon enough. Maybe she'll get a mod someday.

TsKIB OTs-12 Tiss

TsKIB OTs-12 Tiss
Assault Rifle ★★★ If desperate

"Are you THAT short on ARs or need cheap equipment that badly?"

You get much better ARs from story events, and there's only so much that you actually need. If you need a cheap AR and already have FNC though I guess she can be useful.

Her exclusive, while it does give her more strength, doesn't let her outperform many 4* ARs.

Spikes Tactical AR-15

Spikes Tactical AR-15
Assault Rifle ★★★★ Not as good as before, but still free and still 1 of the better things you get

AKA ST AR-15, aka Star-chan. High stats, two accessory slots, and Unique Ammo (that you need to farm for) that outperforms regular HV ammo and doesn't require forever to build up. While not considered as OP as she once was, she remains a good unit to raise; if you partially raise her, she basically hits close to RoF cap on her own.

Her mod (and her equipment set) brings her back up to a decent spot as an AR. You can see her mod here

United States Carbine, Caliber 5.56 mm, M4A1

United States Carbine, Caliber 5.56 mm, M4A1
Assault Rifle ★★★★ Recommended

The cinnamon roll heroine. One of three ARs that buffs other ARs. A decent DPS who buffs other DPS. Later upgrades into a fucking metal gear. Which you should 150% get. So regardless of how good she is now, raise her anyways.

You can find her mod here

Tavor TAR-21

Tavor TAR-21
Assault Rifle ★★★★ Usable if desperate

She's one of the dolls of all time. Yup.

Heckler & Koch G36

Heckler & Koch G36
Assault Rifle ★★★★ Usable

Her 4 star rarity is a lie. She's rarer than most of the 5 stars and is surprisingly good for her rarity. MAID POWER. While she performs alright as a 4 star, her mod makes her potentially quite good if you don't mind the expense.

Does not overheat, unlike the real one. Also Imoko art.

Technically has a combo thingy with Springfield, but it falls under "I guess it exists?" Yeah, I dunno what they were thinking.

TsKIB Ash-12.7

TsKIB Ash-12.7
Assault Rifle ★★★ Trophy Raifu

This game has so many good ARs that if you somehow stumble into her, since she's drop only, why would you ever use her? Even in a 3* only challenge account, why?

Heckler & Koch G41

Heckler & Koch G41
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good if you have her special equipment

Kind of fetishized and sort of jailbait, but she's still a very solid option if you have her special equipment. Outside of that, she's pretty mid. She used to be the standard ARs were judged by, but now she's pretty irrelevant.

QBZ Type 95

QBZ Type 95
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Not really used anymore

Kishiyo face, and a silly source of drama, because he had a bitchfest over her VA not being someone super famous. As of GFL2, this continues to be true! She caused even more drama!

As a T-Doll? She's...not really that good anymore.

QBZ Type 97

QBZ Type 97
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Not really used anymore

Civilian version of a gun even the Chinese Army realized was a bad idea. Used to have a niche use for battles that needed fast skills due to her low initial cooldown, excellent uptime, and unique equip, putting her in a good spot as a second-string AR. Unfortunately, there are now lots of good ARs, and the existence of chips has improved a lot of other ARs while she got left behind.

TsKIB OTs-14 Groza

TsKIB OTs-14 Groza
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good at night

The Night Empress. Unfortunately, she's been going the way of many a monarch with the lower class overthrowing her. She used to be the last word for night battle ARs, but with AS VAL's mod, she has fallen behind. Turns out, being able to use a crit scope at night is very good. That being said, +200% damage at night is still decent and if you can't afford the mod, she's a good replacement.

Also, while enemy armor stacks superhard now, it's actually fine if you have sufficient +FP on your ARs to punch through. If you don't though, this still wont save you.

Heckler & Koch G11

Heckler & Koch G11
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good, but has godlike mod

The most German unit in the game, in that she is both exceptionally lazy and surprisingly good at her job whenever she can be bothered. The source of 90% of HK416's misfortune. Zombie movie afficionado, and owns all 26 seasons of The Flying Dead (Im not making this up.) Originally one of the most broken ARs in the game until digimind evolution and team DEFY showed up. First member of Club "MGs who pretend to be ARs." Max out her skill, point and laugh as she destroys everything. Skill has poor uptime which makes her worse than AN94 in 90% of situations (and arguably worse than STAR Mod3), but still pretty good.

Her skill is completely useless against armoured enemies, which will become an issue later, when more and more armoured enemies appear.

And then her mod comes and she is a fucking god because it solves basically everything.

FN Herstal F2000

FN Herstal F2000
Assault Rifle ★★ If you need to use a 2* AR, what the are you doing?

The famed Tactical Tuna. Will do as well as OTs-12 if you're extremely hard up on resources and need another AR immediately for whatever reason. You won't likely need it since you get the AR team early but if you absolutely must have something or it must be 2 star...

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