Name | Class | Rarity | Useful? | Notes |
CZ Scorpion EVO 3 ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★ | Trophy Raifu | She's not really much better than Sten. Only you don't get 3 of her to start with. While she's not really worse, getting only 1 copy + getting her way later than you'd find it useful work against her. Think of it as the difference between getting a slightly better car or a car that is not noticeably worse but you get free insurance with it. Both will be replaced shortly either way unless you really, REALLY, want to play 3 star frontline. |
Carl Gustav Kulsprutepistol m/45 ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★ | Enhancement fodder | AKA Swedish K, aka m45 aka the REAL bakery girl, aka CINNAMON ROLLS AGAIN!? 2 star smoke grenadier. If, for some reason, you're doing a 2 star challenge she's cheap and the smoke helps (and she badly needs it because her stats otherwise are pretty low). Otherwise you really, REALLY should be working on getting UMP45 or something instead. |
Type 64 ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★ | Enhancement fodder | Honestly, a generic 2 star SMG with meh stats. Her mod3 makes her better. Her base form is... I guess if you need a 2 star flash bang? Her buff tile is meh. Her mod entry can be found here |
JS05 ![]() |
Rifle | ★★★★★ | Trophy Raifu | She was part of the group of 5 stars, where they tried out new things to see if they would work. Unfortunately, the wonkiness of how she worked and not playing into how battles played out, AT ALL made her shittier than even the mediocre 3 star RFs. RIP wasted design. With the revision, it's even worse now. You can literally improve her DPS by turning her skill off, due to the aim time taking longer than normal RoF while still dealing only 1x damage. ...And it still generally doesnt get to punch through stuff. Somehow, after all this time, she's still in the dumpster. At least Kar98k got some love? |
Type59 Handgun ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★ | Niche uses | Chinese Makarov clone. Similar job to SPP-1, but less boosting your side's acc and more on lowering the enemy's evade. With fairies now existing she's kinda useless. |
Izhevsk MP-446 Viking ![]() |
Handgun | ★★ | Usable | Honestly would be fodder but she has a decent enough tileset if you're lacking in HGs with FP boost. Gets considerably better in her mod form, which improves her tiles immensely. |
Neostead NS2000 ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★ | Usable | Usable I guess? Really, one of the lower end shotguns, but she can still tank. Just not a first choice when you now have actual choice in shotgun variety. Doesn't do anything badly, but doesn't really excel either. Does have decent offtank tiles though, if you want to run 2SG. |
Daewoo USAS-12 ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★ | Usable | Unlike the other shotguns, she's focused on firepower instead, with her skill basically making her go DAKKADAKKADAKKA. You would want an Acc scope on her so she can actually hit anything. Sometimes used in 1SG/1HG/3MG formations to provide MAXIMUM FIREPOWER. Tiles are a little eh for that though. Armour is average. |
FABARM SAT-8 ![]() |
Shotgun | ★★★★★ | Usable | She's still usable and good enough to deal with older content just fine, but the new shotguns currently available just blow her out of the water so hard. Sad day to be a pizzalion. That skill happens to be giving your entire front row a 35HP shield, that takes armour into account first. It also has 5/8 uptime. Basically, if your SGs took scratch damage before? They should take literally nil now, unless its a really major fight or you were silly enough to go fight anti-armour enemies. |
CZ-805 ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★ | Trophy Raifu | A worse FAMAS, and a good argument for why collecting trophy rifles isn't worth the effort. |
Dornaus & Dixon Bren Ten ![]() |
Handgun | ★★ | Enhancement fodder | Yet another CZ75 clone. Mostly just fodder, but she has a +firepower buff skill that isn't super horrible and a +firepower buff-tile that make her usable in an emergency where you somehow need firepower buffers but lack any. %s are passable but not great. |
Heckler & Koch USP Compact ![]() |
Handgun | ★★ | Enhancement fodder | A 2 star RoF buffer, but nowhere as good as PPK. Her skill is a version of flare that works in daylight, effectively making the flare guns even MORE useless than they already were. |
PSM ![]() |
Handgun | ★★★ | Trophy Raifu | ....She has tank stats on a handgun with buff tiles that want her in the back. I'm not entirely sure why anyone thought this was a good idea. |
Colt RO635 ![]() |
Submachine Gun | ★★★★★ | Recommended | A high class SMG that you get for free (and even better, starts at lvl90 with 5 links when you get her now) providing well balanced stats, and a very powerful tanking skill. -Enemy ATK power (nevermind her own +evade!) that goes off in the first 3 seconds, makes tanking the initial contact much easier, and is usable even from an off-tank position. Can easily be a main or off-tank, while she combos well with UMP45 defensively, lol in current year you don't even need UMP45 anymore (isn't it sad?). Her main weakness is she has very bad uptime (5/12) compared to some other SMGs, but the quick startup and utility (and the fact most fights are short anyway) make up for it. Did I mention you get her at lvl90 and 5x linked? That's REALLY helpful if you're starting out. And did I mention she has an insanely broken mod? DEFINITELY pick her up. |
Taurus ART556 ![]() |
Assault Rifle | ★★★★★ | Usable | Similar to G41 in performance (actually slightly worse, but not significantly) and the artist just drawing their weird fetishes that land you in jail. She's basically a 5 star equivalent of Tavor sharing the primary weakness of taking 6s to startup instead of 4. The skill is good while active, but YMMV. Honestly, the issue with any AR outside of the big mod ones, is that they just get gapped so hard unless they have a niche. ART556 does not. So you could use her, Extra notes available. |
Ar Bamboo
Big Bamboo
Broken As Shit
Buff Acc
Buff Armour
Buff Crit
Buff Dr
Buff Eva
Buff Fp
Buff Fucking Everything
Buff Movement Speed
Buff Rof
Buffs Anti Rain Mod
Bullshit Hax Bamboo
Damage Amplification
Damage Reduction
Debuff Acc
Debuff Armour
Debuff Dmg
Debuff Eva
Debuff Fp
Debuff Movespeed
Debuff Rof
Double Edged Sword
Hand Grenade
Has A Passive
Hg Bamboo
Hp Damage
Hp Shield
Hunting Impulse
Increase Rounds
Infinite Ammo
Perfect Accuracy
Self Debuff Acc
Self Debuff Eva
Self Debuff Fp
Self Debuff Msd
Self Debuff Rof
Selfbuff Acc
Selfbuff Armour
Selfbuff Crit
Selfbuff Crit Damage
Selfbuff Damage
Selfbuff Eva
Selfbuff Fp
Selfbuff Fucking Everything
Selfbuff Movement Speed
Selfbuff Rof
Small Bamboo
Stun Grenade
Stun Not A Grenade
Terminating Barrage