Name | Class | Rarity ↓ | Useful? | Notes |
Heckler & Koch HK45 |
Handgun | ★★★ | Niche uses | Her damage buff is respectable for a 3* handgun, her tile layout… not so much. The X layout will typically make her excel in a 2SG2MG1HG setup. That setup is very niche and won't come up often. Outside of that, her buff tiles force her into a forward position as main or off tank. She's absolutely not suited for this with her poor HP and evade, and her buffs aren't good enough to really justify it mostly. If youre running and RF HG, you want Calico there usually. |
Type81R Carbine |
Rifle | ★★★ | Trophy Raifu | A 3* G43, except DPS is abysmal during the day and she's not actually better than G43 at night. And is 3 star. ...And unlike 1919 and MGs, you dont have THAT big a shortage of rifles you can use early on. |
Colt Sub-Compact Weapon (SCW) |
Submachine Gun | ★★★ | Trophy Raifu | The absolute trophy raifu, because getting her is absolute ass, being more annoying than any other chapter exclusive. She is literally the only doll whose farm is so bad I will actually recommend autobattling rather than doing her map over and over. It's THAT bad for what you get and she isn't even worth it except for the 100% completionism. Her tilebuffs are not great (6% Firepower, 10% RoF directly behind her), and her dodge buff is extremely blah for a 5/8. Her self-damage buff is not the worst while having surprisingly high Firepower for a 3 star SMG, but nowhere near as effective as SR3 or later, similar SMGs. Overall, a trophy raifu that you might be able to press into service if desperate enough, but I really wouldn't count on it. |
Sumitomo Type 62 GPMG |
Machine Gun | ★★★ | Trophy Raifu | Aka 62 Shiki if you're a fucking weeb. Awful stats, worse skill, and her tiles are nothing impressive either – their shape is good, but a measly 8% armour buff isn't worth bothering with. |
Lithgow F1 Submachine Gun |
Submachine Gun | ★★★ | Trophy Raifu | She has a stupidly big HP pool, but otherwise her stats are more 2½ star than 3 star. Combine that with a decidedly average smoke grenade and terrible tiles, and you end up with a doll more bland than Foster's. Can be made work if you really want to (give her plenty of evasive buffs), but you're almost guaranteed to be better off with UMP45 if you want smokes. |
Steyr TMP |
Submachine Gun | ★★★ | Trophy Raifu | YANDERE DA NYAAAAA …For once, an Austrian gun that's not hilariously OP. Instead, she's a 3* IDW with lower evasion and tiles that want her in the off-tank position for which she's useless in. Even worse, she's a crazy yandere and thus a trash tier waifu. Given that evasion tanks are niche to begin with, and RO is free, not worth bothering with. |
Deutsche Waffen- und Munitionsfabriken AG Parabellumpistole 08 |
Handgun | ★★★ | Core fodder | Aka P08, the Luger, the... it has a lot of names. Also 1 of the world's most collectible pistols. One of the earliest automatic pistols ever adopted by anyone, and a whole bunch of other honours. It was however, not exactly a great battlefield weapon (in fairness, pistols in general were not), and the doll is... mostly that. Has FP and Acc tiles. Not as good as the Chinese Mak Clone or SPP1 for those. Unlike those, has a +eva skill instead of a +fp/acc/somethingoffensive skill. Unfortunately this makes her less consistent than defensive pistols like Nagant, but it has the odd meme use. It is definitely not a practical standard use gun though, and more something you pull out because you for some reason need its weird mix of features (not likely, but it might happen) or are somehow very desperate (much more likely). If you need a night pistol on the cheap though, you're probably better off with... Nagant, Bren Ten, or 1911. |
Serdyukov SPS |
Handgun | ★★★ | Usable | 3* equivalent of Colt SAA. Useful if you're short on REAL AMERICAN GUNS, but given that SAA is easier to get, probably more a trophy raifu. |
GSh-18 |
Handgun | ★★★ | Interesting. DPS Handgun. Fun at Night. | The first DPS handgun that actually produces well.. actual dps. Also might have possibly gotten lost from Kancolle. Her skill gives her doubleshot and 100% crit rate while active, which is surprisingly strong on a handgun. Dont knock it. Great as the damage dealer for 5HG teams, or a variety of misc. uses since she actually has alright tiles too. While she's not super impressive during the day (especially compared to good ARs), she shines at night due to being able to pack 100% crit rate while equipped with a PEQ. Her main disadvantage is what a pain in the ass she is to get, since you need the first 5 volumes of the Comic in the Cafe. Her special costume requires the other 5. This is a heap of batteries. She's pretty decent though, so it's not exactly a waste to do it. She also has a mod, and the review for that can be found here. |
Beretta M12 |
Submachine Gun | ★★★ | I guess if you have nothing better | Lower Evade and Higher HP (funnily, the same HP as Beretta 38) than Skorpion or Z62. Italian MGs seem to have a habit of that for some reason. Has more firepower than Skorpion but less than Z62. Tiles are not the worst, but not great either. The most interesting bit about her is the hilarious controversy when her damage art first came out and was quickly pulled and retouched within about 3 minutes, rather than actual performance. Would not recommend as a first choice, but if you're scraping the barrel for Molotov chuckers for some reason. |
Gepard M1 |
Rifle | ★★★ | Wall decoration | A self-depreciating doll that has severe confidence issues, which is suitable enough because IRL, it was so shit it was canned in favour of the less craptastic M2 revision. Ingame, it's no better. With big bamboos you go big or you go home, and with the M1, you go home. Too weak stats, too weak multiplier, you're better off bringing Springfield and Mosin to resolve the battle in half as much time. If you're really in the market for a bamboo at all, which isn't terribly often. That said she is 1 of very few login dolls to get really nice skins and so far all of her skins have actual stories attached. |
Karabinek wz. 1929 |
Rifle | ★★★ | Trophy Waifu | Aka wz.29. Supposed to be an RoF version of M14, but her low stats really hamper this. M14 at least solves her low FP issue with buffing it, but this doesn't work as well. Arguably less useful than G43. |
Sig Sauer P226 |
Handgun | ★★★ | Basically a Worse Spitfire | The doll is basically Spitfire with slightly different buff tile layout/focus (less FP, more Acc). Frankly, she's really boring statwise and enemy RoF reduction is usually worse than FP reduction (which is good for armor/shield tanking) or acc reduction (Which is good for Eva tanking) and the Spitfire entry has the rest of my thoughts on that. She thinks of herself as an elite doll, due to the P226's previous adoption by the US Navy SEALs (hence the Seal she has with her) and has a bit of a rivalry with M9, claiming she should absolutely be the more popular one. More info on the notes. |
T65 Assault Rifle |
Assault Rifle | ★★★ | Budget Option | Okay so maybe China doesn't ABSOLUTELY hate Taiwan? Or else this gun wouldn't have stats literally on par with (or in many cases better than) actual 5 star ARs. She actually outdamages T91 during the day flat out. At night she's a super budget option that won't match 9A91 or any of the better ones, but at least she's cheap. She does however suffer from being a login doll, but she becomes permanently farmable later. Tile buffs are surprisingly alright for a free login doll. Really a budget option, but at least one that isn't awful. Gao. |
Type-56 Carbine (SKS) |
Rifle | ★★★ | Currently garbage, way better in future | The Chinese copy of the SKS. Generic 3 star FP rifle that has nothing notable about her besides her somewhat lewd damaged art, and even that's not really much compared to some of the others. She's as boring as she looks, basically. In a vacuum, she isn't the worst rifle in the game (that "honour" currently belongs to PzB and JS05). But she has less RoF than M14, less Firepower than M14, is harder to acquire than M14, and doesn't have a mod like M14. ...So really, the fact M14 exists basically completely invalidates her existence. MURRICA. Well, that is for now. Once her mod comes out, there will be reckoning |
Ar Bamboo
Big Bamboo
Broken As Shit
Buff Acc
Buff Armour
Buff Crit
Buff Dr
Buff Eva
Buff Fp
Buff Fucking Everything
Buff Movement Speed
Buff Rof
Buffs Anti Rain Mod
Bullshit Hax Bamboo
Damage Amplification
Damage Reduction
Debuff Acc
Debuff Armour
Debuff Dmg
Debuff Eva
Debuff Fp
Debuff Movespeed
Debuff Rof
Double Edged Sword
Hand Grenade
Has A Passive
Hg Bamboo
Hp Damage
Hp Shield
Hunting Impulse
Increase Rounds
Infinite Ammo
Perfect Accuracy
Self Debuff Acc
Self Debuff Eva
Self Debuff Fp
Self Debuff Msd
Self Debuff Rof
Selfbuff Acc
Selfbuff Armour
Selfbuff Crit
Selfbuff Crit Damage
Selfbuff Damage
Selfbuff Eva
Selfbuff Fp
Selfbuff Fucking Everything
Selfbuff Movement Speed
Selfbuff Rof
Small Bamboo
Stun Grenade
Stun Not A Grenade
Terminating Barrage