Name | Class | Rarity | Useful? | Notes |
CZ100 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | Unreliable Jank | Not even a solution in search of a problem, she's a bunch of solutions to a bunch of problems implemented extremely badly. A victim of Mica's experimental phase, as one of those dolls that don't fucking work. Instead of an infinite duration toggle, she has actual skill durations and alternating effects, making it increasingly unlikely you'll get the effect you want in the time you want, since you need to wait for cool downs to use them. To top it off, her %s aren't even very good and are even more garbo during the day. There are better options if you need 1 or the other, like Mk23 or TEC9. |
Rex Zero 1 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | P22 but 4 star and with opposite side tiles. | Another of those HGs that buff based on leadership position, with the Squad Lead getting an alright shield and everyone else getting an FP boost (as opposed to P22 which is positional based). Sometimes you might need that mix. If you do, there you go. Else, she's basically a slightly off-brand P22. |
Wkp ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★ | Another solution in search of a problem | She can reduce enemy eva at night, which helps for some specific weird shit, but it isn't likely to come up. |
QSB-91 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★ | A knife you tried to bring to a gun fight | The damage from her skill isn't horrible, but let's be frank, 99% of you won't have reason to use her, and she's more of a meme than a real combatant. |
HP-35 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | John Browning's greatest creation. Good with the right synergies. Also KSVK mod's spotter. | After the Lord Browning made the 1911, he decided he could do better still. This is that better pistol. Suck it, fudds. She has good performance at night, making enemies take more damage as long as they're debuffed (has good synergies with units that debuff) and she herself will inflict debuffs on enemies. She works nicely with KSVK mod, due to how KSVK mod's target priority works. Even if you don't have her active going, her passive keeps at least some damage up at all times as long as you can keep debuffs up. |
Webley Revolver ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | Good Utility HG | At some point, G&K started running out of real guns and broke out more of the early 20th century guns. Surprisingly, the dolls with them are actually not godawful. If she's the leader, she gives a general buff, but whatever, most HGs do that. What makes her interesting is that if she's NOT the squad lead, she buffs the hell out of them, thus making her useful in any formation where you want to pack as much as possible into one doll's ability. Lookin' at you, M4, IWS. (And a few others) |
Avtomaticheskiy Pistolet Stechkina Mod ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | Slight improvement, but not an especially large one | Stechkin's base version already got a pass for being usable. Her mod gives a slight increase in her capabilities buff-wise. Her passive basically tries to turn her into a sorta-DPS to go with her buffs to allies, but TBH you'd be fine leaving it at the slight increase in power Mod 1 gives. |
Desert Eagle ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | The Most Powerful Anmiface | She's an Anmiface, which some people are conflicted over. Unlike the other Anmifaces, she didn't get disowned by her mom (unlike a certain Goat). Stat-wise, remember how much I gushed about Python? She's the more selfish version, with a skill that would have really been nice the stage AFTER you get her. There's not much to say besides "there's a reason there were so many videos of her beating shit up in 5 HG groups." She makes things with shields cry. She does all sorts of shenanigans that ups her rate of fire and also makes anything with HP type shields cry (she can actually utterly CRUSH bosses like Ares with 5HG formations because of this) and can get an effective 531% DPS increase if her skill is going full tilt on 1 target (like a boss), putting her DPS well over most T-dolls. Like all HGs, she does require you to have some idea of what you're doing, but the reward is basically a hand cannon that Agent Smith would be proud to use. |
Borchardt C-93 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | Niche uses | Potentially really fun with 5HG formations. Actually quite good with Desert Eagle. Some people have used her with Parachute Fairy echelons because that also activates her debuff skill effect, but she's not exactly the go-to doll for a lot of formations. The fact she demands the 1 tile isn't helpful either. |
Walther P22 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | Nobody actually likes her, but everyone wants her | One of the more maligned, design-wise, of the Infukun rangers. As a character, she's OK I guess. As a design, she's not as good as the rest of the stuff Infukun made before he left Mica (G11 is peak Infukun). As a unit... she's actually kinda crazy, with a buff for every occasion that makes her one of the best and most flexible T-dolls in the game. Shields for the front, Damage for the back, Acc and Eva for the middle row in case you need that. If you could only get one doll from Isomer from farming, farm this one. Seriously. If she offends your senses that much, stick a paper bag on her head. |
MP446 Mod ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | Another funny buffing handgun | Passively, she's Mk23 with better tiles. Regarding her active abilities, she isn't as nice as Mk23's straight damage upgrade for some, but better for others (such as fights with Grape that require her to shoot faster). They're similar but not interchangeable so you'll need to use the space between your ears. Also she's kind of boring and has no easy jokes besides the Viking name, which doesn't suit her at all, so blah. |
M1895 Nagant Revolver Mod ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | Those who disagree with her get shot. (Funny specialist, but good) | Babushka says not one step backward. Every seventh shot, she gives a damage bonus! Also, the thing starts active, making her one of very few buffers with a start-of-battle skill activation. Her first skill is still defensive in nature, and the percentages got bigger. She's actually useful in a number of situations, either for reducing enemy firepower in specific fights (usually Gundam or tank related) or just the straight DPS boost from the get-go. You only really need her up to Mod 2, but the Mod 3 art is cute. Her pre mod form is here |
Colt Single Action Army Mod ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★★ | You're pretty good! *fingergun* | "Yay, we can all clear singularity now!" Oh wait... :V Fucking Ceia, I swear... Yeah, she's a little over-hyped, but she's actually a fairly solid unit. A stacking buff every few seconds? Not bad at all. This allows her to buff firepower, accuracy and rate of fire all at once. Her main issue is it takes a few seconds for her skills to REALLY kick in, but she's great for the longer fights that start creeping up here and there, and for things like backing up M4 in her railgun mode. Not super necessary compared to before now that we have lots of buffing HGs, but she's handy for things like ranking maps. Another fun thing about this mod you might not know is that the passive 2nd skill automatically activates on a cooldown that you can't see, so rifle tile buffs (which speed up handgun cooldowns) make this activate faster. Her Mod 3 equipment is kinda pointless for her role, though, so unless you like the art or have bad OCD, she's fine at Mod 2. |
El Fail ![]() |
Handgun | Special | It's ok | Like an anti-Clear. Instead of buffing allies, she debuffs enemies. She strums five times, each time applying a three-second rate of fire and accuracy debuff to three enemies, meaning a set of five strums can debuff up to 15 enemies. The debuff prioritizes enemies with the highest HP that have not yet gotten a debuff. Once all enemies have been debuffed, she starts over again, debuffing the highest HP enemy that hasn't been debuffed on the current cycle of the enemy list until all strums are used, and they can be stacked on any given enemy up to twice. The debuffs are alright, but Clear is usually better. Still, she can help your tank survive if for some reason you require more tankiness over more dakka. Due to the short duration of the debuff, she tends to work better on bosses. Also take note that like Clear, if she's supposed to be playing when she has to move, SHE DOESN'T PLAY FOR THAT MOMENT. So, for best results, make sure she can sit still and play. Fortunately moving doesn't cancel the performance entirely, and just suspends it. This does make Jaguars and enemy mortars annoying as fuck though. Also Dmesse's waifu, buy her skin. (This is not a message paid by Dmesse to spread smug Waterkuma doll greatness) |
Heckler & Koch P30 ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★★ | The perfect answer to a question noone asked | A doll that suffered from looking really cool in the previews up until people saw her face and went "wtf is this." Her skill is unique, and answers a question nobody asked. While not completely useless, there's nowhere really where it's actually required. The RoF boost is.... kind of paltry and borderline useless, so all she has going for her is the movespeed boost. If you really REALLY hate dealing with dreamer and otherwise suck at micro, this might come in handy. Other fights like typhons however, are more reliant on observation and dealing with the early onrush of mobs, since HGs like Python and Contender, or SMGs like CMS, are fast enough on their own. Oh right, if you do plan to use her, do note that as usual, you cant do shit while moving. Be wary. |