Glasses optional
Name ↓ Class Rarity Useful? Notes

M1918 BAR Mod

M1918 BAR Mod
Machine Gun ★★★★★ She's alright, but she's really showing her age and also costs a lot for what you get

There was a two-year span where BAR Mod was unquestionably one of the best MGs in the game between her great skill and super good early reload cancel frames, that even resulted in debates over whether or not to use an ammo box for maximum early burst. EN skipped that period entirely and introduces her alongside one of her replacements.

Now, she's still decent at first mag fire, but she's really expensive for this, essentially making you pay for a full 4-star Mod for slightly better performance than M2HB. In the long term, she's outperformed by Lewis, who is introduced in Isomer.

So yeah... she's been replaced at half her job and she's really expensive to build up for the other. If you like her a lot though, she's not the worst Mod to spend on.

M1897 Trenchsweeper Mod

M1897 Trenchsweeper  Mod
Shotgun ★★★★ Became a maid, still sucks at her job

Expensive AND still doesn't do anything useful? Say it ain't so.

Shame, since I like the shotgun, but she sucks harder than the vacuum cleaner she should be using instead of her broom.

Note from Kyazuki: Xecty doesn't like DPS shotguns, but she's alright if you want her for that. Probably not worth the cost for most.

M1895 Nagant Revolver Mod

M1895 Nagant Revolver Mod
Handgun ★★★★ Those who disagree with her get shot. (Funny specialist, but good)

Babushka says not one step backward. Every seventh shot, she gives a damage bonus! Also, the thing starts active, making her one of very few buffers with a start-of-battle skill activation. Her first skill is still defensive in nature, and the percentages got bigger. She's actually useful in a number of situations, either for reducing enemy firepower in specific fights (usually Gundam or tank related) or just the straight DPS boost from the get-go. You only really need her up to Mod 2, but the Mod 3 art is cute.

Her pre mod form is here


Rifle ★★★★★ As good as a specialist as she was awful pre-mod (So, actually pretty good!)

Thanks Mica, for actually buffing someone with cool art for once.

In her pre-mod state, she's dire, not really worth using, and honestly a waste of really REALLY nice art (including porn by her original artist). With her mod, she has ridiculously high stats and a powerful skill at Mod 2. The big issue is she needs setup, and can't really be used on her own, but that's pretty much every funny specialist rifle anyway, so it's not really a downside.

What makes her stupidly good is that you get more damage if you have more debuffs from other sources, so go nuts.

She was handy for Dual Randomness. It is now past DR.

Her previous form is found here.

Izhmash SV-98 Mod

Izhmash SV-98 Mod
Rifle ★★★★ Outdated Except for CE Padding

She could have been useful if we got her a lot earlier. Her skill is reliant on her standing still, so if you move her past the first two seconds, her second skill will effectively give the first one a three second cooldown if you manual it, unless it's enough to kill on its own without the buff. Her Mod 3 equip is just a cape with some extra damage on it, but she shouldn't be moving a lot anyway given her skill, so it's worth it if you do choose to mod her for whatever reason.

Also, she is the true cinnamon roll and if you don't mod her Yuzhong will fly in your kitchen and mess up your pots and pans.

Her original version can be found here.

Heckler & Koch UMP9 Mod

Heckler & Koch UMP9 Mod
Submachine Gun ★★★★★ Not bad, but also really expensive for what she does

On one hand, she's actually not bad, being a flashbang unit with a solid backup skill (If it's vs. a boss, she becomes a shielder tank instead with some minor evasion buffs) that also helps kill mooks faster. On the other hand, she has a mod3's price tag and opportunity cost, at a time when there's lots of nice mods running around.

If you already have a nice set of mod3 dolls, go ahead. If not, consider saving it for later.

...Oh, and you can save yourself the trouble of getting her mod equip. It's kinda pointless on a tank.

Her previous iteration can be found here

Heckler & Koch MP5 Mod

Heckler & Koch MP5 Mod
Submachine Gun ★★★★★ The Milk Tin's power grows

With the advent of her mod, she goes from being Thompson's kouhai to one of the strongest force shielders available. Too bad G36c mod exists now, but let's not talk about her.

Through the power of milk, when she lowers her force shield, she gains a decent evasion buff to turn her into a mixed force shield and evasion tank. While the buff requires there to be multiple enemy packs, any amount of evasion to go along with the force shield is welcomed. Oh, did I mention she also buffs rifles with her tiles now? That's a thing. The buffs she does provide aren't particularly useful for rifles, but it may come in handy.

She DOES require her unique equipment from the night map to function effectively, for the milk tin is all powerful. The mod equipment, however, is pretty garbage.

Her previous iteration can be found here

Heckler & Koch HK416 Mod

Heckler & Koch HK416 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★★★ She's still insufferable but she's actually good now

It's a shame she has voice lines now, since the best part about her mod was shutting up her annoying voice. But alas, you'll probably be hearing it, because unlike her basically not-worth-the-effort base form, this one is actually decent. The big change is the six second ICD, which lets her fire grenades within the lifetime of many fights in a meaningful way, unlike most other grenadiers.

This ironically makes her useless for Chapter 11 farming, but thankfully she's good for Chapter 12 farming.

The grenade itself is buffed somewhat, and the ICD also makes her a bit more stable than SOP for some fights (SOP retains the problem of "You need the enemy to still be worth hitting with grenades 8 seconds in"). Overall, decent grenadier that you'll likely use a fair bit for farming and events, helped by 416 playing a big role in a lot of event maps and thus getting stat buffed.

Oh, and get her equip when you can. it isn't stellar, but it beats the hell out of a frame that doesn't contribute to DPS.

i can't believe her fucking name is clukay

Her previous iteration can be found at this page

Heckler & Koch G36 Mod

Heckler & Koch G36 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good

Modded version of G36

Distraught by the loss of her braid, she gets over it and discovers the TRUE maid was inside her all along. Or something like that.

Her stats are boosted a fair bit and the %s on her skill get a boost to 5 star levels. At mod 2, she gets a rider on her skill that boosts the Evade of stuff in her tiles, and also boosts her own RoF by 10% for every unit standing in her tiles (Max 2, yes it stacks multiplicatively). Yes, tile fuckery applies.

She does have the problem though that to fully make use of this skill, she needs units standing in the tiles, which weakens her flexibility a bit. Totally still fine for going gung ho and just blazing away in a static formation or if you can keep the formation such that stuff remains standing in the tiles though. Her performance is generally a bee's dick below that of AN94 (and makes a good match for AK12) in general use, but beats the Russians vs armored enemies.

Like any good HK product though, she's pretty expensive, so make sure you're sure about the investment and you have nothing else more important to work on (like AR team). Still, if you like the maid, definitely a thing to look at.

Technically has a combo thingy with Springfield, but it falls under "I guess it exists?" Yeah, I dunno what they were thinking.

Heckler & Koch G3 Mod

Heckler & Koch G3 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★ Technically better than HK416, but manages to be even MORE expensive.

Is it just me, or are her tits getting bigger with every new incarnation of her art?

There was a time when there was interest because her stun grenade was buggy as fuck and froze (not stunned, FROZE) bosses. This was a bug, and fixed. There was a time when there was interest because she had one of the strongest grenades between her new multipliers and equipment. SOPMOD3 came out on EN before she did, so this isn't relevant on the EN server.

Her stun is basically useless. Even at max level, it's shorter than the level 1 stun grenades of the flashbang smgs, but her grenade damage is fine. TOO BAD IT NEEDS THEM TO BE BELOW 50% HP, at which point you probably could have killed them with a different unit.

Basically she's a not-awful Grenadier if you need one for a specific task (like say, corpse dragging), but she's got that H&K price tag (too expensive for what she does) and SOPMOD3 exists as a much better choice to pour fragments into.

Hanyang Type 88 Mod

Hanyang Type 88 Mod
Rifle ★★★★ Wtf how can a shit gun be this good. Seriously, go get her already.

Every bit as good as she used to be awful; this is quite a feat, since she used to be IMMENSELY awful. You can make a fairly convincing argument she's a better value mod than AR team these days. She's that good. She's a little hard to use, sure, but she has piercing on a rifle and all sorts of minor extras.

She does have the issue of "can't equip PEQs" and thus suffers as much as any other rifle at night, but a rifle capable of dealing with enemy clusters a la M4 is very nice to have in general. She gets very heavy use in rankings for a reason.

Ironically for a rifle with a night-oriented skill, she works best during the day, because yeah, that issue about not being able to use PEQs.

Her original page can be found here.

Gsh-18 Mod

Gsh-18 Mod
Handgun ★★★★ Okay-ish, but expensive for what you get

Her Mod 3 unique equip is alright. It lets her punch through lighter armors, and otherwise is excellent at finishing off weakened enemies, rather than wasting full-power shots on them. This is usually a thing with rifles that don't quite instantly giblet their foes. Her tile buffs are pretty okay.

She's alright but not a priority.

General Dynamics LWMMG Mod

General Dynamics LWMMG Mod
Machine Gun ★★★★ She's a better LWMMG, but now with more utility.

She actually gets some fairly hefty stat increases in her mod, with Mod 2 hitting as much FP as M2HB. The issues that 2 stars normally face (low skill values compared to higher ones, etc.) are pretty solved thanks to being upgraded to a 4 star, and it also gives her extra base ammo which helps out a lot. Overall a cheap mod to get, and honestly you get a fair bit of value off even just Mod 1.

She's pretty much an all-rounder MG, and with the Mod 2 skill, technically you're not limited to just SGs, but uh... the shield values are so low otherwise that it only really helps armored things, though I guess some people might find a use for that anyway. MATH BIT: Her Special Equip actually isn't awful, but tbh you're better off with an EOTech in most cases.

Her original form can be found here.

Galil Mod

Galil Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★ An answer in search of a question that nobody asked

All the accuracy ever. There's not very much practical use for it still, but she converts excess accuracy to crit now. This does not push her damage up beyond the really good ARs, but some of you might get creative with it.

G11 Mod

G11 Mod
Assault Rifle ★★★★★★ Red Bull gives you buffs.

Finally adjusted so she can stop being perpetually narcoleptic (sort of) through the power of energy drinks. She was already a decent AR whose weakness was that she couldn't hurt armor. Well, they solved the armor problem by doing percentage-based damage. Her damage is still affected by armor, but often she'll just do enough damage that you won't care anyway and can contribute to the fight regardless. She still has the issue of the poor uptime due to her long skill cooldown, but you should be smart enough to deal with that.

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