Glasses optional
Name Class Rarity ↑ Useful? Notes

JSL Spitfire

JSL Spitfire
Handgun ★★★★ Niche uses

A Britbong copy of Cz-75! ...And kinda weird. She's sort of setup for the 2MG 2SG 1HG thing that doesn't come up much and is defensively oriented, but sometimes it comes up. Just... not on any content currently. Does occasionally see actual use as a result, but she's not going to be your first pick for most jobs.

The problem is that RoF reduction is kinda meh, as while it does reduce enemy DPS, it merely slows down the rate of being shot, as opposed to making shots worse (good for SGs as their armour can more readily absorb it) or less accurate (which helps Eva tanks just not be damaged entirely), making it the weakest of the enemy attack stat debuffs.

Daewoo Precision Industries K5

Daewoo Precision Industries K5
Handgun ★★★★ Good

Her basic tile buff is excellent, which instantly makes her the best handgun to use with MG echelons at day. It's also good for AR echelons at night, if you don't have 5* PEQs on your ARs, similar to SAA. The combination of a significant HG evasive buff plus very decent rifle damage buff also makes her a solid alternative to Grizzly for RFHG echelons. So far, so good.

She used to have some tile fuckery, but they have since fixed having fun. At least she has a mod now.

IWI Jericho 941

IWI Jericho 941
Handgun ★★★★ Niche uses

Another CZ-75 clone, this time an Israeli one! The doll that Negev got her funny ideas from. Also Spike Spiegel's gun. If you don't know who Spike Spiegel is, you really should. Look it up, watch the show, I'll wait.

Her passive boosts dolls when they reload which... basically gives other MGs and SGs Negev-like buffs, except weaker. Unfortunately this is not helpful at all for general use because you don't want to be reloading in the first place. She also sucks for judge because judge also hits the back row and so she also eats damage. Does much better for other multimag fights but YMMV with that.

The active is ok but the %s are lower than other 4 star dolls are more 3 star territory, and require being in her tiles, which makes your formation kind of cramped, unlike what you can do with K5. It also doesn't help MGs much because... well, the startup CD.

United States Pistol, Caliber .45, M1911 MOD

United States Pistol, Caliber .45, M1911 MOD
Handgun ★★★★ Early Trash Cleaner

Modded version of M1911

A really expensive trash cleaner.

Basically when she pops smoke, she then goes Alvin York and blasts away 7 times for extra damage, hitting the farthest enemy and working her way closer to the front with every shot. If there are no closer enemies, she just keeps shooting that one until someone else has gotten closer (either because its dead and thus a new thing is closer, or something ran ahead of it).

Note that while the skill has an ICD of 1 second, she doesn't actually start blasting away until 3 seconds in due to the throw animation.

Heckler & Koch P30

Heckler & Koch P30
Handgun ★★★★ The perfect answer to a question noone asked

A doll that suffered from looking really cool in the previews up until people saw her face and went "wtf is this."

Her skill is unique, and answers a question nobody asked. While not completely useless, there's nowhere really where it's actually required. The RoF boost is.... kind of paltry and borderline useless, so all she has going for her is the movespeed boost.

If you really REALLY hate dealing with dreamer and otherwise suck at micro, this might come in handy. Other fights like typhons however, are more reliant on observation and dealing with the early onrush of mobs, since HGs like Python and Contender, or SMGs like CMS, are fast enough on their own.

Oh right, if you do plan to use her, do note that as usual, you cant do shit while moving. Be wary.

Mauser C96 Mod

Mauser C96 Mod
Handgun ★★★★ Good with MGs at night

With the changes to flare skill she's actually usable with MGs at night. Flares work like PEQs now, which actually allows MGs to function at night. With MICA being the way they are, this could prove pretty helpful if they ever decided to release new content.

Rex Zero 1

Rex Zero 1
Handgun ★★★★ P22 but 4 star and with opposite side tiles.

Another of those HGs that buff based on leadership position, with the Squad Lead getting an alright shield and everyone else getting an FP boost (as opposed to P22 which is positional based). Sometimes you might need that mix. If you do, there you go. Else, she's basically a slightly off-brand P22.


Handgun ★★★★ Unreliable Jank

Not even a solution in search of a problem, she's a bunch of solutions to a bunch of problems implemented extremely badly. A victim of Mica's experimental phase, as one of those dolls that don't fucking work. Instead of an infinite duration toggle, she has actual skill durations and alternating effects, making it increasingly unlikely you'll get the effect you want in the time you want, since you need to wait for cool downs to use them.

To top it off, her %s aren't even very good and are even more garbo during the day. There are better options if you need 1 or the other, like Mk23 or TEC9.

Calico M950A

Calico M950A
Handgun ★★★★★ Recommended

Very good benefits for night battle albeit on a slightly odd shaped aura, but easily workable still. Paired with guns that need a lot of RoF boost like Lee-Enfield a lot. Also allows WA2k to max out her RoF immediately through just their 2 buffs + formation buff tiles. Though largely pointless for MGs, she enables one of the most stupidly high damage formations in the game, the M4 deathsquad. While not always relevant, a big jupiter cannon strapped onto a T-Doll can do good work.


She now has a mod, which can be viewed here

Beretta Px4 Storm

Beretta Px4 Storm
Handgun ★★★★★ Ridiculously Strong Buffer

A ridiculously overpowered handgun in the right hands. If you know what you're doing, she is absolutely bonkers. Led to a meme on older servers where "the practical number of RF teams you could field was equal to your sets of Px4 and Five-seveN."

Strictly speaking it isn't true, but it gives you an idea of how valued she is. What she does with her active skill (at lvl10) is reduce crit rate by 20%, but increase your crit damage multiplier by 50% for all dolls in her tiles. Considering that crit damage STARTS at 150%, and that its tile based, which means you can engage in tile fuckery (which makes these effects stack MULTIPLICATIVELY), and there you go. For RFs, with a +10 Gold Scope and 5-7, they maintain 100% crit rate through all this. For ARs, you need to worry about the math a bit more, but it is generally an overall increase unless your critscopes suck.

Works with TAC-50, which is part of why she was so hideously overpowered.

Colt Single Action Army Mod

Colt Single Action Army Mod
Handgun ★★★★★ You're pretty good! *fingergun*

"Yay, we can all clear singularity now!" Oh wait... :V Fucking Ceia, I swear...

Yeah, she's a little over-hyped, but she's actually a fairly solid unit. A stacking buff every few seconds? Not bad at all. This allows her to buff firepower, accuracy and rate of fire all at once. Her main issue is it takes a few seconds for her skills to REALLY kick in, but she's great for the longer fights that start creeping up here and there, and for things like backing up M4 in her railgun mode. Not super necessary compared to before now that we have lots of buffing HGs, but she's handy for things like ranking maps.

Another fun thing about this mod you might not know is that the passive 2nd skill automatically activates on a cooldown that you can't see, so rifle tile buffs (which speed up handgun cooldowns) make this activate faster.

Her Mod 3 equipment is kinda pointless for her role, though, so unless you like the art or have bad OCD, she's fine at Mod 2.

Walther P22

Walther P22
Handgun ★★★★★ Nobody actually likes her, but everyone wants her

One of the more maligned, design-wise, of the Infukun rangers. As a character, she's OK I guess. As a design, she's not as good as the rest of the stuff Infukun made before he left Mica (G11 is peak Infukun). As a unit... she's actually kinda crazy, with a buff for every occasion that makes her one of the best and most flexible T-dolls in the game. Shields for the front, Damage for the back, Acc and Eva for the middle row in case you need that. If you could only get one doll from Isomer from farming, farm this one. Seriously.

If she offends your senses that much, stick a paper bag on her head.

Borchardt C-93

Borchardt C-93
Handgun ★★★★★ Niche uses

Potentially really fun with 5HG formations. Actually quite good with Desert Eagle. Some people have used her with Parachute Fairy echelons because that also activates her debuff skill effect, but she's not exactly the go-to doll for a lot of formations. The fact she demands the 1 tile isn't helpful either.

Calico M950A Mod

Calico M950A Mod
Handgun ★★★★★★ Manages to somehow be even better than the original

One important thing with her mod is that she has a backwards facing tile now. This means fun times for Python fans, Nagant users, or users of any doll who prefers to be in the middle of the back row and could benefit from an attack speed buff, which happens a lot of the time. She also debuffs the enemy if the node you're fighting on is controlled by you, and buffs your attack and move speed if it isn't, but those are kind of icing on the cake for an already useful doll.

Oh, and the move speed buff is hilarious when combined with other move speed buffs, turning Hanyang Mod into a a rocket. This makes some boss fights hilariously easy as you give no fucks about their mechanics, and 60s is long enough for most battles.

You can probably leave her at Mod2, but her Mod3 equip is a suppressor equivalent with +20 evade at max. It's up to you whether that's worth it or not.

Jill Stingray

Jill Stingray
Handgun Special Mixing Drinks, Changing Metas

It's time to mix drinks and change formations. As a bartender, one might wonder exactly WHAT Jill can possibly do on a battlefield, and I'm sure she's asking the same thing.

Jill has a lot of firsts. She's the first unit in the game a player can use that doesn't shoot at all. She's the first one to have 8 different unique gears, and she's the first one to have a skill whose effects vary based on equipment. She's also the first one to have such an annoyingly complicated skill. The skill is everything. Her tile buffs are great, but they HAVE to be, because she doesn't contribute damage on her own. What her FP stat does is make her skill CD go down faster (except initial. Also caps at 30%, but this is INDEPENDENT of the reduction from rifle tilebuffs so yes, THOSE stack. Multiplicatively.). Unfortunately this means while she's good, how good she is depends almost entirely on how much you can use her ability to mix drinks, which btw, she can't do properly until lvl80.

Drinks are discussed in more detail in the detail page, because this is gonna be a long one.

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