Neural Upgrading T-Dolls
Author: Kazuki
With the Neural Upgrade system announced in EN, it's time to stop calling anything related to modding T-Dolls mod 3ing them. Cause I don't want to be answering the question if it's a separate system. It's the same thing, mod 1 and 2 gotta happen before mod 3.
Getting Started Notes
Author: duskaco
Why we ask you to do what you do.
List of Tracks Used in the VA11-HALL-A collab
Author: Katyusha
What it says
Why Combat Effectiveness Isn't
Author: Chiaki Matsuda
CE is calculated as weighted sum of various doll stats according to a formula nobody bothered to reverse engineer, because it sucks.
Collaboration: VA-11 Hall-A
Author: Kazuki
The best collab, Va-11 Hall-A. Here we get a good taste of how progression in events is like in older servers. The map selection is laid out in a tree-like pattern where you need to use a currency to unlock the next map.
Thankfully, this currency is gotten by mixing drinks in the cafe for clients. So after each mission on normal, you'll go back to the cafe to get to the more va11halla side of the collab. You'll have to listen to the stories of some of the characters featured, then serve them a drink that they request. After the story section, you'll be able to unlock the next map in the event.
Dorms, Costumes and Resupply Gachas
Author: Chiaki Matsuda
You thought GFL was a user friendly game with generous gacha? No more.
Is the beach BG permanent
Author: Katyusha
Because people wont stop asking
Chapter 7 Night
Author: Kazuki
You know what's really fun? Scouts at night. That's this chapter, its worse than Chapter 6. It's not entirely that, but hey, that's what makes me hate this the most. Bonus points for also including Dreamer in this mess. That's also a great time. So I hope you've readied some Molotovs and a little bit of micro for this.
Operation Cube 2-4
Author: Kazuki
Hey. Hey kid. You one of those en players that's been playing since near the beginning? Remember 1-4 of original cube? Yeah. That one, the one you used an external tool to help find Ouroboros. It's back, and this time you don't have a cool tool saying where she is. Now you gotta use your big ol brain for this. Good thing for us, I have an MVP korean friend that translated how to figure out where she is based off of what nodes are taken.
Operation Cube 2-3
Author: Kazuki
Did you enjoy 3-1 and 3-2 of Arctic Warfare? No? Sucks. We're doing it again. Hide and go seek featuring Architect and enough Jupiter Cannons to make me want to die. Did I mention the map is fucking massive? Cause it is.