Glasses optional
Name Class Rarity Useful? Notes


Handgun ★★★★★ Niche uses

The original Wonder Nine, she has... absolutely nothing in common with any of the other wonder nines in the game, instead opting to have a Tactical Throwing Ax which is more useful than her other gun. Basically, she's a bamboo spear unit in handgun form. Surprisingly good damage for such low base ATK if teamed with the right support squad. Seems niche, but she can actually 1-shot some bosses if setup properly.

PKP Pecheneg Light Machine Gun

PKP Pecheneg Light Machine Gun
Machine Gun ★★★★★ Good

High end MG with good damage potential. Chance to fire an extra shot with every shot, and that has extra damage and can crit (it's not an autocrit, but can crit, see notes). At lvl10, it's actually very steady. With her unique gear, DPS is still extremely high vs single targets. However now we have bullshit MGs like Kord and the like, and being able to murder multiple enemies per shot is the current hotness for mobclear.

TsKIB OTs-14 Groza

TsKIB OTs-14 Groza
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Good at night

The Night Empress. Unfortunately, she's been going the way of many a monarch with the lower class overthrowing her. She used to be the last word for night battle ARs, but with AS VAL's mod, she has fallen behind. Turns out, being able to use a crit scope at night is very good. That being said, +200% damage at night is still decent and if you can't afford the mod, she's a good replacement.

Also, while enemy armor stacks superhard now, it's actually fine if you have sufficient +FP on your ARs to punch through. If you don't though, this still wont save you.

Suomi KP-31

Suomi KP-31
Submachine Gun ★★★★★ Niche uses

A weird hybrid tank that... doesn't have a great base evade, but has a fairly powerful self-evade buff with very high uptime.

Her mod adds to that and adds more to her kit. Quite interesting, see her mod entry here

Heckler & Koch G36C

Heckler & Koch G36C
Submachine Gun ★★★★★ Good. Get her mod.

Younger sister of the Ultimate Maid, G36. Classed as an SMG for balance reasons, she's a fairly good tank with alright dodge, very high HP pool, and with an invul skill. A very good all-around tank with better buff tiles than Thompson. As far as general use shield tanks go (like say, dealing with dragoons later), she's actually pretty alright, but some future enemies will make Thompson's HP matter a bit more.

Get her mod. Please. It's broken. More info here


Submachine Gun ★★★★★ Good

AKA Shrimp

A strong direct damage SMG that badly needs an ACOG sight to boost her acc above the standard abysmal rating that SMGs normally get. She's basically an AR that can take the front row rather than an actual tank, since her idea of tanking is "If enemies are dead, I don't have to dodge right?" Very good for raw firepower type SMG/AR echelons, not so good if the fight(s) drag on and she takes damage.

If you have enough acc boost (which will need fairies, unless you're up against 0 evasion armoured enemies), you can use a critscope too, which makes her even dumber. Warning though that she relies VERY HEAVILY on gear, so be prepared to shell out for sweet sweet +10 Max Calib Bling Gear to truly make her shine. Also trips lolicon radars and may land you in jail.

I sincerely hope that everyone at this point has stopped trying to build echelons around her. Stop. It's ((current year)) just don't. Get help.

KRISS Vector

KRISS Vector
Submachine Gun ★★★★★ Strong early, less relevant later.

The flame witch that destroys all with atomic molotovs. Between a 7x damage explosion and 15x more over 5s as a DoT, she's an acceptable tank but does best as an off-tank and dealing damage. Ideal for clearing scouts and other high-dodge targets in night battles, or eradicating swarms. Pump up her raw damage stat and watch the fun. Not great for direct fire, but the molotov is that strong when leveled.

Unfortunately, later in the game, molotovs fall off pretty hard outside of farming setups. Still pretty worth it if you need a molotov and don't want to pay for Micro Uzi's mod.

Makarov Pistol

Makarov Pistol
Handgun ★★★ Good

Welrodski! ...By which I mean she's basically Welrod but 3 star, with lower numbers and an aura that wants her in the middle (or front works too). Usable if you lack Welrod and honestly not actually bad, but HG builds are cheap and she's pretty common so she might get annoying to get eventually. Also her -acc skill stacks with Welrod, and can be combined with a +evade skill for silliness.

Her mod has other uses and is quite interesting, see her mod entry here

QBZ Type 97

QBZ Type 97
Assault Rifle ★★★★★ Not really used anymore

Civilian version of a gun even the Chinese Army realized was a bad idea. Used to have a niche use for battles that needed fast skills due to her low initial cooldown, excellent uptime, and unique equip, putting her in a good spot as a second-string AR. Unfortunately, there are now lots of good ARs, and the existence of chips has improved a lot of other ARs while she got left behind.

Calico M950A

Calico M950A
Handgun ★★★★★ Recommended

Very good benefits for night battle albeit on a slightly odd shaped aura, but easily workable still. Paired with guns that need a lot of RoF boost like Lee-Enfield a lot. Also allows WA2k to max out her RoF immediately through just their 2 buffs + formation buff tiles. Though largely pointless for MGs, she enables one of the most stupidly high damage formations in the game, the M4 deathsquad. While not always relevant, a big jupiter cannon strapped onto a T-Doll can do good work.


She now has a mod, which can be viewed here

Welrod MkII

Welrod MkII
Handgun ★★★★★ Recommended

MANNERS MAKETH MAN. Very good aura for DPS, and very widely used. As a bonus, she has a very good skill for tanking, and can actually be used as a tank for bamboo spear formations or helping other tanks. She has 40% base crit unlike other handguns (a trait shared with other single-shot pistols like Contender and Thunder .50.) so a suppressor is actually pretty beneficial on her, not that you have other much choice in the matter. But yes, you will be finding use for her. Note that her -acc skill does stack MULTIPLICATIVELY with other acc debuffers.

Her mod keeps her relevant well into higher difficulty content. See info on that here

FN Herstal Five-seveN

FN Herstal Five-seveN
Handgun ★★★★★ Recommended

Decent Aura shape with very good benefits. 30% RoF/20% Crit is nothing to sneeze at, and even more from her skill. Used heavily in teams that benefit from RoF/Crit boosts (mostly general use Rifles). Be thankful EN got her with little effort. Also has a 97 dodge, if you need something to temporarily take the front. Also, the source of a lot of Korean memes because she was a total pain to get. Also wears a ferret costume sometimes.

Also somehow still relevant in ((current year))

Heckler & Koch UMP9

Heckler & Koch UMP9
Submachine Gun ★★★★ Good early

Thot Twin #2

Almost as good as her sister. More dodge, slightly less hp, and a flashbang instead of a smoke grenade. Largely interchangeable with UMP45 for most things, but bosses aren't stunned by flashbangs. Slightly worse aura.

Her mod can be found here

Heckler & Koch P7

Heckler & Koch P7
Handgun ★★★★ Usable

Catgirl nuns should be met with fire. Honestly has some use but.. you are likely better off with someone else, due to her aura shape forcing you to push her to the side to give your tanks evade and kind of unflattering aura in general compared to other 4*s. Probably better as cores but she does have her uses. For example, combined with Welrod and Makarov, the +evade/-acc combo does funny things to enemy hitrates (though its impossible to reduce hitchance to zero). Niche, but you may find some use for such things.

Avtomaticheskiy Pistolet Stechkina

Avtomaticheskiy Pistolet Stechkina
Handgun ★★★★ Usable buff

Or Stechkin for short. Good RoF buff. Actually combos nicely with other RoF buffs if you need more since her aura shape isn't as weird as Calico's. Works well with IWS. Try to grab her unique equip, it helps.

Has a mod that makes her slightly better.

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