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Name Class Rarity ↑ Useful? Notes

Heckler & Koch XM8

Heckler & Koch XM8
Assault Rifle ★★★★ Core fodder

Like her real life counterpoint, ultimately disappointment despite being not quite entirely worse than many competitors.

She's not the worst grenadier out there, but in the end, both 416 and SOPMOD are better than her, and you don't need more than a few grenadiers. She DOES have a mod now. Shame that outside of a few very niche scenarios, the above statement still applies.


Assault Rifle ★★★★ Decent Enough. Becomes Handy in the distant future

A doll that was forgotten for so long I couldn't find a cleaned up version of her image outside of moegirl.

Her skill does different things depending on whether its a day or night battle. Crit and Damage during the day, Hit and RoF at night.

She's not actually bad, just that she's not exactly overwhelming good, so she just... kinda exists?

And then Shattered Connexion happened and she was helpful against a certain enemy type, but that's far in the future. For now, eh... raise or don't raise, whatever, you'll be fine either way.


Assault Rifle ★★★★ Interesting, but not very likely to be used

The best dorm doll with how fucking out of it she is, and with some absolutely amazing dialogue both as general lines and in her appearance in the CT story, and a great design. Her damaged art being fuckin' bonkers is great.

And that's where most of the praise is going because her performance is... well it's not dismal, but it suffers from the same 8-second ICD issue grenadiers have in general. Should that not be an issue though, her self buffs at night are actually alright, since it gives her more mileage than other grenadiers. You aren't very likely to use her though, simply because things like SOP still exist and will likely have better performance.


Assault Rifle ★★★★ Might be useful, but TBH probably not.

Has both less FP AND a lower multiplier than you would want. The targeting thing where she shoots the highest FP enemy might be cool sometimes, but it will rarely ever come up.

Haenel Sturmgewehr 44 Mod

Haenel Sturmgewehr 44 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★ Doesn't actually solve any of her problems

Aka StG44… Mod.

Behold, the power of a mod that tries to power her up but leaves her suffering from the exact same problems she did to begin with. Her firepower isn't boosted enough, even with the special equipment. Her skill's initial cooldown is still eight seconds, and you still don't get much bang for your buck.

Base version has a separate entry if you're not depressed enough yet.

Valmet M82

Valmet M82
Assault Rifle ★★★★ Tavor Mk2, Pinkhair boogaloo

Suffers from there being a more famous, better M82, also with pink hair.

This one is basically interchangeable with Tavor, who by now isn't nearly as useful because you should be drowning in high-end ARs. If you are not drowning in high-end ARs for some unfathomable reason, well, she isn't the worst thing ever.

Also has a combo skill with AK Alfa if you do the side story stuff, but AK Alfa isn't exactly wowing the charts either.

Galil Mod

Galil Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★ An answer in search of a question that nobody asked

All the accuracy ever. There's not very much practical use for it still, but she converts excess accuracy to crit now. This does not push her damage up beyond the really good ARs, but some of you might get creative with it.

FN Herstal FAL

FN Herstal FAL
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Ex-Grenade Star. Not used anymore

The Right Arm of the Free World

There was a time she was good. That time was before we got grenadiers that shot as fast as she does. She does fire three grenades though, although they are weaker than everyone else's. Has the odd use here and there, but time and powercreep have not been kind to her.

Heckler & Koch G41

Heckler & Koch G41
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good if you have her special equipment

Kind of fetishized and sort of jailbait, but she's still a very solid option if you have her special equipment. Outside of that, she's pretty mid. She used to be the standard ARs were judged by, but now she's pretty irrelevant.

QBZ Type 95

QBZ Type 95
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Not really used anymore

Kishiyo face, and a silly source of drama, because he had a bitchfest over her VA not being someone super famous. As of GFL2, this continues to be true! She caused even more drama!

As a T-Doll? She's...not really that good anymore.

QBZ Type 97

QBZ Type 97
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Not really used anymore

Civilian version of a gun even the Chinese Army realized was a bad idea. Used to have a niche use for battles that needed fast skills due to her low initial cooldown, excellent uptime, and unique equip, putting her in a good spot as a second-string AR. Unfortunately, there are now lots of good ARs, and the existence of chips has improved a lot of other ARs while she got left behind.

Heckler & Koch G11

Heckler & Koch G11
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good, but has godlike mod

The most German unit in the game, in that she is both exceptionally lazy and surprisingly good at her job whenever she can be bothered. The source of 90% of HK416's misfortune. Zombie movie afficionado, and owns all 26 seasons of The Flying Dead (Im not making this up.) Originally one of the most broken ARs in the game until digimind evolution and team DEFY showed up. First member of Club "MGs who pretend to be ARs." Max out her skill, point and laugh as she destroys everything. Skill has poor uptime which makes her worse than AN94 in 90% of situations (and arguably worse than STAR Mod3), but still pretty good.

Her skill is completely useless against armoured enemies, which will become an issue later, when more and more armoured enemies appear.

And then her mod comes and she is a fucking god because it solves basically everything.

Taurus ART556

Taurus ART556
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Usable

Similar to G41 in performance (actually slightly worse, but not significantly) and the artist just drawing their weird fetishes that land you in jail. She's basically a 5 star equivalent of Tavor sharing the primary weakness of taking 6s to startup instead of 4. The skill is good while active, but YMMV.

Honestly, the issue with any AR outside of the big mod ones, is that they just get gapped so hard unless they have a niche. ART556 does not. So you could use her, but....eh...?

Extra notes available.

Zastava M21

Zastava M21
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Niche uses

Another grenadier that's not useless. Her grenade fires after just 4 seconds, making it actually matter, and either makes hit enemies take 115% damage for 3 seconds (3 or more hits) or buff her own damage by 60% for 8 seconds.

The self buff isn't too useful, giving her damage output on the lower end of usable at least, but since she hits a wide area she'll probably trigger the much more useful debuff. While much better dolls have largely obviated the need for this, maybe it'll be useful for someone. I dunno.

She does well at corpsedragging in some night maps but I don't know if anyone even does those anymore, doubly so since the main benefits {extreme low cost and mats for upgrading equipment} are no longer as relevant as they once were.

Kel-Tec RFB

Kel-Tec RFB
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good

Her skill consists of two parts:

  • Make her use rifle targeting (backline priority): Originally, the gimmick was useless. However, now she definitely has a niche considering how often Mica likes to toss in weird enemy formations.
  • Buff herself: Her stats are good to begin with, and the buff is beefy – this makes her an excellent AR for all purposes.

Overall solid. If you need her gimmick, she's amazing. If not...well, AR powercreep is real.

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